Sentences with phrase «done by the learner»

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But for that reason the God has reserved it to himself, this unfathomable grief: to know that he may repel the learner, that he does not need him, that the learner has brought destruction upon himself by his own guilt, that he can leave the learner to his fate; to know also how well - nigh impossible it is to keep the learner's courage and confidence alive, without which the purposed understanding and equality will fail, and the love become unhappy.
because I needed help.Long story short.I am a slow learner and need time to absorb info.I don't like to just touch subject matter here and there.I like to go chapter by chapter and that takes to much time out of peoples busy day.O well, God has all the time in the world, and I have till I die.because I was on the computer a certain day, at a certain time, looking for a certain thing.
In this manner the Teacher thrusts the learner away from him, precisely by serving as a reminder; only that the learner, in thus being thrust back upon himself, does not discover that he knew the Truth already, but discovers his Error; with respect to which act of consciousness the Socratic principle holds, that the Teacher is merely an occasion whoever he may be, even if he is a God.
Kinaesthetic learners are those who learn best by doing something.
Unfortunately, skipping the first meal of the day can make children cranky by midmorning, which doesn't help them become successful learners when at school.
Visual learners learn by being shown how to do things.
As parents our job is to nurture and teach and I believe any teaching can be done in a humane, respectful manner accepted by both teacher and learner.
In the next group, a second student learned how to make the tools by simply watching the first subject and trying to duplicate what he or she did with no interaction at all between them; in the third group, subjects actively showed each other what they were doing but without gesturing; in the fourth group, gesturing and pointing were allowed but no talking; and in the fifth group, the «teacher» was permitted to talk to the «learner» and say whatever was necessary.
Before the consortium came together, he had participated in sequencing the genomes of two vocal learners, a songbird and a parrot, but he knew he couldn't do all of the additional sequencing and analysis work that would be required to identify genes related to vocal learning — not by himself, at least — so he teamed up with Genome 10K, a project aiming to collect genomes for 10,000 vertebrate species.
«Although acceleration is widely supported by research as an effective strategy for meeting the needs of advanced learners, it's still rarely used, and most schools do not systematically look for students who need it,» said study co-author Paula Olszewski - Kubilius, director of the Center for Talent Development at the Northwestern's School of Education and Social Policy.
I'm a life - long learner and am on a quest for new things to learn and do... especially when it concerns anything domestic.Living by grace, I strive to be positive and purposeful... living large and loving all those who cross my path.
You set your sweet learners to work independently on a skill or strategy only to be met by, «I don't know what to do,» or «I don't understand this.»
As expats, we do not have family close by and this was a wonderful week for LJ as a language learner and grand - daughter.
The Learner's (full size people) have been told by their lawyer Ocious Potter (John Goodman) that their aunt's will doesn't exist, and without it the family can not claim the house.
Loosely based on books written in Britain by Mary Norton, this adaptation of The Borrowers does an incredible job of recreating the tiny lives of the Clock family — little people that live in between the walls of a house owned by the late aunt of the Learner family.
Loosely based on books written in Britain by Mary Norton, this adaptation does an incredible job of recreating the tiny lives of the Clock family — little people that live in between the walls of a house owned by the late aunt of the Learner family.
The reason for this is that, not only does it give learners an opportunity to indicate their level of certainty accurately, it actively encourages them do so, by giving higher marks for more confident correct answers.
It's driven by your learners and like a nightmarish tapeworm, it doesn't end.
By leveraging both the technology and active reflection, we can help students recognize what they need to do to be successful learners and realize when to put devices away.
What is achieved in the mind of the learner by doing this is: «Where did that message come from?
Using a dynamic geometry software programme and interactive whiteboard, learners can bend, stretch and rotate shapes on the board and by doing so they are able to see that no matter how much they manipulate the shape some properties still remain.
By asking participants to recall information at various points in a course, instructors can help learners do a better job of retaining key course concepts and reduce anxiety about receiving credit for any one part of a course.
Christine Blower, general secretary of the NUT teaching union, believes the new GCSEs do not meet the needs of all learners, and by being narrowly focused will not «provide the basis for a rounded education».
Rather than being told what to do, the learner is taught through the consequence of their own decisions and by reflecting on their actions.
They don't have the limitations of closed - ended questions and encourage learners to delve deeper into a topic by using their critical thinking skills and creativity.
For example, if you are designing an eLearning course that is geared toward sales transactions in retail environments, you can employ a simulation that walks the learners through a transaction and then asks them to do it on their own, after the brief step by step instruction that has been provided.
Does the cognitive load applied by your eLearning obscure key skills and knowledge information from your learners?
Once learners understand that they have the capacity to increase their levels of practical optimism by the choices they make, many are highly motivated to do so.
This is done by measuring the time learners take to complete the course and the various in - built assessments.
By the same reasoning, our learners do it too.
Some resort to online proctoring systems by a proctor watching and supervising learners in real - time to ensure the reliability of their outcomes and that they don't veer into cheating.
By doing that, it raises its opportunity for recognition, visibility, and trust before learners.
At the time being, Coursera doesn't have a credit transfer system where learners enjoy a formal recognition by other institutions such as universities.
Do this by focusing on the bigger picture; show the learner how the policy can help them as an individual.
This is done by allowing learners to access content on their own schedule, at their own pace, and on any device.
Whilst the exam body recommend to teach unit by unit I personally prefer to deliver the course as one big project as it suited my learners needs better, but this does make it a little difficult to assess unit by unit but it is not impossible.
They do so by extensive content catalogues, which are searchable and make sure that the learner can quickly arrive at the required information.
If we don't, history has already provided a glimpse as to what might happen... disruptive innovation compels educators to go against the flow, challenge the status quo, take on the resistance, and shift our thinking in a more growth - oriented way... There is time to go down the path less traveled and create systems of excellence that will be embraced by our learners and in turn better prepare them for their future.
Here we are not seeking for more solid scientific evidence, but rather looking for correlations that help us spur and trigger learners intrinsic motivation by avoiding what they don't feel zealous about.
Grabbing your learners attention and encouraging them to click that enroll button by creating memorable eLearning course titles doesn't have to a time consuming chore.
Motivate learners by helping them to understand the benefits of using the simulation and the possible consequences if they do not.
Not only does it improve the acquisition of knowledge and accomplishment of goals, it also motivates the learners by helping them have access to just enough information when they need it.
In this ground - breaking article you will find out: Why you don't become a professional just by calling yourself one; why the professional does not serve the interests of their clients simply by doing what they are told; why learning professionals should aim to do no harm to their learners; why it is absurd for a learning professional to be technophobic; why being a professional means basing your recommendations on hard evidence, not romanticism.
But it doesn't have to be that way — by utilizing gamification, personalizing eLearning and demonstrating clear pathways of development, you can help your learners to fall in love with learning once again.
What does the online learner need to know by the end of the eLearning course?
Some online learners may abide by the old adage: «why put off to tomorrow what you can do today.»
Whilst it's making the lives of instructors easier by cutting down on costs and efforts invested in the development of quality learning content, it's helping in doing more good for learners across the globe.
Don't give feedback that draws the learner's attention to «self» — either by criticising or praising them — and away from the task at hand.
The best way to impart compliance training is by letting learners «test it out» with real life case studies and «What would you do» questionnaires.
Provide flexibility to learners by giving them control to choose (Audio vs. transcript or Video with an interactive PDF of the transcript), maintain their pace, and not be overwhelmed by a style that does not work for them.
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