Sentences with phrase «done add it to the bowl»

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If you're doing it in a cup or bowl, you may want to add just a few drops of warm water to it first.
If you don't have a colander small enough to fit inside a bowl, just add the sugar snap peas directly to the ice water and then remove them with a slotted spoon to a colander.
Yes, the glaze does get lumpy after you add maple syrup, but adding a tbsp or so of milk and transferring to a bowl to give it a vigorous whisk is the solution!
Now all I do is to take two «Muffin» Oats out of freezer bag and place into a microwave safe bowl, add 3 tbsps.
My husband doesn't eat bread so I just put his in a bowl, added the cheese on top and put it in the oven a few minutes for the cheese to bubbly.
Whisk together 4 egg yolks and 2/3 C sugar until pale yellow and thick / Slowly add 1 C milk, stirring gently to avoid buildup of foam / Stir in salt and a strip of lemon peel / In a double boiler, with water boiling lightly, stir continuously with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula until the cream thickens enough to coat the spoon, about 8minutes / Foam disappears at moment of thickening / The stirring constantly is important — you don't want the eggs to have a chance to scramble / The result is a thickened, creamy custard / Place the pan in ice water in order to stop cooking immediately / Stir and allow to cool for a few minutes, then transfer to a bowl and refrigerate it all, including the lemon peel, for several hours.
When almost done (tender but not mushy), drain, add salt and set aside to cool / Place in large bowl with the rest of the salad ingredients / Whisk together the dressing ingredients, add to the salad / Toss everything together.
If you don't have an upcoming occasion necessitating appetizers, make this recipe so that you have the fritters on hand for adding to salads and buddha bowls.
In the mornings, you'll want to add 2/3 cup of liquid per portion (I have to double that because I did 2 portions in each baggie) to your bowl with a baggie of your oat mixture.
Line muffin pan with paper liners - In the bowl of an electric mixer, whisk together the coconut milk, sugar, oil, and vanilla extract - In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, almond meal, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, and salt - With the mixer on low - speed, slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet until mixture is uniform and smooth (do not overmix)- Pour batter in liners, filling cups no more than 2/3 full - Bake 18 - 20 inutes, or until cake tester comes out clean - Transfer to a cooling rack to cool completely
Add egg mixture to meat in a large bowl, along with crackers, oatmeal or bread crumbs, parsley and cook onions and garlic; mix with a fork until evenly blended and meat mixture does not stick to bowl.
I normally don't add any sweeteners to my oatmeal, but the brown sugar in this bowl is so good.
Once the quinoa is done and cooled down, add it to a large bowl.
When done, add to the salad bowl.
It might have something to do with the fact that he often adds cocoa powder and / or leftover chocolate chips to the bowl, and I don't think it's a stretch to say that some sort of candy - like substance has appeared as well.
Once the potatoes are done, add them to the bowl of the sugar mixture and toss until the potatoes are thoroughly coated with the sugar mixture.
Not only do pistachios add a satisfying crunch to our smoothie bowl, they also deliver an extra protein boost.
I get pea sprouts in the depths of winter from my CSA, and I never know what do to with them, aside from adding them to salads or topping a bowl of pho.
Add wet ingredients to the mixing bowl and mix well with a spoon until there are no more dry spots; don't over-mix.
When starting to combine, add the ZenSoy chocolate milk on a low speed, so it doesn't splash over the bowl.
I'm making it again and will add it to soup, and do another veg bowl as well.
Add the flour and baking powder to the bowl and gently fold in (you don't need it fully mixed) leaving a few streaks of flour.
I microwaved the butter in a big bowl, then just added the chocolate as I chopped it, so by the time I added the last handful of chocolate, all I had to do was stir a few times to blend... it was all evenly melted.However, I couldn't find my regular baking pan, so substituted a fry - pan with sloping sides.
In a smaller bowl, sift the flour and baking powder and combine them with your fingers, then add the flour in parts to the olive oil mix (don't dump it all at once or you'll get lumps).
I usually don't follow much of a ratio: I pour flour (s) in a big bowl, add whatever liquid I have around (non dairy milk, water, cold broth, maybe a little bit apple cider, or some beer too, which gives lightness to the crêpes), some flax gel (1 Tbsp ground flax seeds + 3 TBSP warm water), some salt or maybe a little sugar, sometimes spices like curcuma and black pepper, or tandoori spice powder etc, stir until the consistency pleases me, adding more liquid if necessary, let it sit for a few hours on my counter, and voilà.
Directions: Using a mortar and pestle, or a small grinder, mix garlic, ginger and half of the peanut oil to form a thick paste / Add other spices, half of the water (1/2 C) to this mix, stir together and set aside / In a sauce pan, heat the other tablespoon of oil to medium hot, add cumin and mustard seeds and allow them to sizzle momentarily / Add spice paste, turn heat to medium low, and while stirring, allow to cook for 1 to 2 minutes / Add cauliflower and potatoes, sweet or hot pepper if using / Stir together so that vegetables are coated with the spices / Add the other 1/2 C water, place a lid on, and simmer for 10 — 15 minutes, until vegetables are tender / Remove lid and simmer for another 5 minutes / If vegetables are done, remove them from the pan and continue to simmer the sauce until it reduces and thickens slightly — just a minute or two / Add roasted asparagus to the bowl / Spoon sauce over winter and spring veggies, sprinkle with chivAdd other spices, half of the water (1/2 C) to this mix, stir together and set aside / In a sauce pan, heat the other tablespoon of oil to medium hot, add cumin and mustard seeds and allow them to sizzle momentarily / Add spice paste, turn heat to medium low, and while stirring, allow to cook for 1 to 2 minutes / Add cauliflower and potatoes, sweet or hot pepper if using / Stir together so that vegetables are coated with the spices / Add the other 1/2 C water, place a lid on, and simmer for 10 — 15 minutes, until vegetables are tender / Remove lid and simmer for another 5 minutes / If vegetables are done, remove them from the pan and continue to simmer the sauce until it reduces and thickens slightly — just a minute or two / Add roasted asparagus to the bowl / Spoon sauce over winter and spring veggies, sprinkle with chivadd cumin and mustard seeds and allow them to sizzle momentarily / Add spice paste, turn heat to medium low, and while stirring, allow to cook for 1 to 2 minutes / Add cauliflower and potatoes, sweet or hot pepper if using / Stir together so that vegetables are coated with the spices / Add the other 1/2 C water, place a lid on, and simmer for 10 — 15 minutes, until vegetables are tender / Remove lid and simmer for another 5 minutes / If vegetables are done, remove them from the pan and continue to simmer the sauce until it reduces and thickens slightly — just a minute or two / Add roasted asparagus to the bowl / Spoon sauce over winter and spring veggies, sprinkle with chivAdd spice paste, turn heat to medium low, and while stirring, allow to cook for 1 to 2 minutes / Add cauliflower and potatoes, sweet or hot pepper if using / Stir together so that vegetables are coated with the spices / Add the other 1/2 C water, place a lid on, and simmer for 10 — 15 minutes, until vegetables are tender / Remove lid and simmer for another 5 minutes / If vegetables are done, remove them from the pan and continue to simmer the sauce until it reduces and thickens slightly — just a minute or two / Add roasted asparagus to the bowl / Spoon sauce over winter and spring veggies, sprinkle with chivAdd cauliflower and potatoes, sweet or hot pepper if using / Stir together so that vegetables are coated with the spices / Add the other 1/2 C water, place a lid on, and simmer for 10 — 15 minutes, until vegetables are tender / Remove lid and simmer for another 5 minutes / If vegetables are done, remove them from the pan and continue to simmer the sauce until it reduces and thickens slightly — just a minute or two / Add roasted asparagus to the bowl / Spoon sauce over winter and spring veggies, sprinkle with chivAdd the other 1/2 C water, place a lid on, and simmer for 10 — 15 minutes, until vegetables are tender / Remove lid and simmer for another 5 minutes / If vegetables are done, remove them from the pan and continue to simmer the sauce until it reduces and thickens slightly — just a minute or two / Add roasted asparagus to the bowl / Spoon sauce over winter and spring veggies, sprinkle with chivAdd roasted asparagus to the bowl / Spoon sauce over winter and spring veggies, sprinkle with chives.
I've found adding a bit of olive oil to the boiling water helped prevent sticking along with transferring the pasta directly to a large bowl of cool water when done.
i grated my carrot using a smaller grater so it came out finer and added the raisins to my bowl before eating and didn't add any toppings!
Meanwhile, add 2 of the jalapeño peppers to the bowl of a food processor along with the anaheims, poblanos, and onions (do this in batches if you don't have a very large work bowl).
Add this mixture to the dry ingredients in the large bowl and blend everything together, but don't overmix.
Add the shredded beets to a small bowl with the lime juice and let them sit while you do the rest of the prep.
The Mr. and I actually shared this bowl and we were both full but we did add extra quinoa to our own personal bowl — which again points to how much you customise this recipe.
If I were to simply use a large bowl, I suppose I am not sure how to tell when I should stop adding flour - if you add some add a time, how much and when do you turn it out onto the counter?
Once the apples are done, transfer them back to a large bowl and let them cool slightly before adding the cornstarch mixture.
This recipe doesn't call for taco shells, but if you want to add one on the bottom or make a bowl with a tortilla shell and bake until a little crispy would also be incredible.
mix all of the ingredient in a bowl, add water to light paste, deep tempe one by one to the paste, then fried half done only, serve with fresh cayene pepper or chili sauce
So I might do a soba bowl, using sesame oil and adding some fresh ginger to the mix as well!
As a bonus, you actually dirty fewer dishes when cooking this way because you don't need to use 10 different measuring cups — just add things one - by - one to the same bowl and zero the scale in between each addition.
All you have to do is put raw oats in a bowl, add milk of your choice, place them in the refrigerator and Voila; breakfast is waiting for you when you wake up!
To prepare these orange flavored Greek cookies, all you have to do is to add all the ingredients together into a large bowl and blend with your hands, until combineTo prepare these orange flavored Greek cookies, all you have to do is to add all the ingredients together into a large bowl and blend with your hands, until combineto do is to add all the ingredients together into a large bowl and blend with your hands, until combineto add all the ingredients together into a large bowl and blend with your hands, until combined.
Once both bowls are mixed together, slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry, mixing with a whisk as you do so.
All you need to do really is chuck all the ingredients into a bowl, give it a good mix, add it to the
What I like to do is fill a small bowl with raspberries, sprinkle them with cacao nibs and add a touch of chocolate sauce.
And to add MORE temptation to the mix, I've made a delicious Chipotle Fiesta Dressing that you will want to eat with a spoon and lick the bowl when you're done.
Once all of the chopping / mashing is done, you lightly sauté the beets, onion and garlic in the skillet before adding everything to a large bowl to combine and form individual patties.
Grate the vegetables (I use the thinest grating disc on my food processor, though you could do it also by hand) and add to a mixing bowl with the almond meal and psyllium husks.
Now, the dough seemed a bit too sticky, so I added 1 - 2 dl more flour, and kneaded until the dough didn't stick to the sides of the bowl anymore.
I decided I wanted to try and reduce the amount of the oat - quinoa flake mixture in this breakfast bowl the lower the carb amount, but I didn't want to skimp on the volume — hello hangry by 10 am — so I added in a few tablespoons of coconut flour.
Don't add too much of the bruschetta liquid to the bowls as they may get soggy and they will be super messy!
Milk Chocolate Ice Cream with Reese Whoppers (Adapted Ice Cream Recipe from The Perfect Scoop but it was my idea to add the Reese Whoppers;)-RRB- Ingredients 3/4 cup milk chocolate and 1/4 cup semi sweet chocolate, finely chopped — the original recipe called for 8 ounces of milk chocolate 1 1/2 cups half and half 1 1/2 cups 2 % milk 3/4 cup sugar Big pinch of salt 4 large egg yolks 2 teaspoons vanilla — the original recipe called for Cognac, but we don't have fancy things like that at my house 1/2 cup Reese Whoppers, roughly chopped Directions Combine the chocolate and cream in a large, heatproof bowl and set over a saucepan of simmering water (I can't lie I just put it right in a saucepan over medium heat and skipped the simmering water).
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