Sentences with phrase «done as experiments»

There's a story in the study's literature that I really appreciate, because it is something that anyone could do as an experiment to see how gender perception works in their own workplace.
Describe what you see your little one do as she experiments with this new medium.
But, «of course you can't do that as an experiment
I did this as an experiment.
I did it as an experiment and have concluded I make ten times more being Indie than NY will ever give me.
If you are looking to raise brine shrimp as a food source for your fish it is easier and less expensive to buy live or frozen adult brine shrimp from your local fish store as you can not raise enough shrimp in a small aquarium to make the effort worthwhile, but if you want to do it as an experiment or learning experience, you can start with a tank of 10 gallons or larger and limit the amount of shrimp nauplii you use as a starter.
«In fact, we had done it as an experiment

Not exact matches

We tried things as an experiment, and we do our best.
As adults, we often don't leave ourselves enough time to play and experiment.
Researchers Christine Exley of Harvard Business School, Muriel Niederle of Stanford University and Lise Vesterlund of the University of Pittsburgh recently did a set of experiments related to female aggression in on - the - job negotiations in which, as they write, «we saw that women hurt themselves financially when they followed a blanket recommendation to always ask for more.»
Before my experiment of a year without flying, I would have seen not flying as deprivation and sacrifice, but my experience taught me that my happiness, joy, adventure, cultural exploration, and so on didn't depend on flying.
Still, even with the delays, Horváth doesn't see the Indian experiment as a disappointment so far.
Bezos was quoted as saying, «If you're going to take bold bets, they're going to be experiments, and if they're experiments, you don't know ahead of time if they're going to work.
That is: to move from only aggregating (or streaming) others» stories, and start experimenting with original storytelling, as the wildly successful Netflix has done with the likes of «House of Cards» and «Orange Is the New Black.»
Obviously, these side deals and experiments don't amount to much at the moment, so it is tempting to dismiss them as irrelevant or even laughable.
This isn't something Facebook can do today, but LeCun offered these concepts as a thought experiment to show where Facebook could head with its AI research.
Many times, when companies first start experimenting with content marketing tactics, they eagerly jump into many of the well - documented strategies such as creating a company blog or registering for each social channel, but don't see the immediate results that they were looking for — this can cause uncertainty in their marketing tactics and lead to an eventual failure.
Y Combinator is certainly not the first to study basic income, and since it's just starting a pilot, we don't yet know how its work will lead to new or different findings than those uncovered by experiments in other places and times, such as those in Canada, the U.S., and India.
Not only did the Zero Lower Bound turn out to be not so debilitating as all that — rather than work their will via interest rates, central banks took to injecting money directly into the economy via large - scale asset purchases — but it does not even seem to be the lower bound: central banks, notably in Europe, have successfully experimented with negative interest rates.
He ran an experiment in a hotel in which he polled people on whether or not they reused towels during their stay and as expected just over 50 % did.
To begin, it might behoove analysts and policy makers to do a thought experiment by disassociating the term «development» from such concepts as China's «global development finance» or even from the name of the China Development Bank itself.
I'd add one thing — entrepreneurs need an environment in which they can experiment and fail, and specifically, an environment in which failure is tolerated and accepted, and doesn't result in them being branded as failures.
I'll continue experimenting to try to make this blog more valuable to readers and I've got a project or two in the works as well as some post series I'm planning to do just that.
-- «Goodbye, neighborhood polling places — 5 counties switch to mega-vote centers,» by CALmatters» Rhonda Lyons: «This election season five California counties are doing away with hundreds of neighborhood polling places and replacing them with fewer «one - stop vote centers» — an experiment sold by Democrats as a way to save money and boost anemic voter turnout from the last midterm elections.»
While that sounds like a positive development, it does not say much as to what the existing clients are experimenting with.
Two things bother me, why jeopardize your children's security for this experiment, and why do it??? I mean everyone has doubts I their faith, but being a Christian raised by atheists, turning your back so publicly is the same as saying your faith was a joke... it is insulting to believers, a crisis of faith is normal in life, denouncing faith is shameful
Just as we couldn't do many sub-atomic experiments before the Hadron super colider was built.
His experiment is not to determine if there is a god or the effects of a god, but to experience life as a person who does not believe in any god.
I don't understand how one can switch beliefs as an experiment for a year.
Not saying you don't but when you have that relationship with God and decide to walk away, not due to life challenges but as an experiment is scary.
He did not inform these places of employment directly that he was performing an experiment that made him unable to fulfill his duties (such as helping believing dissertation - writing students through a difficult time of life and faith) anymore or agree to the belief statement he promised to adhere to anymore.
Just as we couldn't do many sub-atomic experiments before the Hadron super colider, we have to wait until we can see God until we have the apparatus.
(I do not wish to underestimate the significance or validity of some of the carefully done experiments in para-psychology, involving such phenomena as precognition and thought transfer.
Not only did the Quakers attack the colony and its holy experiment, but the Baptists did as well.
«As a youth minister, I absolutely do not want my youth experimenting with drugs if we can avoid it,» she says.
Anyone who wishes to experiment with this conception of the unrivaled as well as unsurpassed is of course at liberty to do so.
Doing so would not lead us to treat animals like people but rather to treat the weakest people like animals, opening the door to such things as conducting medical experiments on the cognitively disabled, which has already been proposed in bioethics literature.
How bout chemistry, do we need a law telling teachers to only do experiments that actually work as chemistry?
For example, recent experiments with new patterns of authority seem to show, just as did similar communitarian experiments in the 19th century, that the more egalitarian the group, the more ephemeral it is.
I do also recognize a hierarchy of living beings in that I regard human life as more valuable than animal life and would not oppose essential medical experiments on animals, although I am not persuaded that all experiments are essential.
Philosophy is great when dealing with abstract, human concepts (beacuse it's process is based around the human as the standard) but without some way to test philosophical treaties, you are just doing thought experiments which may or may not have any bearing on events in the «real» world.
They can never duplicate those event as scientific experiments required to do.
The results of experiments and facts of reality don't matter, as a god is compatible with any possible configuration.
In commenting on the results of experiments with pigeons and primates, Premack notes that since sentences contain both relational and absolute classes, a species» potential for sentences depends upon its having both, as chimps, but not pigeons, demonstrably do.6
Gertrude Himmelfarb is deeply patriotic, appreciating the genius and exceptionalism of the American experiment, and is confident that the culture war in its pres ent and future forms will be contained by «a tolerance that does not require, as is sometimes supposed, a diminution of conviction but that is entirely consistent with the strongest convictions.»
Later Einstein on other grounds developed the theory of relativity; only then did the Michelson - Morley experiment, performed twenty - five years earlier, appear as important evidence against all ether theories.
His voice and thoughts are ripe for the world to glean from... It's as if he is saying, «Listen, you normal people, I don't get why you think you have this burden or voice to try and make a difference, voice concerns, create a place for commiseration and though experiments... leave that to us, the few who should have the loudest voice, who are apart of an elite line of life commentators... I mean, for me, it's my God given job... For God's sake, I HAVE TO do this to support my family.
Does he go back in a cage forever as a failed experiment or only for a short jail sentence?
But we, as independent agents are free to experiment and wander as children often do.
I once, as an experiment for a class I was taking, asked the protesters outside of a clinic to do just that.
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