Sentences with phrase «dollar deficit spending»

The reasons for those higher rates involve everything from extraordinary fiscal stimulus via trillion dollar deficit spending, significant changes to the tax structure, an increase in Treasury bond supply, central bank quantitative tightening (QT), a decrease in Treasury bond demand from other countries as well as inflationary pressures.

Not exact matches

But Kathleen Wynne's spending binge next week will press the deficit back up to $ 8 billion dollars from the previous balanced budget — Notley, governing a province three times less populous, has had to (gently) scrape its way to an $ 8.8 - billion shortfall.
Russian leaders did not realize that dollars or other foreign currencies were only needed to finance balance - of - payments deficits, not domestic spending except as this money was spent on imports.
When the U.S. payments deficit pumps dollars into foreign economies, these banks are being given little option except to buy U.S. Treasury bills and bonds which the Treasury spends on financing an enormous, hostile military build - up to encircle the major dollar - recyclers China, Japan and Arab OPEC oil producers.
But this wrenching concern over the deficit — particularly when the situation in Puerto Rico remains so dire — is hard for some to swallow when conservatives are simultaneously pushing forward a tax reform package that could leave a more than a trillion - dollar hole in the deficit and have signed on to spending bills that added more than $ 100 billion to defense spending, without the immediate promise of offsets elsewhere.
A Little Bad Luck For The Fed Too... As Trump's Deficit Spending Pressures The Dollar [providing even more incremental inflationary fuel]... Adding Further Impetus To Higher Yields.
Under CBO's Alternative Fiscal Scenario — which assumes many of the 2017 tax law's expiring provisions and other temporary tax cuts are made permanent, the recent spending deal is extended so that most discretionary spending grows with inflation, and emergency funding for disasters is kept in line with its historical average — deficits will exceed the two - trillion dollar mark by 2028.
The Fear Trade, of course, is driven by low to negative real interest rates — when inflation erodes away at government bond yields — deficit spending, a weaker U.S. dollar and geopolitical uncertainty.
The White House budget director came to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to sell President Donald Trump's budget, but the administration's allies in the Senate preferred to talk about last year's tax cut rather than the trillion - dollar deficits contained in the new spending plan.
Over the next few years deficit spending in excess of $ 1 trillion US dollars per year will be the norm in the US, but there is more to this than the headline figures reveal.
It's likely that this deficit will widen over the next few years and, unless many billions of dollars are spent soon, the world is facing the prospect of a significant shortage of oil in the early years of the next decade.
He said the dollar faces a further slide if any Fed tightening is offset by a wider US deficit on the back of Donald Trump's big spending plans and tax cuts.
Meanwhile, more than two billion dollars that could be spent on training will remain unspent, while the EI fund is rolling in billions of dollars of surpluses, being used to pay down the deficit instead.
Those who run the Fed are despondent that despite implementing for eight YEARS an interest rate policy specifically designed to enable Obama to create a totally false illusion of economic «recovery» by massively increasing government spending with trillions of phony, deficit, zero - interest - rate «dollars,» the people saw through the economic lie and defeated the Fed's next intended puppet, Clinton.
By focusing on trade and labor, he implies that the dollar is weakening only because of the trade deficit, not because of military spending and capital flight.
Even with all those spending cuts, the Ryan budget still includes deficits of over 5 trillion dollars over the same period.
'' The next two years will provide no shortage of challenges for our Conference, its partners in government and all New Yorkers: A multi-billion dollar budget deficit needing closure, a government that is still too big and spends too much, chronic unemployment, some of the nation's highest taxes and a continued lack of public confidence in state government,» Kolb said.
The budget deficit for the current fiscal year had grown to $ 350 million dollars, and the projected gap for the new fiscal year would be a $ 3.5 billion dollar hole, if spending were to take place as planned.
Sen. John DeFrancisco, R - Syracuse, predicted cutbacks in health care spending to help close a multibillion - dollar deficit.
Former LG Richard Ravitch thinks the next mayor of NYC isn't going to have enough cash in 2014 to maintain the level of spending and services New Yorkers are used to and will face multibillion dollar deficits.
Being frugal in the Assembly helped him eliminate a 5 billion dollar deficit, and write the first budget in over 50 - years that cut state spending.
«My concern is that when we're dealing with deficits, you'd have potentially $ 200 million in taxpayer dollars going to be spent on campaign financing,» Skelos said.
In the past, Governor Cuomo has said he'd like to spend more money, but New York had multi billion dollar deficit.
According to the Comptroller's projections, the state still has a structural deficit of nearly $ 2 billion dollars for the upcoming budget year, though Governor Cuomo has promised to hold spending increases to below 2 % to prevent that from happening.
As a Republican, how do you balance the need for spending cuts and reducing the deficit and the debt with the desire for constituents to get some federal dollars to this area that has been struggling so with the economy?
Cuomo says with a multi-billion dollar budget deficit, and uncertainties in funding from Washington, spending needs to be lower this year.
In the past, Cuomo has said he would like to spend more money, but New York had a multi-billion dollar deficit.
Changes that Republican lawmakers made to Gov. Scott Walker's executive budget likely would result in a half - billion dollar deficit going into the next two - year spending plan, according to a new analysis.
Senator John DeFrancisco predicts cutbacks in healthcare spending to help close a multi-billion dollar deficit.
«The Council also continues to emphasize that, with multi-year, multi-billion (dollar) budget deficits, New York needs to more fully examine its spending practices, especially in major programs such as Medicaid and education, and determine why are our costs are so much higher than other states without the results to match,» said Business Council President Heather Briccetti.
He implemented his fiscally conservative agenda, including closing a gaping $ 10 billion dollar budget deficit without imposing any new taxes at the time, and getting the spending plan done on time, a rarity in Albany.
In the absence of anything which can be called an «investigatory press» in Rockland County, elected officials must know that their behavior is being publicly scrutinized by the social media and that past behaviors which resulted in Rockland County becoming bloated with over 100 patronage appointments and millions of dollars in ballooning property taxes, bonded debt, and deficit spending MUST stop.
WASHINGTON (AP)-- The House moved swiftly early Friday to reopen the federal government and pass a $ 400 billion budget deal, overcoming opposition from both liberal Democrats and tea party conservatives to endorse enormous spending increases despite looming trillion - dollar deficits.
With a trillion - dollar federal deficit at the forefront of legislators» minds, a clamp on spending is not as surprising as the unusually hands - on way in which the NIH portion of the House bill is written.
When the Budget Control Act was signed into law in 2011, it first established an original spending cap baseline, along with a joint Congressional committee to come up with some kind of trillion - dollar grand bargain to further reduce deficits.
When deficits get bigger, Congress gets more interested in restraining spending, and trillion - dollar deficits are what got us here in the first place.
But he's learned that his genetics won't be crimping a caffeine habit that fuels 80 - hour work weeks spent trying to erase a trillion - dollar deficit.
Politicians seizing on painless ways to cut the deficit reinforce this perception of massive spending, and Americans believe them: In surveys, they estimate that as much as one out of four dollars spent by the federal government goes to foreign governments.
They allege that these laws unjustly require Newark, a struggling school district, to retain ineffective teachers, while cutting millions of dollars each year from other areas of education spending or laying off more effective teachers when faced with funding deficits.
He does support cutting down on the federal budget (meaning federal education programs); for instance, he once complained, «An increasing deficit and an ever - growing 19 trillion dollar national debt, despite a volley of tax increases, prove this administration is committed to spending us into oblivion.»
The Federal Reserve policy of quantitative easing along with deficit spending by Congress has resulted in trillions of US Dollars being created without the corresponding economic growth.
I know that I've somewhat been harping on this whole dollar - is - good - to - travel - with - again story for a while now, but for all those readers outside of Obamaland, at least let us Americans revel in this for at least a little while before it inevitably ends (ahem — bank bailouts, deficit spending, etc...).
Amex recently announced that all airfare purchases on the card would earn five points per dollar — the highest rate we've seen — but because it's such a small category of spending overall, we don't think it will make up the deficit for most people.
And for every reduction in the trade deficit... that's dollars that aren't flowing abroad and can be spent here,» he maintained.
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