Sentences with phrase «dominance over their puppies»

We recommend this natural method of asserting dominance over a puppy be done by every family member so the puppy will be taught that there is no one member of the family that is subservient to him.

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It is during this period that the «alpha rollover» is most effective in establishing dominance of family members over the puppy.
Even if you've taken your Jack Russell to puppy - school and obedience classes, it's a good idea to establish dominance over your terrier with regular training sessions.
Never allow a puppy to establish dominance over you or other humans in the home.
From an early age, a Briard puppy will begin to assert his dominance over his human «littermates» if he's permitted to do so.
In an easy to read format you'll learn: • How to evaluate your puppy's behavioral health • How to best socialize your puppy • How to meet your puppy's behavioral needs • Alternatives to «discipline» and saying «NO» over and over • What's important and what's not when it comes to «dominance» • A step by step guide to crate training and MUCH MORE!
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