Sentences with phrase «dollar per student»

These parcel taxes can result in hundreds of dollars per student of additional revenue in the classroom.
The writing curriculum costs $ 4 dollars per student for a 12 - month period.
The result is that schools in poor areas have fewer real dollars per student than the budget claims they have.
Last year the school board received a hundred extra dollars per student, which wasn't enough to provide needed teacher salary increases.
After years of struggle by many communities, the state finally reduced funding disparities from thousands of dollars per student to less than $ 700.
a. Per pupil spending, measured as the percent difference between dollars per student at alternative and regular schools.
Quinn noted that with the superintendent's data it would mean the district has spent millions of dollars per student in order to have one reach college graduation.
CA has teetered on the edges of being the lowest funded state school system, as measured in cost - of - living weighted dollars per student, in the US for some time now.
Baker argues that school districts with high poverty need more dollars per student because poor students tend to have greater needs.
In D.C. and many states, charters receive fewer taxpayer dollars per student, despite stronger results than government - run public schools.
So OUSD receives more dollars per student for high need students — low - income, English learners, and foster students.
Morever, the voucher proposal is inequitable: if fully funded, the authorization would provide many more dollars per student for vouchers than is allocated per student in public schools and public charter schools.
Many drone and robotics kits designed for the classroom can still cost hundreds of dollars per student.
It comes as no surprise that the majority of states provide fewer dollars per student to their highest - poverty school districts than to their lowest - poverty districts and that most states have funding gaps between the schools that have the most minority students and those that have the fewest.
The new tax bill ranks university endowments on a «dollars per student» basis, taxing those endowments above an arbitrary threshold set by the state.
When asked about School libraries, and books on the shelfs, he replied the state wants accountability from the DOE for the almost $ 30,000.00 dollars per student the DOE receives.
To help them connect on a more personal level, their English teacher, Jenny O'Connor, challenged them to collect one hundred dollars, about one dollar per student, through Trick - or - Treat for UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) this fall.
«Cost benefit estimates,» say the authors, «show that taxpayers paid 51 dollars per student for an experienced teacher to retire in return for an increase in test scores of 1 percent of a standard deviation — a negligible amount.»
Five thousand dollars per student?
The text messages cost just a few dollars per student but resulted in 10 — 15 percent increases in college matriculation.
A study of elementary and middle - school funding in the 2007 08 school year found that the 18 smallest elementary and middle schools received 28 percent more dollars per student than the six largest: $ 10,900 compared to $ 7,800.
Pots, paints, bulbs, and soil had been purchased for less that two dollars per student.
Additional fundraising brings no more than a few hundred dollars per student.
But it costs thousands of dollars per student, and charter schools must weigh that against the chance that those students will move to another charter school before they enter testing grades, according to researchers.
But as long as the six home districts of those enrolled at Hatikvah must hand over several thousand dollars per student, she understands that any partnership beyond a professional working relationship may be too much to ask for.
Most charters, at least here in Pennsylvania, receive considerably fewer dollars per student than their traditional public school counterparts.
The model is based on a set number of dollars per student, along with additional funding determined by certain student characteristics.
But because high - poverty schools often spend fewer dollars per student — sometimes thousands of dollars — the Education Department has proposed a new rule to force districts to close the gap first.
Six hundred middle schools and high schools began using our Voces 1st Year Spanish eTextbook during the 60 - day beta test where the eTextbooks were priced at around a dollar per student.
That's why we're pricing our Voces series for around a dollar per student
In fact, great online courses can earn hundreds of dollars per student.
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