Sentences with phrase «done by experiment»

Jack Geiger, professor of community medicine at the City University of New York, calls the report «timid» for taking too narrow a definition of the harm done by the experiments.
You can do that by experimenting.
We do this by experimenting and making a mess... this mess functions as a kind of liberating force, which is hard to find anywhere else in the University.»

Not exact matches

By performing this experiment you can better determine which tasks might be fine done in parallel and which are completed more effectively given singular focus.
«When we discover that our experiments have stopped being productive, let us pivot to a new, fundamental strategy that can allow us to do better experiments,» Ries told a rapt audience at South by Southwest a few years back.
We got to where we are now by experimenting and trying new things, and a lot of those experiments didn't work.
The digital platform we're experimenting with, designed by Waterloo - based Plasticity Labs, asks us to make daily estimates of our happiness on a scale of 1 - 100 and to occasionally answer questions like, How often do you make time for things that make you happy?
But Dimon's letter does provide some specific criteria by which to judge the Amazon / JPMorgan / Berkshire experiment.
In an experiment by KissMetrics, twin landing pages were established; one of these featured a phone number while the other did not.
But they did leave those of us who prefer to be guided by research with a natural experiment of what could be wrought by a sub-optimal policy mix.
It is dominated by the far - seeing genius of Josh Boger, who at age 7 does experiments in a lab above his parents» garage (including sending a hapless mouse soaring aloft on a Hindenberg - type contraption he rigs up).
Y Combinator is certainly not the first to study basic income, and since it's just starting a pilot, we don't yet know how its work will lead to new or different findings than those uncovered by experiments in other places and times, such as those in Canada, the U.S., and India.
To begin, it might behoove analysts and policy makers to do a thought experiment by disassociating the term «development» from such concepts as China's «global development finance» or even from the name of the China Development Bank itself.
In contrast to other prominent banking institutions, some of which are interested in exploring other use cases for the blockchain, Carstens did not appear impressed by technologies related to digital assets: «In practice, central bank experiments show that DLT - based systems are very expensive to run, and slower and much less efficient to operate on conventional payment and settlement systems.»
-- «Goodbye, neighborhood polling places — 5 counties switch to mega-vote centers,» by CALmatters» Rhonda Lyons: «This election season five California counties are doing away with hundreds of neighborhood polling places and replacing them with fewer «one - stop vote centers» — an experiment sold by Democrats as a way to save money and boost anemic voter turnout from the last midterm elections.»
Two things bother me, why jeopardize your children's security for this experiment, and why do it??? I mean everyone has doubts I their faith, but being a Christian raised by atheists, turning your back so publicly is the same as saying your faith was a joke... it is insulting to believers, a crisis of faith is normal in life, denouncing faith is shameful
Did Michelson or Morley know that if even one of the hundreds of physical constants that exist was different by even a fraction of a percentage, that the universe and everything in it (including their experiment) would not exist?
Don't be fooled by smart scientists and their repeated experiments!
Test hypothesis by doing an experiment; see if predictions match results 5.
This Bible helps children understand God's Word by utilizing the nine common ways that children learn: Logical reasoning; Visualizing; Discussing and debating; Learning with others and using interpersonal skills; Reflection or intrapersonal skills; Emotional engagement; Experimenting and doing; Kinesthetics; and Nature.
Do you really think the curiosity to experiment on children, men, and women was caused by religion?
Those of you who wish to participate in the experiment themselves — by conducting listen - only interviews, taking a day off from expressing opinions, reading books you don't expect to like, or watching either Fox News or MSNBC for a day — are welcome to send your stories to me through thecontact page.
By the way I think the progressive liberal experiment in modern social values is going extremely well [sic]... what do you think?
Christians who committed their life to God does not mean they have to die like a dog, or to die by someone'e experiment or unbelieve.
The chimps did surprise Premack by beginning to point during the experiment, since pointing is not natural to the chimpanzee.
Gertrude Himmelfarb is deeply patriotic, appreciating the genius and exceptionalism of the American experiment, and is confident that the culture war in its pres ent and future forms will be contained by «a tolerance that does not require, as is sometimes supposed, a diminution of conviction but that is entirely consistent with the strongest convictions.»
Like the fire which Prometheus stole from the gods, so does this mean to steal from God the thought which is seriousness, that God is regarding one, instead of which the despairing self is content with regarding itself, and by that it is supposed to bestow upon its undertakings infinite interest and importance, whereas it is precisely this which makes them mere experiments.
Question: Why does god allows so much confusion over his plan and will when he could have just made it like math or chemistry --- verified by measurable experiment?
By what authority do we run a global experiment that could have unknown consequences?
Any new methods he picked up in the course of his own experience were stumbled upon by accident, rather than discovered by venturesome experiment, for it did not pay to wander far from the known way.
It is much easier to experiment with delivery of basic social services by mediating groups than to discern what might be done to promote the health of such groups, or of smaller, primary groups that compose the «fine texture» of society.
16 But I believe that the relevance of cosmological theories for scientific research does not depend on how readily they can be tested by experiments.
4) Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment: What is your test?
Just because he went to school and knew a lot about religion doesn't mean he understood faith (apparent by his supposed experiment).
Hope this move by Pastor Bell does not lead to people losing their souls or him losing his over an «experiment».
The declaration makes for good class discussion, but whenever I asked my classes to evaluate Freud's claim that science is the only reliable road to truth, it did not take them long to recognize that the claim itself is logically self - defeating, since it could never be justified by any conceivable scientific experiment.
A couple of practical realities we would have to guard are the occasional «flop» where, for example, a bad batch of acid has been delivered and the litmus paper does not change color (we don't want anybody to claim that a prayer was answered) or intentional sabotage by those with a religious agenda, but that is no different to the risks of any other science experiment.
But if we are trying by persuasion to evoke a feeling in another person, (1) we can specify only roughly, not exactly, what we are aiming at and (2) we do not expect to get repeatable results; therefore, we do not speak of trial and error or experimenting in this context.
Undergirding the experiment was the conviction that the right to freedom of education (like the right of the accused to legal counsel in our own country) did not really exist unless its exercise was supported and guaranteed by concrete government action.
This judgment should be based on enlightened self - interest: Would a vote to grant personhood benefit the rest of us, or harm us (for example, by preventing us from doing lethal experiments on this human that could add to our medical knowledge)?
«Now» is a slippery word anyway, but it's as obvious as gravity so we do experiments on HOW we have arrived at «now» (although that's not really a huge concern in hard science and is better dealt with by mathematical theory.
Assuming a god hypothesis doesn't do us any good unless we can begin to query the universe about that hypothesis by measurement (testing smaller, supporting hypotheses and performing experiments).
«We try to stay way ahead of the market on those trends, and one of the ways we do this is by experimenting with products sometimes years before they start becoming more popular.»
I followed the recipe to a «T», but skimped on the onion by about a 1/4 cup (the remnant hunk I had in the fridge only went so far), and omitted the ham (didn't miss it all, though I might experiment with some crisped and crumbled prosciutto when I reheat for dinner).
About Blog Welcome to my food blog where I share simple & healthy recipes, with step - by - step pictorials, using all natural ingredients from my successful experiments done in my humble kitchen.
I had a phase when I missed eggs (I loved them but they didn't love me back) and have started experimenting with tofu scrambles and this is by far my fave and super quick recipe.
I wanted to do a little experimenting by adding cream cheese to the cookies because one of Ryan's coworkers recently baked a batch of sugar cookies with cream cheese that he brought home to share and they were unreal.
If you do experiment I hope you'll stop back by and let us know if it turns out well: --RRB-
Since this was an experiment, and I didn't want to make too much of any god - awful filling combination, so I limited by batches.
If you do experiment I hope you'll stop back by and let us know if it works.
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