Sentences with phrase «domestic work»

Long - term effects between perceived justice in the division of domestic work and women's relationship satisfaction: Testing for moderation effects.
But studies consistently find that wives still spend much more time than their husbands doing domestic work, while men spend more time at paid jobs.
Internet users spent considerably less time on paid work and domestic activities, and also expressed a lower level of enjoyment for domestic work.
Yet women around the world still do 3 times as much child care and unpaid domestic work as men do.
Shift gender expectations so that parents are comfortable with their daughters balancing domestic work with school work.
A: Domestic work gave women a home laboratory where they could experiment with transforming natural entities into artificial products.
I am very smart and intelligent, very attention to detail, love domestic work, etc..
In the 1970s feminist artists expanded the notion of labor to encompass domestic work.
But studies consistently find that wives still spend much more time than their husbands doing domestic work, while men spend more time at paid jobs.
Jason, That's fair enough if you see your career in domestic work only.
The «double - burden» of paid and domestic work on women's experiences of work - family conflict was also explored, which found that despite the added burden of being responsible for most of the housework, women in these countries working full - time did not experience greater feelings of work - life conflict than men working similar hours.
In a second study, fathers who were responsible for more domestic work at home experienced greater workplace mistreatment than non-fathers and fathers who participated less in housework.
The results showed that both treatments significantly reduced the gross total costs, which were driven by lowered costs of healthcare visits, direct non-medical costs and costs of domestic work cutback.
And workplace accommodations to support continued breastfeeding simply don't exist in much of the world, let alone protections for poor women working in the informal sector, such as domestic work or street vending.
While «visiting Marnie,» little friends happily join together in real domestic work activities like bread - and soup - making, washing and ironing, as well as singing, painting and free imaginative play.
• Track record of performing all kinds of domestic work such as cooking, cleaning and laundry according to each family's distinctive requirements • Able to provide both geriatric and infant care, owing to a degree in nursing • Proficient in handling domestic pets» needs, including preparing food for them and walking them on a daily basis • Inherent integrity aimed at ensuring confidentiality of family's affairs
The time spent by British men on domestic work rose from 90 minutes per day in the 1960s to 148 minutes per day by 2004; while women's dropped from 369 minutes to 280 minutes during the same period (Kan et al, 2009).
If you removed domestic work and / or caregiving from a romantic partnership, would you still have love?
Grigoryeva writes that the findings are particularly concerning since women already more often take on other «invisible» domestic work compared with men.
The Factory is recognized locally and nationally, for preserving domestic work, and providing an exception work environment, The Evans Group Inc. is acclaimed for restoring the humanity and quality behind manufacturing clothes, while promoting design and craftsmanship.
5.4 recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure and social protection policies, and the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate
Mary Sibande's work not only engages as an interrogator of the current intersections of race, gender and labour in South Africa, but continues to actively rewrite her own family's legacy of forced domestic work imposed by the then Apartheid State.
In addition, the Trump administration will influence future domestic work, says Cohen: «First, in infrastructure.
Although the primary breadwinner was still male and unpaid domestic work continued to be performed by women, the male breadwinner was supplemented by a subordinated women worker.
The largest firms are not only international powerhouses, of course, but they are grabbing up the premier domestic work.
Although higher education is not required to obtain this position, those with the housekeeping and domestic work skills... Read More»
Offering effective communication skills and ability to adapt to different situations in order to handle domestic work effectively.
● To work as a Domestic Helper for Beaver Caregiving Training Center utilizing dynamic personality and ability to follow directions to fulfil domestic work requirements.
Public authority seeking an qualified electrician to carry out domestic work across the East of Scotland.
Leaving the farm as a young adult he does domestic work in several establishments before being offered a position at the White House.
But when baby came, the women in these once - balanced relationships got a raw deal; not only did New Mom do more domestic work than New Dad, but New Dad did five fewer hours of housework per week than before he became a father.
The convention also obliges governments to protect domestic workers from violence and abuse, and to prevent child labor in domestic work.
It ranks 21 countries on a set of 10 «family fairness» indicators, including parental leave, the ratio of men's to women's time spent caring for children, the proportion of women in management roles, the percentage of men in the part - time workforce and the amount of time spent by men and women doing unpaid domestic work.
From San Lorenzo, Garcia and his grandmother moved to the boomtown of Georgetown, where she found domestic work with an R.J. White and his family.
Classes for children ages 2 3/4 to 4 1/2 emphasizing imaginative play and the joyful imitation of real domestic work.
Since the government ban on women migration for domestic work, an irregular migration of women has been taking place from Bangladesh.
My basic understanding is that the copyright owner in France would have copyright under French law and, under a treaty with both the US and Australia (and every other country), those countries agree to treat foreign works the same as domestic works.
Our fast - changing economy undervalues the contribution of many Americans, like those in domestic work and modern caregiving.
Martha Stewart gave a professional air to every dimension of domestic work.
As Laurie Penny says in a discussion with Moira Weigel about her book, Labor of Love, «Romantic love can be work, and so can domestic work, childcare, all of it — the fact that we call so much of it «love» makes that work invisible.»
If the marriage ends, judges have to decide how much that domestic work «counts» when dividing up property or determining whether to award alimony.
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