Sentences with phrase «done as a joke»

That Kane - Alli handshake It's not even done as a joke.
I think this is just being done as a joke now honestly.
They go on to explain that though people may do it as a joke or ignorantly, saying such things in front of their children can cause confusion.
i am 50 percent german 50 percent irish and 2 percent cheerokie indian which is the same micx the cheerokie tribe adopts as chiefs i have applied through the department of the interior to be a cheerokie chief and am looking for wives just in case half way doing this as a joke
I started doing it as a joke at first, but then that motion, with the actual visual, it actually really got me going.
Anyway, one of my friends who was senior to me by a few years used to say about my company, «I bet you're doing this as a joke

Not exact matches

When I spoke to Hannah as part of my 2018 Big Ideas project, she referred to a famous old saying: marketers used to joke that they knew 50 percent of their ads worked, they just didn't know which 50 percent.
Sessions has said that the comment was a joke, but Figures did not take the comment about a white supremacist group as funny.
Jokes abound, as do cynicism and outright disbelief.
You could just as easily question whether it ever made sense to archive a bunch of bad jokes, but now we know we don't need to save everything.
She began working as soon as she was old enough, as a babysitter, waitress, table busser and switch - board operator — «name a crappy job [and] I've done it,» she jokes — and when her grades remained near - perfect despite all those extracurricular activities, she switched to a more challenging private school.
After the workout was over, I wobbled off the machine and guzzled as much water as I could — doing modified squats for 10 - ish minutes is no freakin» joke.
And I'm very appreciative of having done that because it was something that my mother and I had with each other as a joke because she would tease me and ask me to let her know when I had made enough money for her to sue me for using her name.
He anticipates that many employees will opt in to 2G Tuesdays — 2G Mondays just didn't sound nearly as catchy, he jokes — to get a better understanding of what the internet feels like for people in different parts of the world and to help report issues and make suggestions that his team might not have thought of.
As the Silicon Valley joke goes, on - demand start - ups are about getting people to do stuff your mom used to do.
We literally have taken some of the words of our hate comments and we have said them to each other as a joke, just because that's all you can do.
My last sentence was intended as a joke and should have indicated as such, along the lines of «other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?»
Goods go up in price every year due to inflation (think about how we joke that movie tickets used to cost $ 2) so your money doesn't stretch as far as it used to.
First a few jokes: My sources tell me that the new Fed Chairman will be Marc Faber; second, as Lloyd Blankfein is chirping about Brexit and Goldman moving to Frankfurt, Germany, he opined several years ago that Goldman was doing God's work.
The techniques include claiming outrageous statements were jokes or misunderstandings; saying and doing things and then denying it; blaming others for misunderstanding their intent; disparaging others» concerns as over-sensitivity; and other forms of twilighting the truth.
Our most sophisticated models can't predict movements in 60 seconds (consistently, didn't stop us from trying as a joke activity) and it is sad that retail traders who don't even have a fraction of the tools or computing power think they can outperform, except of course the lucky ones (elementary 1st year university statistics predicts that, so they are lucky not talented).
As the old joke says, «math is what mathematicians do
Curiously, founder / CEO / cult leader Elon Musk just tweeted an April Fool's joke yesterday that Tesla was declaring bankruptcy... making light of his company's dire financial condition as if he either doesn't understand or doesn't care.
People usually use that expression as a joke, like «Don't even go there!»
Jokes often are at the expense of someone as David's cartoons show, and that's OK when done appropriately.
Two things bother me, why jeopardize your children's security for this experiment, and why do it??? I mean everyone has doubts I their faith, but being a Christian raised by atheists, turning your back so publicly is the same as saying your faith was a joke... it is insulting to believers, a crisis of faith is normal in life, denouncing faith is shameful
The US government burned Bibles recently in Afghanistan as part of a military directive regarding what to do with trash in a warzone (no joke look it up).
They are largely incompetent at what they do, and are quickly upstaged by Captain Amazing (Greg Kinnear)-- this guy is a genuine superhero, who arrives just in time to save the day and completely upstages the «wannabe» heroes, who are treated as a joke by the police officers, villains, civilians on the scene, and Captain Amazing himself.
As you may have seen, #MillennialAMovie was trending this afternoon on Twitter, and the collective jokes of millions of pun - savvy users did not disappoint.
Like biblical Hebrew, Atwood's witty prose is thick with double entendre and allusion, including hidden puns whose meanings dawn on us only later, and outrageous jokes that don't so much dawn as «bomb» (one of the book's metaphors and an effect of Atwood's powerfully laconic style)
After all, it is argued, the Romans themselves did not appear to take it seriously (Vespasian's famous deathbed joke, «I think I am becoming a god» seems to indicate as much): it could only be believed by those who were either insane, such as Caligula, who went so far as to sacrifice to himself daily and made his beloved horse a high priest of his cult, or irredeemably barbarian and by implication, stupid, such as the Britons of Colchester who built an enormous temple to the Divine Claudius.
We felt powerless and the only weapon we had was to see the world as a huge joke that didn't deserve to be engaged or taken literally.
You got ta understand, and I don't say this as much in my defense as I do so much to just clarify, I think sometimes joking, which is what I do a lot of, is being provocative.
Hi Crystal: I really didn't mean it as a joke.
I assure you I'm not joking and a moral objector will do the exac same thing as a lazy person in that situation.
Rex Brendas somment was about jeremys article it was a joke as no man knows the time of Jesus return even Jesus himself only the father knows.She did nt think that was funny?
And he wants us to be people just take it as a joke.He didn't make a joke of God he was just being funny.
I'm going to assume you're now joking, but if not as I've said before we don't really give a crap about these people's morals.
At the end of the day, I don't really desire to toot my own horn, or to poke fun at your ability to be brilliant as a joke, but this sight is now special to me (I don't really think you're a joke, hahahahahaha).
As I wrote in 101 Secrets for Your Twenties, «Your wife might not tell jokes like your college roommate did.
If you want to believe that joke as scientific fact go ahead.Scietific «facts» are nothing more than guesswork on the part bunch of educated morons looking for more free grant money so they don't have to get a real job.
Your opion is futile seeing as you don't know me or nothing that I have experienced lol you my sad little human are the joke and what is sad is you really have no idea!
While the apostle Paul doesn't strike me as the kind of person who'd crack a joke or offer a sarcastic quip in a tight situation, he does share this ability to look positively at a crisis situation.
He was known as a bohemian cultural figure with a taste for dirty jokes, and the whole «God» thing didn't seem natural.
To the other... rest easy in knowing that I think being spiritual is a joke as well; but that is because I am an Atheist so I find Religious people even more amusing I don't need fear of an invisible angry old man to scare me into being a good person; I do good things because I am a good person and don't need an instruction manual.
But one of the things I've always loved about blogging is that I get to my whole self here: I get to love theology and Church talk, I get to write about mothering and family and marriage, I get to crack jokes at my own expense, I get to love Doctor Who and Call the Midwife, I get to love thrifting and knitting and pretty things as well as being a Jesus feminist, I get to be a homemaker who talks recipes and cleaning and laundry as well as a lover of literature and poetry and history and Girl Power, I love the local church and yet I don't wear rose - coloured glasses about this stuff.
We have names for those who announce upon drawing up a chair exactly where the conversation is going and with what conclusions, just as we do for those who insult us by explaining the joke and telling it again.
Do you have a position on stuff you will or won't make jokes about as a result of your faith?
Instead, I'll make a cheap joke about how it sure looks like Rick Warren was present at McKinley's inauguration as well as Obama's (compare this photo with this one) and note a less auspicious historical resonance that has nothing to do with church history but will be irresistible to you history nuts.
Too funny, its like being agnostic... «i Believe in God, but not Religion» what you are really saying is, I do nt want to go to Church, Study the Bible and worship the way the bible tells you to, but as long as I still say I believe in God, then I am covered... just in case he is real... what a joke!
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