Sentences with phrase «doing something decadent»

Not exact matches

While there were a few desserts that looked good, I did not want to spend all day in the kitchen whipping up something overly detailed and decadent, so I suggested brownies.
After you take one bite of this deeply decadent «clean eating» dessert, you might not believe that it's raw, vegan, gluten - free and paleo... but low and behold, you don't need excessive sugar or other processed ingredients to make something magical.
I do honestly believe that it is humanly impossible to make something so luxuriously decadent any healthier.
If you're looking for something decadent to make this Easter, boy do I have the perfect dessert for you.
When I want to feel like I'm treating myself to something decadent but don't like the extreme sugar low that will surely follow.
Although I don't have much of a sweet tooth, when it does show up, I want something decadent and indulgent.
Perfect for a hot summer day when you don't want to heat up the house by starting the oven but still want something decadent and sweet.
Interesting as this does sound, I wanted to try something a little more decadent and came up with this great chocolate almond fig cake that actually has no grains or dairy.
There's something so lovely and decadent about doing it.
So I just made these and as well they are really bitter and really bland even after adding in 1/4 cup of maple syrup... I see it's either love or hate... and while i think it's a good recipe it doesn't have that decadent sweet tooth fix... they are not at all sweet or rich... but ive noticed this about other recipes as well to the people that complained and need something rich and sweet I'd suggest sticking with raw vegan brownies over cooked paleo brownies the recipe itself isn't bad it's just not suited for all taste buds... however I learned about date paste from here and best thing ever!
I was in the mood for a decadent breakfast today but didn't have a lot of ingredients or the patience to bake something... and then I remembered having seen this smoothie on your blog a while back.
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