Sentences with phrase «dollar budget stretched»

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Using my nut milk pulp recipes is one way to eat healthy and stretch your food dollars when you are eating on a budget!
Budgeting Tips for Back to School — Jason Alderman at Huffington Post gives some great suggestions for stretching those back to school dollars.
Eventually, her blog grew to become an all - around parenting blog, though she still focuses on being «fabulous on a budget» and stretching dollars.
And budgeting for one or two is hard enough, but when you add kids to the mix, stretching every dollar become even more imperative.
If you're driven by budget, these recipe ideas might just help your dollar stretch further.
For starters, she's working with a tight budget, so it's full of meals good for stretching your dollars.
With 5 kids including one headed to college in less than 2 years, stretching our budget dollars is my number one priority.
I have to decorate on a budget just like you do, and I love IKEA and Target and any place that helps me stretch my dollars!
Gilliam drew enormous dividends from his modest fifteen - million - dollar budget, often using his trademark wide - angle lenses to stretch small, claustrophobic spaces into large, intimidating ones.
It's important to not just create a realistic eLearning budget in the beginning, but to keep a close eye on your tally sheet throughout the eLearning design and development process, so that you can stretch every dollar and avoid hidden costs.
Districts are struggling to stretch the school dollar as they deal with current and looming budget shortfalls.
Bidding for Dollars: Online Auctions Help Schools Earn Cash As budgets stretch to the breaking point, public schools are discovering the powerful fundraising possibilities of the auction with a technological twist.
There are two books I've read on school budgets that I have recommended to others: Stretching the School Dollar and Where Do School Funds Go?
The lower tax bracket on physical titles might be one of the deciding factors when libraries, schools and academia are establishing book acquisition budgets, their dollar simply stretches further with print.
It's a great way to save a few dollars if you're trying to make your budget stretch.
If you're looking to stretch your retirement dollars, converting to cash can help, even in small areas of your budget, whether it be groceries or entertainment or clothing.
Research has shown that when gas is putting the pinch on your budget, you're more likely to make smarter decisions at the grocery store to stretch your dollars further.
Why TravelBllgr is a Top Budget Travel Blog: With a focus on destinations and stretching your dollar, TravelBllgr can help in all aspects of your travel planning.
Think about ways you can stretch your budget to put aside a few more dollars to pay for health care expenses this year and in the future.
Armed with your budget and your shopping list, now it's time to stretch your grocery dollars as far as you can.
Creating a budget is the first step, but maintaining the budget is where you start to see real growth in yourself and more stretch in your dollar.
Cash back and rewards credit cards can help you stretch your dollar further, and online budgeting tools and retirement calculators like this one can help you plan your finances.
If a tight budget has you rethinking any trips abroad this year, you may be surprised how far you can stretch your vacation dollar.
I know she was stretching the grocery dollars, but eating on a budget doesn't have to be distasteful.
This is our most budget - friendly destination, especially if you really want to stretch your dollar.
The Oaks Trafalgar is a good option for the budget conscious traveller to Sydney who stretch their accommodation dollar during their extended stay in Sydney..
This country is expensive for budget travelers especially coming from Nicaragua or Guatemala where the dollar can stretch further.
Carrington Budget Serviced Apartments have long been a favourite of visitors to Sydney and families on holidays wishing to stretch their travel dollar.
The Waldorf Budget Apartment Hotel is located very much in Sydney's city Centre making this lodging a well located accommodation choice for the small businessman trying to keep the cost travel down or the family vacationer - keen to stretch their holiday dollar.
Since this is a budget travel blog, I'm excited to learn that many travellers have started to focus stretching their dollar.
Hotels in Brisbane range from the stunning 5 Star Luxury Hotels to the Budget Hotels designed to cater to the to the traveller who needs to stretch their dollar further.
The 12 cheapest places to travel for backpackers If you are a backpacker, or a budget traveler, or simply want to travel for as long as your dollar (or euro / pound / shilling) will stretch — then visiting inexpensive destinations is the key to helping -LSB-...]
«This edition highlights the need to innovate to be green, to stretch budget dollars, and to make the best use of space: a law school, Penn State's Dickinson School of Law, and a law firm, O'Melveny & Myers San Francisco, both aim for LEED certification; a new decentralized library at Bose McKinney & Evans emphasizes green; a
If you are already working on a budget, then this is effective for helping you stretch those Columbus renters insurance dollars as far as possible.
Stretching marketing dollars In a world of shrinking marketing budgets, increased competition from other centers and the impact of the Internet, the need for «smart marketing» is at an all - time high.
A: If you're on a budget, the best way to stretch your marketing dollars is to choose a manageable farm of prospects.
My small budget has taught me to make a dollar stretch» till it's basically transparent!No matter what your budget is, I want to give you the motivation and encouragement you need to make your own nest feel like HOME.
I have to decorate on a budget just like you do, and I love IKEA and Target and any place that helps me stretch my dollars!
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