Sentences with phrase «dogs particular case»

Not exact matches

My idea of «dog» fits all cases of dog and so does not include any particular size, shape, colour, location and so on.
Knowing that you will shower him with attention when he exhibits a particular behaviour (in this case barking), Fido will learn that every time he sees another dog all he has to do is bark.
In this particular dog's case, the glands were enlarged and were secreting an excessive amount of a hormone that caused the animal's blood calcium level to be elevated dangerously high.
In some cases, small amounts of chemical specific vitamins can help combat illnesses, diseases or conditions and we recommend discussing your your dog's particular vitamins needs with one of our veterinarians at your next appointment.
When new dogs come to their home they often exhibit particular traits or characteristics that dominate their personality and in this case they decide upon their own name!
To encourage a dog to use a particular signal, just be sure to respond positively to that signal, in this case by taking the dog outside.
Therefore, we can not say that all dogs need to be trained with a particular type of food, or that having tugs of war with the dog will work as reinforcers in each case.
Whatever the case, there is no particular reason to feed large breed or giant breed dogs foods that are low in protein and fat and high in carbs.
In these cases, we may recommend a particular dog to households with older children or no children.
At the same time, we do not want to give an adopter who has their heart set on a particular breed the impression that a dog is the breed they are after when we do not know for certain that this is the case.
Titled «The Cognitive Revolution and Everyday Dog Training: The Case of Look at That,» Laura's writing focuses on animal - cognition studies and the value of increased research and funding in that area — in particular, the value to «everyday» dog lives and trainiDog Training: The Case of Look at That,» Laura's writing focuses on animal - cognition studies and the value of increased research and funding in that area — in particular, the value to «everyday» dog lives and trainidog lives and training.
Even with cases where all the dogs are enlisted in training, there might be one particular dog whose problems are much more severe in comparison to the others.
Collie dogs, in particular, are a special case.
In most cases, a dog's food allergy is caused by a particular food ingredient, usually either a type of meat or a type of grain.
But if you are in California or Colorado where there is no statewide leash laws your case will be subjective, and depending on your particular circumstances, your attorney will determine if the dog should have been on leash or not or if laws were being violated.
There are some cases when few dogs can be allergic to particular ingredient, in such cases try avoiding those food items.
In this particular case, Ms. Grimes, having been made aware of a dog who lay chained and dying on the ground, unattended to, without food or water for an extended period of time — his negligent owners nowhere to be found — contacted the necessary authorities, advised them of the situation and were told by them to take the dog and, if she was willing to, get proper veterinary care for him.
And, more importantly, why are vets gullible enough to think these foods can do anything to change chronic health issues in dogs, such as allergies, kidney disease, or in the case of this particular food, joint disease?
The ONLY time ANY breeder needs something which is UNTYPICAL for the breed is when the breed is in general lacking a specific quality and that quality can only be found in a dog who is VERY GOOD otherwise, but has whatever wrong with him to make him UNTYPEY - in this particular case being extremely oversized.
If your dog has severe skin disease, talk to your vet about which shampoo is best for his or her particular case.
Yet this mentality (perhaps, unintentionally) shelves dogs as commodities, products that we can produce (or in this case, reproduce) simply because we «want» a particular kind — fluffy, hairless, tall, or small.
Remember in many cases, an older dog may suit your particular situation much better than a young puppy.
Needless to say that you do care for your puppy and you share your own huge and cozy bed with him but there could be times in the coming years when your puppy would grow up to be a big dog and would still love to sleep with you in bed but it would be real hard to break that habit if in case you need the bed at any particular occasion all for yourself.
Many people who do want a specific breed may feel the only way to obtain that particular dog is through a breeder, but that is not the case.
In this particular case we're talking about a mix of two hard - to - train dogs, so your puppy should start training at an early age if you wish to teach her to behave.
They take little care in providing puppies suited to a particular breed, and in many cases the family finds out too late that this cute little «fuzz ball» is actually not a lap dog but instead a ball of energy who needs lots of exercise, as is the case with Fox Terriers.
Generally, sedatives should be used as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted and in those particular cases, where the dog is affected by severe anxiety that doesn't respond to behavior modification or when there are risks for defensive biting.
While there are many reasons why dogs develop separation anxiety, this particular case started because a client was home bound for an extended period of time due to medical issues.
In rare cases, the applicant may be advised that the particular dog they are interested in may not be the best fit.
This becomes a particular concern in the case of overweight dogs, Acuff says.
A few days after a dog show several years ago, Riker came down with the canine influenza - diagnosed and tested by a vet I trust - who said he had seen several cases come from this particular dog show.
In some cases, these dogs have been trained to perform a particular activity — running in circles, for example - to notify their owner of what they have sensed.
The specific types of damages that may be awarded in dog bite cases will vary depending upon your particular situation, as well as the specific injuries you or your child has suffered.
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