Sentences with phrase «done in a traditional format»

Legal marketing in a Web 2.0 world is complicated for bar associations for many reasons, but one of the most significant is that legal marketing on the web, even when it's done in a traditional format, is completely different from the legal advertising that bar associations are used to regulating.

Not exact matches

The bottom line is that Florida high school students taking Algebra or English I online perform at least as well on state math and reading tests as do students taking the same courses in a traditional format.
Florida high school students taking Algebra or English I online perform at least as well on state math and reading tests as do students taking the same courses in a traditional format.
Administrators in Florida, Oregon, New Mexico, and many other states as well were forced to defend or abandon revamped reporting formats that did not include the traditional letter grades.
CC licenses also come in three formats, which traditional copyright licenses do not.
In Massachusetts, some individual schools and districts are trying innovative methods, but teachers say much of the training offered by the state has been the traditional lecture format, which most experts agree doesn't work.
We've heard enough talk about the new technology; let's get to the strategies for implementing that technology that don't involve laying off half your workforce and ignoring the fact that 80 - 95 % of your business is still in traditional formats and channels!
The only step left in this exercise has to do with duplication and resizing: most comics aren't published in a 11 x 17 format, so it helps to know what your images would look like in a more traditional, printed format.
Contact us for Midnight Publishing's insider guide on everything to do with the publishing industry and the publication process in 2018 - 2019, with over 65 pages of info on self - publishing, hybrid, and traditional publishing, printing, formatting, distribution, recommended agents and publishing houses, marketing advice, and much more!
We are a traditional publisher, which essentially means that we publish titles where the author does not pay a cent, and where we professionally edit, proofread, format in - block text, have covers created, assign ISBNs, and insert into professional distribution systems.
I do know that I love my Kindle but haven't stopped buying books in their traditional paper format.
Because, although AUTHORS would happily correct errata in ebook format if they were allowed to — traditional publishing doesn't do that (generally speaking, at this time.
To make ends meet they are providing the news in a magazine type format with advertisers able to do videos and traditional print adds that have the ability to market to you based on your location.
They do get their work into place to be found by library patrons on a DRM - free platform that can outstrip the «friction» of constraints in traditional formats.
Unlike traditional publishing, in which «physical just gets dumped on the digital platform», Raghunath says she felt there was always an «opportunity to do something original for digital behaviour» — for the publisher, the reader and the writer, who feels less intimidated by the shorter length of writing preferred in this format — and, most importantly, to get a new audience.
I don't sell many paperbacks but to me books don't really exist unless they are available in the traditional paper format.
The traditional publisher will do a few things that will raise a book's visibility — if and only if that book is published in print format.
A do - what - it - wants, no - apologies tour de force that sees your traditional book formatting and laughs, laughs in the face of such conventionality.
I am hoping to buy a home in the next couple of years with my 20 % down and a traditional mortgage doesn't even compare to the all - in - one format.
In fact we believe that it has done more to win the format war than the traditional Blu - ray player.»
While such a small amount of time seems to indicate the company won't be talking about much, keep in mind that the Direct - format is much more streamlined than a traditional stage show like what the other companies do.
Utilizing found objects to create an otherworldly yet traditionally based format, the image of a large female figure and its smaller companions are done in the style of traditional Indian painting, while delicate fabrics interweave amongst images that swirl and stream within and outside the two wooden panels — thus making it engaging and contemplative to look at.
He eventually did away with the traditional square - canvas format altogether, in favor of joined, shaped canvases.
It might be seen as a reiteration of the traditional gallery format, but, similar to what each participating artist has done with Warhol's vision in his or her use of the Polaroid's dimensions, there is an important conceptual twist to it.
Started in 1993, do it employs an open curatorial format questioning the traditional definition of an exhibition as an event limited to a specific time and space.
This interview doesn't follow much of a traditional question and answer format, because Alan and I skipped around during my visit to his studio in late January, focusing more on individual paintings and drawings, his time in Rome and Brooklyn, and his tales about meeting the artists Louise Bourgeois and R.B. Kitaj.
Although this post doesn't use traditional full legal citation format, it does use traditional formatting for quotations, with brackets indicating omitted letters in a quote from case law.
These also allow for amendments in real time, whereas previously it was all done using the traditional, time - consuming paper format.
Keep in mind that while this does serve as an Amazon Echo Dot review of sorts, we aren't going to stick to traditional formatting.
A lot can be done with formatting and «borrowing» from various, more traditional formats, and in - depth guides to doing this, such as Résumé Magic by Susan Britton Whitcomb, can help.
However, despite the entire positive points about this particular format, one must always keep in mind the fact that functional resume is only accepted in certain professions and does not go down well with traditional sectors like bureaucracy, law, finance, etc..
This resume example uses a layout that is a bit different then a traditional Chronological Resume Format, however does present the content in an easy to read structure.
I don't see it that way and my prediction is that hiring authorities will continue to expect resumes delivered in traditional text formats.
It seems silly to me, to value the formatting and style of a resume, more than the actual content — and then again, I don't believe in traditional resumes as being very effective other than just being a fancy «business card» with details — and my belief that the traditional jobs are not very efficient or effective in the 21st Century.
The bullets allow me to list all of the diverse jobs & internships that I've worked in, while staying on one page (which is difficult to do using the traditional format).
At least he had the good sense to concede that the public really wants and needs to do business in the «traditional» format.
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