Sentences with phrase «dominant learning style»

Therefore, requiring students to vary their responses can not only help more of them shine by working in their dominant learning style but it can also allow all students the chance to find new ways to learn.
You will find that you can intuitively pinpoint your child's dominant learning style.
The suggestions below are general guidelines to reaching a child through his dominant learning style.
This post will help you discover your child's dominant learning style so that you can better gear your lessons.
There are lots of little tests online and a variety of ways you can find out what your child's dominant learning style is.
developing personalised teaching and learning principles and programs catering for dominant learning styles in all learning strands
Following are ideas for activities that you can have students complete in each of their dominant learning styles.

Not exact matches

While most people can use any of the three primary styles — auditory, visual and kinesthetic — to learn information, their dominant style reflects their preferred form of instruction and easiest means of assimilating new knowledge.
For example, Superintendent Maria Ehresman and her staff at Williamson Central High School in New York State recently administered the Learning Preference Inventory (Hanson & Silver, 2000) to identify the learning style profiles and dominant patterns of interest of its 9th grade popLearning Preference Inventory (Hanson & Silver, 2000) to identify the learning style profiles and dominant patterns of interest of its 9th grade poplearning style profiles and dominant patterns of interest of its 9th grade population.
I only hope more developers can harness similar vibes in the titles they create and learn from the development team's branding of their style as a dominant aesthetic.
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