Sentences with phrase «done on the benefits»

Dr. Fife covers tons of studies done on the benefits of coconut oil, and not just for weight loss.
There have been a great number of studies done on the benefits of this fairly simple activity and there are definitely enough benefits listed to warrant mom letting her little one do a little bit of tummy time on a daily basis.
Ample research has been done on the benefits of wrapping babies to mimic the security of the womb, however from a Chiropractic perspective, we have found that conventional wrapping isn't the best way to go about this.
Most of the research done on the benefits of green tea have found the optimal amount to be 100 to 200 mg of EGCG, which comes to about 2 to 5 cups a day depending on the strength you make your matcha or other green tea.
In a study done on the benefits of Vitamin D, the people with the lowest levels of Vitamin D were 11 times more prone to be depressed than those who had normal levels of Vitamin D. [5] One of the best natural sources of Vitamin D is obtained from sunbathing.
None of these have been proven and not many studies have been done on the benefits of kombucha.
The studies described below represent the highlights of the large body of scientific work done on the benefits of beta - sitosterol for lowering cholesterol levels and improving cardiovascular health.
Interestingly, the research done on the benefits of sourdough all concluded that a whole grain flour is a necessity for weight loss.
I do question avoiding caffeine, since there have been studies done on the benefits of it.

Not exact matches

While it may take time for most traditional institutions to fully account for the benefits of the blockchain, only few can sit on the sidelines, as this technology can positively change how we do payment and online transactions.
Businesses with more than 50 employees that do not offer coverage will be taxed based on the size of their payrolls, but the cost will be significantly less than the cost of providing insurance benefits, and the tax is not set to go into effect until the 2014 fiscal year.
The benefits of adding video to your current social platforms are vastly greater than just doing what you are doing on more platforms.
If you don't already have one, apply for an Store Card here, select your Store Card as the payment method for your entire order, and then select «get 5 % back, and bonus statement credits on select items charged to this card» as your promotional benefit.
Just look at this list of benefits from a recent study done at the Yale - Griffin Prevention Research Center by David L. Katz, MD, and his colleagues: «Cocoa can protect nerves from injury and inflammation, protect the skin from oxidative damage from UV radiation... and have beneficial effects on satiety, cognitive function, and mood.»
Here are his instructions on how to do them properly to get the most benefit:
And if on the other hand I do think you are the perfect candidate from really benefitting from our product, then I'll let you know that too.
Branding companies are on the cutting edge of what works and what doesn't, giving you the opportunity to really see a benefit to your bottom line by getting your brand launched and off the ground.
It doesn't take long to clear things off — especially if you have a lot of trash lying around — and the benefits of working on a cleaner desk are immediate.
Trump called this claim a «joke» during a January appearance on Fox & Friends after Sen. Bernie Sanders pointed out the 2012 tweet but he quickly added that, «this is done for the benefit of China, because China does not do anything to help climate change.»
Facebook offers, as do many similar companies, lots of food, stock options, open office space, on - site laundry, a focus on teamwork and open communication, a competitive atmosphere that fosters personal growth and learning and great benefits.
And while this has largely benefited residents of Silicon Valley, who have immediate admission into a row of venture capitalists, on a macroeconomic scale, this has proven to be inefficient, as the majority of people with ideas and talent do not have admittance into this elitist group.
The findings also suggests that we'd all benefit from doing whatever possible to level up our listening skills, as this is likely to have the biggest impact on our EQ.
«I'm overeducated, I run a growing business, and I didn't know what my benefits were, how to file a claim, and the list goes on,» he recalls.
He explains that in good times, rising prices create a sense of urgency among home buyers who don't want to miss out on the chance to benefit from soaring prices.
We have a younger generation, for instance, used to being able to do everything online — ordering food, doing banking tasks, shopping and more — and they don't want to sit on a phone waiting to speak to someone who reads a script and provides little benefit.
Rosekind, the scientist who studied the benefits of naps and developed a «fatigue countermeasures» program for NASA, put it in terms business people can understand: «Which person do you want on the job, the one with 34 % better performance [after a nap] and 100 % more alert — or the other guy?»
On a separate note, 20 American states have also passed «Benefit Corporation» legislation, opening the way for companies to legally apply for a «B» corporate status that is separate from what B Labs does.
But do the benefits of owning a private company get passed on to retail investors who own publicly listed private equity businesses?
«If companies don't instigate change then their investors will quickly become concerned they are missing out on potentially huge performance benefits,» she predicts.
Even investors with generous benefits and pension plans must take on some risk to build a decent nest egg, «so do you really care if markets go up or down 15 % over a six - month period?»
It was popular at the time to worry about irradiation and «playing god,» so the magazine's stance on trying to understand the benefits of such technologies did not sit well with many.
It also became apparent that profitsharing didn't compensate for a deal structure that benefited the private investors at the government's expense — a lot of SBICs made big profits even as the SBA lost money on its investment.
WHAT THEY DID: While the Senate bill would cut tax rates for all income groups, on average, higher earners would receive the largest benefits, according to the Tax Policy Center, an independent Washington Policy group.
Kelly adds that, in his experience, «most employees don't want to do a hatchet job on their employers,» rather they want to see their problems solved to everyone's benefit.
It's like getting that new roof on your house: You know you really need to do it, but since there's no immediately visible benefit, it's easily postponed.
Canadian corporations haven't done enough in this area and are missing out on related business benefits, like a more productive and innovative workforce.
The carriers didn't make a profit on the old, subsidized phone plans, so they've benefitted from shifting the expense onto customers directly.
«I think managers would do well to take this research [on the benefits of limiting how much time you spend checking email] to heart,» he said.
Please note that when you borrow money from a life insurance policy, it doesn't show up as income and has no impact on financial aid or the tax rate on Social Security benefits.
It certainly doesn't benefit the driving public, who will save less on gas than they would under the existing rule.
But some others are distinct faux pas, says Christie: «Don't ask anything that's already on the website; don't ask about vacations, benefits or time off; and don't ask for internal details like strategy.»
By imposing a penalty on medium - sized businesses — the smallest businesses are exempt from the health insurance requirement — that do not offer employee health insurance, policymakers hope to encourage more business owners to provide this benefit to workers.
Do not assume that «if you build it, they will come,» as the idea of co-working is new to many people, and a few will need to be sold on the benefits.
I would have had to focus on trying to do 50 different tasks at once rather than learning the things that are going to benefit me the most.
I still do primarily claims relating to motor vehicle accidents and I do a fair amount of statutory accident benefits, defending those on behalf of the insurance companies.
Each material has its benefits, though we did not include any of the stainless steel options on our list because they are generally expensive, not as useful, and have bad reviews.
McDonald attempts to answer a pair of key questions about McKinsey, and indeed about the business of consulting in general: whether the work it does for clients is worth the huge fees it charges, but also whether the work, on the whole, is of net benefit to the consultants.
Not only does the audience benefit from new interesting opinions, but the guest contributor also shares the content on their social media and networks too, extending its reach.
Even so, adding just a few deliberate brain exercises to your daily routine can help you reap the benefits of brain training, and it doesn't have to be another item on your daily to - do list.
This is another membership benefit which, like its current lobbying activity on behalf of motorists, doesn't derive a direct profit for the RAC but still sits comfortably with its core business.
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