Sentences with phrase «done on the tombstone»

Not exact matches

Didn't you see the tombstone with «R.I.P K12» written on it?
I used a fork to cut a small slit in the cheddar cheese to place my tombstones in, because I don't think they were sturdy enough on their own.
After doing research on her whereabouts, he finally finds her grave in a local cemetery, and on her tombstone is engraved, «I never forgot».
Pack up the plastic skulls and styrofoam tombstones and make sure you've hidden the candy the trick or treaters didn't manage to get their grubby little hands on because Halloween's over.
Mulaney said he once had a meeting with Weinstein where the fallen mogul proclaimed that his legacy, and what would be written on his tombstone, wouldn't be for the films he's done, that it'd be for «Project Runway.»
I do like how the game will only ever make you wait for about ninety seconds before giving you a match against bots, meaning you can still gain the exp you don't in skirmish games without having to wait ages for players, its great for the types of people that aren't big on multiplayer, each vehicle has unlockable skins, voice lines, tombstones to mark deaths and emotes for bragging rights, the game also features a leveling system with loot boxes for unlockable gear and titles at each level up, meaning there are always rewards for even the casual player to earn which is great for replay value.
I was doing a whole series based on the Victorian era and death in general, so I was obsessed with collecting these Victorian hairworks, which are these pictures made from around the turn of the century where people take the deceased person's hair and chop it up and make a little painting of the person's tombstone and willow trees.
First, Like A Thief In The Night offers an image of a gravedigger, followed by We Done All We Could And None of It's Good, A Nocturn, in which the titular words read on two matching tombstones.
I'm not ready to start carving out a tombstone for the iPad just yet because 12.6 million iPads a quarter represents a volume of product that a lot of hardware makers can only dream of, but sales do seem to be on a downward trajectory.
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