Sentences with phrase «domestic energy resources»

Here's more: Domestic Energy Gains Not Worth Environmental Degradation In his ruling, Judge Ricardo Urbina said that the any gains to be had from development of domestic energy resources on the lands were outweighed by the public interest in avoiding damaging the environment of these areas.
So, «the Democrat party does not understand that coal is an abundant clean affordable reliable domestic energy resource
With demand for clean, domestic energy resources on the rise and the need for environmental solutions becoming more urgent, wind power is the best option to quickly and lastingly address some of our nation's most pressing challenges.»
(c) Accordingly, it is the policy of the United States that executive departments and agencies (agencies) immediately review existing regulations that potentially burden the development or use of domestically produced energy resources and appropriately suspend, revise, or rescind those that unduly burden the development of domestic energy resources beyond the degree necessary to protect the public interest or otherwise comply with the law.
Natural gas and domestic oil production got a shout - out in the address as part of the President's vision of supporting domestic energy resources, something that several Republican lawmakers were pleased, and perhaps surprised, to hear.What I thought was more interesting was the President specifically calling out how big of a consumer of energy the U.S.
Offshore wind in the United States is an abundant domestic energy resource located close to major coastal load centres and areas plagued with transmission congestion.
Neither should we ignore domestic energy resources — coal, natural gas, oil — because of baseless claims regarding global warming.»
Basically, plug - in capability makes it possible for America's transportation system to tap into virtually all of America's domestic energy resources by utilizing the full range of energy sources that are used to make electricity.
Japan, a country with few domestic energy resources, relies heavily on nuclear power production to meet its electricity demands.
Coal, it says, «is an abundant, clean, affordable, reliable domestic energy resource
While coal jobs are unlikely to come back in droves with this or other actions the administration is taking, the move would make good on Trump's promise to rescind regulations that «unduly burden the development of domestic energy resources
We are blessed as a nation to have an abundance of domestic energy resources, such as coal, natural gas, nuclear, and hydroelectric, all of which provide affordable base load power and contribute to a stable, reliable, and resilient grid.
President Carter followed the lead of the environmental movement in not promoting vigorous development of domestic energy resources.
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