Sentences with phrase «dollar insurance policy»

For some reason I truly believe that people think that a million dollar insurance policy costs 1 million dollars.
This prevents just anyone from taking out million dollar insurance policies on famous people and then cashing in when that person, a complete stranger, dies.
He accepts the bribe of a ten - million dollar insurance policy from an industry political operative (Sorvino), sets up a hit on his life and goes off to offend various political interest groups, from Jews to African - Americans, by committing not adultery, but the worst sin of all in politics: subjecting the already - committed to a dose of unfettered, unfiltered honesty.
Airbnb's million - dollar insurance policy applies on a per - occurrence basis for an accident involving bodily injury or property damage, according to Airbnb materials on its site.
There are many applicants that would balk at the idea of purchasing a $ 2.5 million dollar insurance policy for their loved ones, but there are a lot of households that need that much coverage.
For example, a single, childless person making $ 50,000 a year can not justify buying multiple million dollar insurance policies on him (or herself) for two reasons:
The dogs must be registered at City Hall, kept muzzled and on a leash when outdoors and their owners must prove they have a million - dollar insurance policy.
The at - fault party had a one million dollar insurance policy.
It is also going to look at the cost of a million dollar insurance policy.
For example, a single, childless person making $ 50,000 a year can not just go buy multiple million dollar insurance policies on him or herself for two reasons:
For example, if you make $ 30,000 per year, the life insurance company is going to question your application if you apply for a $ 10 million dollar insurance policy.
If you have questions about things like return of premium term life insurance or million dollar insurance policies, we have answers for you!
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