Sentences with phrase «donation to public schools»

The tax credit is meant to encourage donations to public schools and non-profit scholarships that benefit private schools.
Private donations to public schools are not new phenomena, although lately, parent groups have edged into a more central funding role, largely because of budget cuts.
The commercials come as Cuomo has introduced a repackaged version of the $ 150 million annual tax credit program, which is aimed at spurring donations to both public schools as well as scholarships that benefit private schools.
Nevertheless, he insisted the bill — which provides tax credits for donations to public schools and scholarship programs for private and parochial schools — remains a troubling one for the Democratic conference.
The bill would provide tax credits to those who make donations to public schools and scholarships that benefit private and parochial schools.
The ad comes as Cuomo has introduced a revamped version of the legislation that is aimed at bolstering donations to public schools as well as private - school scholarship programs.
A few weeks ago, «Late Show» host Stephen Colbert recognized Ripple for gifting approximately $ 29 million worth of XRP (the native currency of the Ripple Ledger) to DonorsChoose, a New York - based nonprofit organization that facilitates donations to public school classroom projects.
Cuomo this week introduced a new version of the bill which is meant to spur donations to public school foundations and private school scholarship programs.
The tax credit, which is also heavily backed by the Catholic Church, is aimed at boosting donations to public schools and scholarship programs that support private schools.
Theirs is the second - largest donation to public schools in U.S. history.
The Lorax - adorned vehicles on the tour bring books and cash donations to public school libraries — with each priority school receiving a $ 1,500 grant for its library.
In the United States, are donations to public schools like a local elementary school deductible in the same way that donations to a 501 (c)(3) charity or a church are deductible?
Cuomo and Senate Republicans have been aligned on a number of key issues, including keeping a cap on local property tax increases permanent, as well as a tax credit for donations to public schools and private school scholarship programs.
The group sought the approval of a tax credit that is aimed at spurring donations to public schools and scholarship programs that benefit private and parochial schools.
The investment tax credit, which is aimed at encouraging donations to public schools and non-profit scholarship programs for private schools, remains a heavy lift for Assembly Democrats, who already trying to calm the statewide teachers union for approving a variety of Cuomo's education reform proposals.
The education tax credit, a proposal lobbied for by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, would allow for private donations to public schools and create scholarship programs for needy students to receive access to private education, including parochial schools.
Skelos, meanwhile, reiterated he will push in the post-budge legislative session for the education investment tax credit, which is aimed at spurring donations to public schools and non-profit scholarship programs that aid private schools.
The education tax credit, a version of which has already passed the Republican - led state Senate in January, would provide a tax credit for donations to public schools and scholarship organizations that would aid tuition assistance to parochial and tuition - based schools.
The measure would provide tax credits for donations to non-profit scholarship finds that aid students in attending private schools, donations to public schools and help teachers who spend their own money on classroom supplies.
The governor has linked the extension of rent control laws to the creation of a tax credit meant to spur donations to public schools and scholarship programs benefiting private and parochial schools.
The DREAM Act and the tax credit — meant to spur donations to public schools and scholarships — will likely be debated into the post-budget legislative session.
The state's teachers union and some Assembly Democrats were opposed to the education tax credit, which is meant to spur donations to public schools and private - school scholarship programs.
The Senate has previously approved the education bill, which provides a tax credit for donations to public schools and non-profits that provide scholarships for parochial and private schools.
The money is being spent for specific outcomes, advocates say, including the passage of the education tax credit, a measure that's designed to encourage donations to public schools and private school scholarships.
A proposal that would link a tax credit for donations to public schools and fund private - school scholarships to the Dream Act is not «viable» Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said on Monday after emerging from a closed - door meeting with Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
The measure is aimed at spurring donations to public schools and programs that support private schools.
Cuomo is pushing forward on further changes: He wants to lift the cap on charter schools and create a $ 150 million education tax credit that is aimed at spurring donations to public schools and scholarships benefiting private education.
Mr. Cuomo's linking the two measures was seen as a way to appeal to both Democrats who had been supportive of helping undocumented immigrants and Republicans who favored the tax credit, which was meant to encourage donations to public schools and to scholarship funds for students at private and parochial schools.
Additionally, donations to public schools and public school districts would be increased by the same amount — thus making it easier for public schools to enhance their programs without additional reliance on property tax payers or state aid.
The Education Investment Tax Credit will increase funds in two areas — donations to public schools, school districts and teacher - driven projects; and scholarships to help low - and middle - income students attend religious and other tuition - based schools, according to the NY Archdiocese.
Recently, he wrote the following: «In addition, I will continue to work for the passage of the Education Investment Tax Credit that would provide a dollar - for - dollar state tax credit for any person or business that makes a donation to public schools or private scholarships for students attending non-public schools.
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