Sentences with phrase «dogs for at»

Breeders found they could sell dogs for at minimum a couple hundred dollars each, meaning high profit for low overhead.
Many people like to breed their dogs for at least one litter of pups...
Ownership limitations vary from state to state including: insuring dogs for at least $ 100,000, warning signs of dangerous dogs on private residency and the age of the owner must be 21 years of age or older.
But she also stated (in writing) that, even though she had the dogs for at least a year, she had not brought them to a veterinarian for care.
Many veterinarians recommend that puppies be kept away from strange dogs for at least 12 weeks and preferable for 14 - 16 weeks to make sure the vaccines have replaced the immunity formerly provided by their mother.
When I buy a bag of dog food, I need it to be small enough to fit into my cabinet, but capable of being able to feed my dogs for at least a week.
His research also showed that parvovirus would protect dogs for at least 7 years with challenge and 9 years with serology.
It is thus, very important to isolate our dogs for at least 3 weeks or 21 days especially if they are suspected of harboring the H3N2 type of dog flu virus.
Holds dogs for at least a month before placing them up for adoption.
The longer shedding period for the H3N2 virus impacts management of infected dogs in that they must remain in isolation from other dogs for at least 3 weeks.»
Dogs with signs of respiratory disease (e.g., cough, decreased appetite, nasal and eye discharge and fever) should be kept away from others dogs for at least two weeks.
If your dog shows any of these symptoms, take them to your veterinarian immediately, and do not let them interact with other dogs for at least thirty days from the onset of the symptoms.
Your recovering pet should be kept away from other dogs for at least two months, as he will still be contagious.
This is the really dangerous time — although you have to keep an eye on them the whole time and we keep our dogs away from other dogs for at least three weeks, to a month until we get the pattern down.
American Staffordshire terriers have not been valued as fighting dogs for at least half a century.
The crew at Great Babies works with the dogs for at least six months to help them recover and get them ready to go to good homes.
CBATIs are experienced trainers who have trained clients and dogs for at least 200 hours, with half of those hours specifically in behaviour modification for fear, aggression, and frustration.
The good news is, researchers have shown that the core vaccines (like rabies, parvo and distemper) can protect dogs for at least 7 years... and probably for life.
There are very few areas of the US where heartworm is not a threat to the health of dogs for at least part of the year.
It's not just cats and dogs for us at SDHS.
I have a daily routine that starts with walking my three dogs for at least an hour first thing, and then I have a look at my sales figures for the previous day.
Humans even beat the indomitable dog for at least a handful of scents.
I've mostly been doing hiit, resistance training using my body weight (ie: pilates), and I also walk my dog for at least thirty minutes everyday.
Amazon is going to be top dog for at least the next decade: no magic bullet is going to change that just as nothing is going to stop indie author publishers continuing to take market share from the Manhattan Syndicate.
Tire out your dog Jones, who has not only resolved her own dog's digging issues, but who has also worked with foster dogs that dig, suggests, «Walk your dog for at least 45 minutes once a day.
You may need to wash your dog several times in either solution to get rid of all of the smell, allowing each remedy to remain on your dog for at least 10 minutes prior to rinsing with lukewarm water.
Typically, the tick must have been attached to your dog for at least 18 hours for Lyme disease to set in.
Because the virus survives for so long, if you have had a dog with parvovirus in your home, you should be careful about introducing a new puppy or unvaccinated dog for at least 6 months (possibly longer).
Then, refuse to interact with your dog for at least 10 seconds.
Most rescues will keep a dog for at least a couple of weeks, to evaluate its temperament and help make the best placements, but many shelters don't have the ability to do this kind of screening.
Allow the solution to remain on your dog for at least five minutes, or longer if the strong odor persists.
You should go outside with your dog for at least 2 hours per day in order for it to be able to do its daily exercise.
When an older dog bites and the reason is not teething issues, then the second step of the method for controlling this biting is to ignore your dog for at least five minutes.
To work off the waistline that has built up over the winter you should be aiming to walk a 10 kg dog for at least 3 - 5 miles each day.
However, regular grooming of a golden retriever is even more important than it is for dogs with shorter coats, and owners of Goldens should ideally aim to brush their dog for at least a few minutes every day.
If you are going to crate your dog for a longer duration of time (for example, while you go to work), it may be helpful to exercise the dog for at least 20 - 30 minutes prior to crating.
Though a dog's sensitive period of socialization typically ends around 4 - 5 months old, we recommend continuing to socialize your dog for at least the first year of their life.
Do not work the dog for at least 72 hours as overheating may cause hemorrhage that can be fatal even after the dog appears to be fine.
If you have other animals or young children at home keep them away from your dog for at least 48 hours after surgery.
Don't bathe your foster dog right away It may be tempting to toss that pup in the tub, but it's really important that you not bathe your foster dog for at least three days unless otherwise instructed by a Social Tees rep. Bathing a dog that is brand new to your home can be a traumatic experience, which can start your relationship off on the wrong foot and depress the dog's immune system and make him sick.
Most dog owners (70 %) take their dog for at least one walk per day, with the average duration of that walk being about 17 minutes.
Don't bathe or groom your new pet right away It may be tempting to toss that pup in the tub, but it's really important that you not bathe your dog for at least three days unless your new dog has gotten into something terribly dirty.
Morning is the ideal time to walk your dog for at least an hour.
Our trainer will train your dog for you at home or out and about where you need him to be on his best calm behavior around other dogs.
The owner must have owned the dog for at least 6 months and the dog must be spayed / neutered, housebroken, and proficient in obedience.
It is also important to not pass on diseases or issues that could otherwise be resolved by watching and observing each dog for at least a week, minimum.
Please do NOT feed your dog for at least 3 hours before your appointment.
Remember to take your dog for at least two walks per day (one morning and one evening walk).
That's why the Big Barker was engineered with durability in mind, so we can protect your big dog for at least 10 years, without the bed losing any of its uniquely supportive power.
Do not bathe your dog for at least 7 days.
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