Sentences with phrase «dollar owed»

Over the last month large insurance companies have settled with several states to pay out millions of dollars owed on life insurance death benefit claims.
Millions of dollars owed by our country's leaders.
The proposal must be approved by a majority of your creditors, and each creditor gets one vote per dollar owed to them.
We often get asked, why would the creditors agree to receive less than the full dollars owed?
«Not only did Buerkle overlook the tens of thousands of dollars she owed in back taxes, but at the very same time, she was lavishing tens of thousands of dollars on her own political ambition, extending a major loan to her own campaign.»
The United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York has filed paperwork seeking orders to force former City Councilmen Larry Seabrook and Miguel Martinez to forfeit their pension payments to pay off hundreds of thousands of dollars owed on their corruption charges.
The state made good on more than $ 80 million dollars it owed last week.
Throwing down the gauntlet before the governor's budget address, parents and other education advocates on Jan. 10 called on the state to pay the billions of dollars it owes New York City public schools.
Surely not another Trillion dollars owed to foreign countries.
Pointing to more than $ 40 million owed to local schools in the 43rd Council District, including $ 4 million owed to his own alma maters P.S. 185 and J.H.S. 259, Brannan has mounted an online social media campaign calling on parents and educators to see education dollars owed to individual schools using a new database created by advocates.
More than half of student loan accounts, which add up to more than 40 % of the total dollars owed, are in deferral status.
Again, I refer to the REM Alberta recent story where the broker explained how he contributed his own money to keep the brokerage afloat as best as possible, and ultimately felt compelled to use Gross Income (containing commission dollars owed to the agents and possibly co-brokes) to support the business, in the end to have it bite him.
At 6 p.m., activists stage a protest and civil disobedience in front of Goldman Sachs to «demand it pays back the billions of dollars it owes in taxes,» 200 West St., Manhattan.
Other «fixed costs» that tend to receive far less attention in conversations about the fiscal impact of charters are the billions of dollars owed by states and districts in pension obligations — and what effect the expansion of charter schools means for local districts saddled with these payments.
I wouldn't be able to speak to the relative proportions between the two income sources, but when many cards are at 30 % interest for balances carried, and many people have tens of thousands of dollars owed on their cards, the interest income is not insignificant.
Throwing down the gauntlet before the governor's budget address on Jan. 13, parents and other education advocates on Jan. 10 called on the state to pay the billions of dollars it owes New York City public schools.
Puerto Rico has struggled with a wave of crime since thousands of police officers began calling in sick to protest millions of dollars owed in overtime pay following Hurricanes Irma and Maria.
The vast majority of complaints stemmed from astronomical roaming bills, where using a cellphone — particularly the data capabilities — resulted in hundreds or thousands of dollars owed (I remember there was one story about someone being in the hole for $ 60,000 +).
Rusal has said its inclusion on the sanctions list could leave it unable to pay billions of dollars it owes to its lenders some of the leading Western and Asian banks.
Phill Allopenna, the company's Toronto branch manager, says successful clients pay back an average of 40 cents for every dollar they owe.
When the president finally got around to tweeting about Puerto Rico on Monday night, it was not only to acknowledge the damage but to chide the islanders about their «massive debt» and the billions of dollars owed to bankers and Wall Street.
Much of the Island was destroyed, with billions of dollars owed to Wall Street and the banks which, sadly, must be dealt with.
Even those enlightened enough to recognize that addictive gambling is as much a disease as alcoholism or narcotics addiction often forget that gambling carries a staggering extra penalty: the terrifying mountain of debt built up over the years, the thousands upon thousands of dollars owed to sharks and bookies.
Since taking office in January 2014, Stringer has assessed over $ 13 million dollars owed to workers on city projects and has suspended 30 contractors from doing business with the city and state due to prevailing wage violations.
The move comes after a series of controversies at the troubled New York Racing Association, which led to the recent firing of its President and top legal counsel over allegations that NYRA knowingly withheld millions of dollars owed to bettors.
It said IATA revised slightly downward its outlook for 2016 airline industry profitability to 35.6 billion dollars from the June projection of 39.4 billion dollars owing to slower global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth and rising costs.
Since the 15 - year period of for non-payment of royalties expired in June 2014 the should collect arreas of royalties running to hundreds of million of dollars owed by the oil and gas companies operating in the area.
Simply put: It is unlikely that Chicago's teachers» pension has 57 cents for every dollar owed.
Jenny Brundin: Selle, like every superintendent I spoke with, says if a billion - plus dollars owed to schools was restored, he could do everything on his list he feels is necessary to help kids learn.
Each creditor gets one vote for every dollar owed, and if more than half of the creditors (based on dollar value) vote «yes», your proposal is accepted.
You can expect most lenders to accept 70 cents per dollar owed; or perhaps as low as 50 cents per dollar owed in the form of a settlement.
Each creditor — that's everyone you owe money to — gets one vote for every dollar you owe and if more than half of the dollars vote in favour, everyone has to take the deal.
Statistics suggest that when a debtor calls a creditor to negotiate a settlement, he or she still ends up paying about 75 per cent of every dollar owed.
Go and look at your tax return, look at the total income line and look at the total you had to pay both in federal and provincial tax, that's your total tax rate, that's not your marginal tax rate, which is the tax on the last dollar you owe, or sorry, earn.
However, if your financial situation meets the above conditions then hiring a reputable attorney at the right time can help reduce your debts up to 60 per cent of every dollar you owed.
Most debtors who approach a creditor to work out a settlement still ends up paying about 75 cent for every dollar owed.
The way a proposal works is the majority of the dollars you owe you have to agree.
In all cases, once the creditor agrees to the reduced amount (settlement amount) and confirms this in writing - the funds will get paid directly to the debt collection company from the client's savings account, and the balance will reflect as «zero dollars owed
In all cases, once the creditor agrees to the reduced amount (settlement amount) and confirms this in writing — the funds will get paid directly to the debt collection company from the client's savings account, and the balance will reflect as «zero dollars owed
As a rule, this unsecured debt is almost always dissolved in bankruptcy or, in the case of Chapter 13, you will pay only pennies on the dollars owed to list the debt as paid.
That means that adding these all up against any income earned, could mean zero dollars owing to the tax man!
What a feeling when you finally reach that point where the spreadsheet totals out to zero dollars owed!
Briefly, debt management involves a plan to pay off debt in a reasonable manner; debt settlement requires you to default on loans so that the debt - help organization can then attempt to negotiate payment of pennies on dollars owed.
So in order for the government to ensure it has enough money to sustain the Social Security Program, it will need to find 33 cents somewhere else for every dollar it owes.
The important thing to understand is that by 2033 it is estimated that the government will only have 77 cents for every dollar they owe back in Social Security.
Watch video above for detailed explanation, but in summary; Forbearance options can be extremely attractive, if you are about to get your wages garnished and have a past due amount of $ 1,500, forbearance can put that past due amount back down to zero - dollars owed, but behind the scenes the lenders, servicers and banks are increasing their profitability when you decide to use forbearance.
Forbearance options can be extremely attractive, if you are about to get your wages garnished and have a past due amount of $ 1,500, forbearance can put that past due amount back down to zero - dollars owed, but behind the scenes the lenders, servicers and banks are increasing their profitability when you decide to use forbearance.
In a consumer proposal, each creditor gets one vote for every dollar they owe.
So you suggest Canada hands over the trillions of dollars owed to the Natives?
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