Sentences with phrase «dogs barking»

Our office is filled with dogs barking and burping, wrassling and chirping.
Also, some pet behaviors that are perfectly normal for that animal's species can be disturbing to humans, like house soiling, cats scratching furniture or dogs barking excessively.
We have had dogs barking when those neighbors decide to target shoot 60 feet from the end of our driveway with high powered deer rifles.
People comment on how well behaved he is, on how tolerant he is of other dogs barking at him.
She is a dog who is very easy to handle, even when walking through the shelter with dogs barking at her.
Many councils have detailed assistance programs to help you minimise your dogs barking.
In July 2015, we received a call about several dogs barking, whimpering, and one possibly not moving, without shade or water on a hot patio at an apartment complex.
Use background or «white noise» to block out sounds that cause the dog to bark such as other dogs barking in the distance
Dogs tend to pin up a lot of energy and just hear other dogs barking.
«We get calls about dogs barking or crying, and that's typically a signal that something else is going on,» says SDHS Chief Stephen Mac - Kinnon.
«Yeah...» thinks Sissy, «in a minute, Bubba, as if I understand what you're saying with 92 dogs barking, gates slamming, kids squealing, and by the way, no hablo inglés!»
If I publish a tome advising that dogs barking causes cancer, because my dog barks a lot at the mailman and he got cancer, then the test would be to check for other examples of that causal effect.
Hard to tell with the multiple dogs barking hoarsely and frantically in the background.
On a normal night, the noises of Kibera drift easily through these walls: reggae music, women selling vegetables by candlelight, drunken men shouting insults, dogs barking, a couple making love in their nearby shack.
I could hear dogs barking, far away, when I closed my eyes.
The only sounds are those of distant construction — work continues on higher levees here and all over town — and chained - up dogs barking.
From birth, a baby will quickly recognise the pitch of its mother's voice and we soon become immune to, and oblivious of, the daily rhythm and sound in our lives - birdsong, dogs barking, ringtones, car horns, police sirens, aeroplanes, trains, alarms, drills - the list is endless.
Eg... 2 kids next door with granny, icey mum, rabid dogs barking all night, no working memory next day.
The other is composer Erik Friedlander, a cellist who manipulates his instrument to achieve various atonal effects — boinks and sproings, or else noises that sound like cats screeching and dogs barking — which act in disconcerting counterpoint to the relatively refined visuals.
They are the sounds of the domestic landscape: the multi-layered conversations among family members, the noise of electronic toys, and the distant but familiar sounds of dogs barking and garbage cans rolling in the street.
You'll hear some lighthearted music that includes dogs barking, a noticeable excerpt from Ennio Morricone, and some of his own music from Patton.
We live right by the Mississippi River and there's something beautiful about hearing birds chirping, dogs barking, and the smell of a grill on a sunny day.
Do you hear your breath, birds, wind, cars, dogs barking, loud music, the instructor, water rushing by as you swim?
«It could be passively produced — like snoring — or produced during a dream - like state — like humans talking or dogs barking in their sleep,» she says.
Dogs, the scientists conclude from this first study of pet dogs barking in their natural environment (their owners» homes), do indeed pay attention to and glean detailed information from their fellows» barks.
It started with dogs barking and people chatting as they traipsed through the forest slashing at foliage, and continued with the sounds of machete strikes and a falling tree, complete with the rustle and shake of leaves and the great crash of it hitting the ground.
That's why there are so many reports of dogs barking immediately before a quake.
One is a peaceful, reasonable type who is happy to live in peace and does not bother you, except for the usual little gripes about dogs barking and rubbish blowing about.
It helps to block out the sounds from dogs barking, doorbells, older children, and whatever else is going on in the house while they are trying to sleep.
However, sharp sounds like dishes clinking, a doorbell or phone ringing, dogs barking, or older siblings shouting can be intrusive sounds that wake your sleeping newborn.
And nighttime can also contain sounds, such as car horns, dogs barking or a television playing in another room.
She slept through the dogs barking or the doorbell ringing, but everything has changed!
Also sounds like you could really add to the crowd noise if you've got a whole section of dogs barking for an Osuna strike out to end the game.
People always interrupting you, the dog barking outside, the constant desire to head to the kitchen...
The flight took off at 6:18 p.m., and Gremminger said she heard the dog bark a couple of times.
Then, about 20 or 30 minutes into the flight, they heard the dog bark a bit more, and then fall silent.
In the middle of the conversation, my dog barked.
The cheapest option, «Outdoor Base» at $ 240, includes an Echo Dot, smart outdoor and indoor lighting, and a waterproof speaker, and allows you to have lights and the speaker simulate someone being home even while you're away — including having Alexa «play music or dog barking sounds.»
A baby crying, a dog barking, a child laughing, a bird chirping, the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, and silence... That is what God sounds like.
It starts out as micro being individual snowflakes that are falling and gather stacking one on top of another forming a mass just waiting for a single dog bark or branch crack to set it off down the mountain in very macro fashion.
Still now, though unsettled family dogs bark alarm from the back yard, Protesting my intrusion mid-week and days from any sensible Sunday.
I, that am rudely stamped, and want love's majesty To strut before a wanton ambling nymph; I, that am curtail'd of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deformed, unfinished, sent before my time Into this breathing world, scarce half made up, And that so lamely and unfashionable That dogs bark at me as I halt by them.
She becomes «Every Woman,» a misunderstood Tea Party mother of five facing down an elitist, arrogant, Obama - leaning press corps» The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.
Like a dog barking at the mail delivery person.
According to their nature, cats miaow and dogs bark; conversely, cats don't bark and dogs don't miaow — action follows being.
The animals ran about wildly, goats leaped, donkeys brayed, dogs barked, children shouted, and women sang.
Have you ever heard the saying, «Dogs bark louder in Canada?»
If you don't want a dog barking in your ear, don't sit in the Dog section.
Wenger has received a lot of bad publicity over the past five years, and this is just another dog barking against the club.
But whether he goes the way of New Radicals or Beethoven — who actually had more hits than the ominous tune the dog barked at in the movie — they'll talk Johnny Football 2K12 at the Downtown Athletic Club for years to come.
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