Sentences with phrase «doing as a profession»

I teach securities analysis and have done it as a profession.
That's what mortgage brokers do as their profession, they skim through such complexity for their clients.
Regardless of what we do as a profession, those members of the public who can see the truth for what it is are a growing band who are fast learning that the profession would appear to very much have lost its way.
One of the first things we can do as a profession is to curtail uncivil behavior and over-aggressiveness.

Not exact matches

As a result, most of today's sought - after professions didn't exist just a decade ago!
Imagine if «sandwich artist» became a synonym for deceitfulness, just as once honorable professions like snake oil salesman and ambulance chaser did in previous decades.
Ivy adds, «We did issue statements following both election victories for President Obama, as we have after State of the Union addresses and other situations we felt warranted our voice on how certain issues that the federal government is pursuing would affect the architecture profession
 Itâ $ ™ s even more disturbing when these are produced by people who reportedly are trained as economists.  They are doing a disservice to the public, to their small business members and to the economics profession by putting out material with such misinformation and gross manipulation of the real underlying facts.
I am also aware that one does not have to choose to be a prostitute... and one can quit such a profession (in some senses this area is sold as a job).
I can't believe people who «do religion» as a profession.
Judge Neely asks this Court to heed Ms. Anderson's words, reject the Commission's recommendation to expel her from her profession, and allow her to continue serving her community with excellence as she has done for more than two decades.
than merely applied science, contemporary medical men are nevertheless right to base themselves on it, and insofar as they do so, they can and must be objective in their profession in the sense described above.
For that reason only we find now the ruling powers are in the hands of secular non religious ones... The conference above stated that the secular regimes in the West had used the indifference between religions, branches, doctrines by creating «Fitnah» said to be harder than killing... because you get all those with Fitnah to fight among them selves... beside establishing and supporting terrorist groups to get the area unstable far from investment and development environment that has caused the mass immigration of the capital heads, professions and skilled labour hands from their countries to the west and be treated as garbage at countries that they do not belong to whether as culture, race or religion....
When someone in his own or another profession is prepared better than he to perform a service, he refers as soon as he can — and does not wait until he has tried everything and is at the end of his rope.
Does a decline in the social status of the ministry as a profession weaken recruitment?
The medical profession aims to help those who are dying to do so as painlessly as possible.
Those of the second native - born generation crashed previously restricted professions as they did the previously closed neighborhoods.
Gender and Family in the Ivory Tower, Mary Ann Mason reports that while women in so - called «fast - track professions» have fewer children than does the average American woman, female faculty are almost half as likely as female physicians and slightly less likely than female lawyers to have a child at all, even though academia offers far more flexible hours than the average law firm or hospital.
Such stalwarts in the profession as former presidents Theda Skocpol of Harvard and Henry Brady of Berkeley pointed out the indignity of asking great scholars to stand in competitive elections and invoked the old conservative saw that «if it ain't broke don't fix it.»
That was done at Harvard's founding in 1636: a profession «to lay Christ in the bottome, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning,» and New England sat up and took notice.
Also, a criminal breach of trust — which is the nature of the offense — warrants removal from ministry just as it does in the professions of law and medicine.
As for a «profession of faith at the end of their life,» your point doesn't make much sense to me.
The man who seeks to bring himself into relationship with God and seeks it with as much earnest zeal as others seek the goods which they may obtain in their several businesses and professions in the ways of the world does not come away empty.
In 1837, the first editor of Washington's Collected Works wrote: «If a man who spoke, wrote, and acted as a Christian through a long life, who gave numerous proofs of his believing himself to be such, and who was never known to say, write, or do a thing contrary to his professions, if such a man is not to be ranked among the believers of Christianity, it would be impossible to establish the point by any train of reasoning.»
The point is only that each institution should do what it does best, and that the need to prepare future professionals to be cultural and social leaders is just as important as the need to equip them for the specifics of one profession.
To it came Florence Nightingale (1829 - 1910), an Englishwoman who did much to develop nursing as a profession.
Holding a lighted candle in his hand, Luther said aloud in front of the whole community: I, Brother Martin, do make profession and promise obedience to Almighty God, to Mary the Sacred Virgin, and to you, the prior of this cloister as representative of the general head of the order of Eremites of the holy bishop, St Augustine, and his rightful successors, to live until death without worldly possessions and in chastity according to the rule of St Augustine.»
Against these latter people, he confessed he had been more violent than his religion or his profession demanded — but then he did not set himself up as a saint, nor was he disputing about his life but about the teaching of Christ.
Now the snakeoil salesmen will have to move to the next «do as little as possible» profession... probably politics.
Agreed: «don't let the left hand know what the right hand is doing...» Those who «show» their faith, whether through their profession (Pastor, Missionary) or pious works (church board, conference speaker), can only be assessed as more sincere if there is evidence they were religious / pious / faithful when no one was looking (Pope John Paul II never confirmed this, but as a young priest, it was reported he worked in the Polish underground to save many Jewish children from the Nazi's, years later, he was visiting Israel and a woman who claimed he was the priest who saved her from the Nazis stepped forward to meet him, he blessed her, yet never did confirm or deny if he had played the part of a hero).
Manage people in a profession for 25 years, as Chris Upchurch has done as the head winemaker for esteemed DeLille Cellars, and you will see some of your best apprentices find better jobs.
Look at it, instead, as a declaration of a need that has little to do with gender; as an inadvertent admission that in response to the pressure of his profession, Vaughn has allowed his dogs to get, literally, under his skin.
It doesn't just apply to football — just anything they don't see as a possibility because there are certain professions viewed as male professions that they could go into that they might not have thought about.»
As far as qualms regarding his profession, he figures that if he didn't do it, someone else woulAs far as qualms regarding his profession, he figures that if he didn't do it, someone else woulas qualms regarding his profession, he figures that if he didn't do it, someone else would.
Others will claim that our medical staff do not always get the right diagnosis on first instance and don't put the best recovery plan in place, but as someone who is not trained medical profession, who are they to suggest that!
Well we'll well, iam a man and my wife is intelligent and educated and smart in her profession as a doctor but she has neglected her self she is dumpy and fat and my sex Life is zero and event if she offered me sex I revolt against it, if aim given opportunity to find a young woman I would love to have sex and spend my money on her, but its not easy in my position and status.its so frustrating and don't tell me Get a divorce I have so much money and I don't want to lose it.
I wonder if you're practicing as midwife underground in a state where you're not licensed, if you sort of by default don't report your income, since what you're doing isn't a legal profession?
«I am biased, as physical therapy is my profession,» he acknowledged, «but because the goal [for athletes] is to return to high - level competition, not just simply walking or doing daily chores, care is necessary to ensure that all functional goals are met.»
«Our scholarship stories highlight how important it is for us to provide education for our members, because whether they are pursuing an associate's, a bachelor's, or an advanced degree, each and every one of them has a passion for what they do — for feeding kids,» explained Janet, who believes when it comes to school nutrition gaining respect as a true profession for passionate individuals — «the time has come».
There are tools to be used as in any profession to assure that you are doing the best job you can do.
Do you really care about birth and women and what women want (and have as mainstream options in more civilized parts of the post industrial world) or do you just like to insult and point your ranting finger at what affirms your professioDo you really care about birth and women and what women want (and have as mainstream options in more civilized parts of the post industrial world) or do you just like to insult and point your ranting finger at what affirms your professiodo you just like to insult and point your ranting finger at what affirms your profession?
She looked at me and said,» what I am going to do and say goes against my profession but not as your mother who raised you and your brothers».
As a therapist, all I can do is add information to the Tummy Time discussion that is representative of the body of knowledge of my profession.
Wouldn't it be great if moms and dads show their respect, admiration, praise and value to themselves as well as other parents in the same way they do other professions like baseball and basketball players?
Do you care as parents whether your child grows up to be a leader, business executive, diplomat, lawyer, entrepreneur, entertainer, building, healer or teacher or for that matter, what profession your child will ultimately choose for his / her self?
What other medical profession exists that does not have clinical training as part of its entry - level requirements?
The paper cites MPs as saying that the pay increase - which will increase their salary from the existing # 60,675 to # 66,500 over three years - was justified so that they did not fall behind the earnings of other professions.
The NHS and the Government would do far better to concentrate not on the «warped behaviour of the public» as the report says, they would do far better to change the culture of «secrecy and closed ranks» within the medical profession, take the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells debacle as an example.
In the true tradition of the legal profession, the fact that the President had been deceived by the Vice-President and Dr. Oteng Adjei into granting an executive consent, did not intimidate me as the Attorney - General to grant the indemnity requested.
Gov. Cuomo says: «It will never stop, (political orruption in Albany or anywhere else) but at least if we have a system in place where we can say people, look people will do stupid things — and people do stupid things no matter the profession — but we will have a system that is as tight as you can get.
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