Sentences with phrase «dollars on advertisements»

Today, political action committees spend millions of dollars on advertisements that are as mind - numbing as they are partisan.
Some Pennsylvania charters are known to spend millions of dollars on advertisements.

Not exact matches

The «multi-year, multi-million dollar» campaign, on behalf of the industry as a whole, will begin in early May with television advertisements, social media and in - store promotions.
Children of all ages are presented with advertisements on a daily basis, produced by a billion dollar industry that is highly skilled at influencing the way we think and behave.
relying heavily on the methods that have served him well in past wins: a well - organized and well - financed ground operation, a heavy emphasis on early - voting recruitment, a growing list of endorsements, including from both establishment and tea - party leaders, and millions of dollars in TV advertisements.
«Donations to [Cuomo's] campaign committee and to the housekeeping account of the New York State Democrats — which spent millions of dollars running television advertisements featuring the governor selling New Yorkers on his agenda — accounted for 40 percent of the total money raised from this list of mega-donors,» NYPIRG's Bill Mahoney said.
Incumbent Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine's campaign tops the charts spending nearly $ 19 million dollars on 10,161 advertisements compared to the nearly $ 9 million spent by Republican challenger Chris Christie.
They can get better known by spending money around $ 10 million dollars on TV advertisements.
«Given the sophistication of cigarette marketing in the past and the exponential increase in advertising dollars allotted to e-cigarette promotion in the past year, it should be expected that advertisements for these products created by big tobacco companies will maximize smoking cues in their advertisements, and if not regulated, individuals will be exposed to much more e-cigarette advertising on a daily basis,» Maloney and Cappella wrote.
Amazon has taken on the challenge of fighting for consumer dollars by offering purchasers the option to pay less for a top - of - the - line e-reader, but the trade - off is advertisements strategically placed at the bottom of the home screen and as the screen saver, replacing the popular artistic images and author portraits that currently indicate the device is asleep.
If you could save six dollars on an eBook, but it meant flipping past a few advertisements during your reading experience, would you do it?
A note on ads: I warn indie authors all the time to be very careful about where they spend their advertisement dollars — partly because I'm stingy, but mostly because anyone can throw out a shingle and claim to reach readers for a price.
We also spent thousands of dollars on XBLIG advertisements through various Duality ZF ads on XNA Roundup (1, 2, 3, 4).
Millions of dollars are spent on advertisements for spondylolysis surgeries, even though there is little evidence that they improve patient's lives, and no clear guidelines for when they should be used.
A brief history: Three decades ago, if you were looking for candidates, it was commonplace to spend thousands of dollars a week on newspaper advertisements.
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