Sentences with phrase «domestic efforts»

Given this, the question is whether the rich could use investment in international mitigation to «buy their way out» of the need to make difficult domestic efforts.
Members also called for more ambition and transparency needed in setting targets for finance in order to support domestic efforts.
Last week Trump's transition team for the Energy Department asked officials there to identify which employees have participated in international climate negotiations or worked on domestic efforts to cut greenhouse gases, such as calculating the social cost of carbon.
Commitments to allow the establishment of foreign for - profit institutions, for example, could undermine domestic efforts to build a strong public education system.
With any luck, this new promise will reinvigorate domestic efforts to improve rural access to health care.
«It's quite central to being the U.S. domestic effort,» Stern said.
Yet, more than a decade of inaction — and the collapse of international negotiations as well as domestic efforts to cap carbon — has proven the perils of the business.
Previous domestic efforts to establish the tree in the South, which came to a peak in the early 1980s, failed as winter freezes scythed dead swaths through experimental plantations.
Submissions across the three special themes are encouraged that address effective strategies outside of the U.S. that can help inform domestic efforts; cost analysis of prevention efforts; and workforce development.
Updated below, 12:51 p.m. A comprehensive and sobering Associated Press story by Dina Cappiello provides a valuable update on how United States policies promoting exports of coal are undercutting domestic efforts to restrict emissions of carbon dioxide, the heat - trapping gas released when fossil fuels are burned.
On Thursday, Senator James M. Inhofe, the Oklahoma Republican (pictured above) who has been the leading critic in Congress of steps to rein in greenhouse gases, visited the conference center for three hours to predict failure in the talks and in domestic efforts to pass a cap - and - trade climate bill.
Moreover, without U.S. leadership as demonstrated by domestic efforts to stabilize its population and thereby mitigate further damage to the environment, other nations would be reluctant to adopt policies and practices to stabilize their populations and work toward developmental and ecological sustainability.
This delicate balance means that most targets are likely to echo domestic efforts, while providing an international impetus to make them as ambitious as possible, in order to ensure a «fair» deal.
Directed both international and domestic efforts within the sales and marketing teams, and managed the overall vision for the company's expansion into advertising, sales, and customer acquisition.
Senator Kerry's speech made clear the importance of the Copenhagen talks on domestic efforts to pass a climate bill.
Her relationship with her husband consists of him watching as she races in or out of the house, and tolerating, at least for the moment, her barbed criticism of his domestic efforts.
That means, when it goes looking for imports, its searching for goods that can't be filled by either domestic efforts or its European trading partners.
In addition to this domestic effort, the proposal required a further international effort amounting to 850 MtCO2 in 2020, which would have been divided among EU Member States in an equitable way that took their relative per capita GDP into account.
Chinese officials have been under the impression that the United States wants factory - level inspections of their domestic efforts to cut carbon — rather than the macro-level data and clearly spelled - out methodology officials now apparently are making clear they need.
And this is where, to the extent that our obligations exceed our domestic efforts, international financial and technological assistance must bridge the gap.
Historically, media coverage of climate change has followed international and domestic efforts to take action, starting in the mid-1980s by the United National Environmental Program and World Meteorological Organization.
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