Sentences with phrase «dogs are afraid»

The truth behind thunder phobias is: no one really knows why dogs are afraid of thunderstorms.
Often, I find small dogs are afraid to be picked up and will run away from the owner.
Some dogs are afraid of the crate, some find confinement frustrating and stressful, and some just don't want to be left alone anytime, anyplace... including the crate.
While some dogs are fine with children, other dogs are afraid of little hands and running feet.
Most dogs are afraid of flames, however, if your dog is extra inquisitive or moves fast, he or she could be burned or knock over a candle with their tail, creating a fire hazard.
Did you ever wonder why some dogs are afraid of children or people in hats?
Trauma: Dogs are afraid of loud, booming noises.
DIY dog grooming is also a great option for owners whose dogs are afraid of noisy clippers or less trusting around strangers.
Quiet motor: Most dogs are afraid of the loud sounds that some dog clippers make.
Many dogs are afraid of the vet's examination table.
The reasons why dogs are afraid of thunderstorms have not been accurately determined yet.
This can get a little touchy, though, as some dogs are afraid of being sprayed with a hose.
Try it for thunderstorms or fireworks when dogs are afraid
Some dogs are afraid of noises like thunderstorms or sirens.
Many dogs are afraid when they come to the veterinary office and may show this fear as submissive urination, panting, drooling, avoidance, growling, snapping or biting.
My dogs are afraid to take a walk.
Some dogs are afraid of loud noises (see our handout: «Helping Your Dog Overcome the Fear of Thunder and Other Startling Noises»).
Some dogs are afraid of the noisy sound at first - if that's the case with your dog, follow the directions below for acclimating your dog to the clippers, only using the grinder instead.
Unfortunately, as discussed, many dogs are afraid of other components of a storm that are difficult to recreate.
Lots of dogs are afraid of storms.
Some dogs are afraid of loud noises.
Fearful Dog: Some dogs are afraid of people they don't know.
All I read is that dogs are afraid of everything.
When dogs are afraid of other dogs and people, they will bark and lunge when these scary things become visible.
Some dogs are afraid to go outside, so they eliminate indoors.
We often think of dogs jumping around excitedly when they hear that phrase, but some dogs are afraid of riding in cars or trucks.
Not every dog likes the water, and some dogs are afraid of it.
It's a physiological reaction that happens when dogs are afraid.
Many dogs are afraid of loud or sudden noises.
If your dog is afraid of the noise, start with the engine off.
But if your dog is afraid of thunderstorms, or has some other chronic, low grade problem, herbs can absolutely be helpful in that situation.
Sound sensitivities, where the dog is afraid of sudden loud noises.
When a dog is afraid, it might also react with biting and threatening gestures towards a perceived or actual threat, but there is not necessarily a social offense.
Neither dog is afraid, but they will compete for the female, and fight it out.
Your dog is afraid, your dog is unsure and needs reinforcement and help to get over all of his fears.
Think about a time when your dog was afraid.
Another cause of excessive barking is as a response to something that your dog is afraid of.
If your dog is afraid of intermittent loud noises, like trucks backfiring or thunder, provide a place to hide and help your dog stay safe without hurting himself during a storm.
When a puppy or a dog is afraid, humans too, for that matter, they move into flight or fight mode.
All four dogs were afraid of human touch and would pancake flat to the ground or stiffen when a human picked them up.
If your dog is afraid of fireworks, the desensitization process should start at least a month before the 4th of July.
My Dog Is Afraid Of The Back Seat Of My Car 85.)
28) Do not allow your Yorkie to be stepped on, to fall off of high objects or be bothered by larger animals, this can all lead to injury and your dog being afraid and stressed.
Here are some things you should know if your dog is afraid of strangers.
Whether your dog is afraid of other pets, cars, noises or crowds, repeated efforts will help him unlearn phobias and replace the negative behaviors with positive ones.
Can you tell if a dog is afraid?
If your dog is afraid and won't let you (or our groomers sometimes) then you should really work on this at home to slowly build their trust and get them used to it.
If a dog is afraid of children, holding him while one approaches and pets him can be a terrifying experience.
If you are mistreating any dog, then yes, you will make them into a dog you are afraid of.
For instance, if the dog is afraid of thunder, try tape recording your next thunderstorm and play it back slowly when the dog is relaxed.
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