Sentences with phrase «dogs get into»

These little dogs get into your heart.
Typically dogs get into onions by snacking from the trash can.
Bored dogs get into trouble.
I don't mind when my adult dogs get into sticks when we're out and about.
Stray and homeless dogs get into trash containers, urinate and defecate on private lawns and / or public property, and frighten or anger people who do not understand their misery or needs.
Potentially fatal symptoms like seizures and irregular heart rhythms typically occur when dogs get into 18 mg per pound body weight or more.
This is a frequent ailment seen after holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas because dogs get into turkey or ham carcasses and gorge themselves on the skin and fat that's been discarded.
Dogs get into scrapes with other dogs as a way of figuring out who's dominant to whom in canine society, to defend territory (including mating rights), out of fear, to protect their food, and sometimes as a defensive «first strike» when they encounter a dog who has attacked them in the past.
Most of the dogs we get into rescue are young adults who have outgrown their puppy cuteness and are quite active.
(Dog ramps work very well to help dogs get into an SUV or pickup truck.)
If the dogs get into actual combat, hopefully, it will be a short encounter, and the «loser» will try to leave the area.
It's a story of mourning for what has become of the world, as the dogs get into scraps over scraps and, in the case of former show dog Nutmeg (voice of Scarlett Johansson), explain how unfair it would be to bring puppies into this world.
These little dogs get into your heart.
And if neighbourhood dogs got into the trash?
Date nights, nanny cam, keeping an eye on the kids in the playroom, watching your dog get into mischief!
Dog gets into a few messes (some involving the family cat, with the movie's anti-cat bias culminating in a scene of Bailey digging up the feline's corpse and presenting it as a gift to the family).
If there's ever a question of your dog getting into any form of cinnamon, you should always call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline to see if they need medical care.
Dog gets into a closet and takes a shoe or sock?
When my dog got into the trash and had to have exploratory surgery, only to find she didn't actually eat anything, I figured the policy wouldn't cover it.
I have two dogs and wasn't sure WHICH dog got into it, or if both of them did.
For puppies who love to chew things like power cords, this is a safety precaution that can stop your dog getting into mischief when you can't watch them.
Last week a neighbors dog got into a fight with the pack.
This is very important because there may come a time when your dog gets into a dangerous situation and you are not close enough to grab his collar.
My dog got into (insert doggy no no...) and I don't know what to do!»
Do not be afraid to tell your vet how much your dog got into and when.
Don't let your dog get into the habit of chewing on the leash.
You can get ramps to help your dog get into the car also.
This is an entrance requirement for most dog shows as well as a good precaution in case your dog gets into a scuffle with someone else's.
The acute type might last only a few days; it's caused by something such as your dog getting into the garbage or eating something nasty.
If your dog gets into a fight, go behind the dominant dog.
Q: My dog got into a fight with a neighbor's dog.
Many owners come home to find their dog completely unresponsive but have no idea how long ago their dog got into the trash.
Whether you miscalculated the dose, different members of the family gave your dog a pill, or your dog got into their stash, overdoses are unfortunate but possible.
My dogs got into some Advil, (poison to dogs), a few months back and required a ton emergency procedures.
It's not at all unusual for bouts of pancreatitis to occur after festivities, when dog owners feed their dogs greasy leftovers or pet parents are too distracted by guests to notice that their dog got into the kitchen and started licking bacon fat off a pan.
The crate also helps to cut down on your dog getting into the habit of going to the bathroom during the night and encourages your pets to wait until the morning.
To avoid your dog getting into the habit of begging at the table, veterinarians suggest that you place table scraps into food dishes rather than feeding them right from the table.
An overdose should only happen if your dog gets into their medication without you knowing.
There have been many instances of dogs getting into their pill bottle and eating their entire month's supply in one sitting because they taste so good.
Does your dog get into things?
Most acute episodes of vomiting or diarrhea likely occur because the dog got into something we aren't aware of that acts as an irritant to the GI tract or we feed them something besides dog food / treats that don't agree with their system.
Be sure that you housetrain your dog using your daily care routine for feeding, sleeping, and walking, too, so that your dog gets into a normal cycle.
The sooner you recognize that your dog got into this, the sooner you should get to a veterinarian, as it'll be safer for your dog and less expensive to treat!
As your dog gets into the later years of its life, it needs a happy, calm environment to keep it happy.
If your dog gets into a fight, you need to know how to break it up and how to do so without getting yourself hurt in the process.
How confident are you that you know what to do if your dog gets into an emergency situation and needs essential first aid?
Say for instance your cat eats your nylons, one of your dogs eats a tennis ball, and the other dog gets into some chocolate.
Whether your dog gets into mischief that lands him in the emergency room or develops a disease later in life that takes you both by surprise, your dog's medical care can cost you at any point in their life.
Maybe your dog gets into the trash.
I can put these beds with the worst and most destructive dog I get into rescue and know the bed will be fine.
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