Sentences with phrase «doing flexible dieting»

I started doing flexible dieting (roughly counting calories) and weighing myself almost every day.

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I was curious, with flexible dieting do you alter your calories for your days off vs your active days?
Smith: I follow flexible dieting, so I don't categorize foods as being good or bad.
The biggest thing I like about flexible dieting is that it doesn't make you feel trapped into eating a certain way.
A Complete Guide to «If It Fits Your Macros» — IIFYM aka Flexible Dieting By: Elliot Reimers What does healthy... View Article
My beginning goal is to lose about 25 lbs and not even sure what my body fat percentage range should be!?! Also how does low thyroid function play into flexible dieting — are the results still achievable?
Consult with your physician BEFORE commencing intermittent fasting, flexible dieting, calorie restriction (which I don't recommend anyway), supplementation, and any form of exercise.
If you don't know how to calculate a proper calorie surplus and macronutrient profile, check out this article on flexible dieting.
How do you balance being rigid enough to make progress, with being flexible enough to have a life while dieting?
Since starting macros and flexible dieting, I can indulge and enjoy, while not worrying about it as long as I make sure it does not take away from my day of macros.»
If you're not comfortable with tracking your macronutrient intake, then you don't have to follow flexible dieting.
It doesn't matter if you are just starting your fitness journey or if you are a seasoned fitness pro, flexible dieting will help you understand how to nurture your body in a mindful way to achieve your goals.
If you've been training and eating smart for a while, and you're familiar with concepts like flexible dieting, barbell training, etc, you probably don't need these books.
«The sweet irony of it all is that prepping for my bodybuilding show (s) using «flexible dieting» turned out to be dramatically easier than what I was doing
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