Sentences with phrase «done relax on»

When business is done relax on your private patio with a view of a...
When business is done relax on your private patio with a view of a lovely herb garden.
(Looked fun but so does relaxing on a sailboat!)
That said though, hand sewing gives a more organic result and provided you have a couple of extra minutes to spare, it requires far less equipment and can be done relaxing on the couch with a glass of wine.
They're a good size, surprisingly spacious within but don't have a balcony to speak of, which means you'll need to do your relaxing on the beach — oh the pain!

Not exact matches

While there is a vocal minority who want gun laws in the U.K. relaxed, they do appear to be very small — all the mainstream political parties support strict gun laws, and much of the debate centers on whether the U.K., which already has some of the strictest gun laws in the entire world, needs more control.
The acceptance of home - based businesses is on the rise, but that doesn't mean you should relax your standards as an entrepreneur.
Mindless tasks are annoying when they're on a task list, but when you're actually doing them, they can be quite relaxing.
The suit, for example, may automatically sense when to stiffen and relax at key body joints to help prevent injury, as well as augment the work done by muscles to help counter the negative impacts of fatigue on performance and injury.
Don't be surprised if you spot Santa surfing or relaxing on the beach and spending some quality time with Mrs. Claus following the holidays.
I learned this firsthand when I started a company centered on a remote, relaxed culture that relied heavily on technology to get everything done.
One way to do so would be relaxing restrictions on drilling for oil and gas companies, the CEPR's Baker suggests.
Champion, on the other hand, doesn't think trying to brand a bank as a hip or friendly place to relax is a bad idea.
Van der Does, looking relaxed after returning from a vacation where he's been windsurfing, explains that unlike consumer - facing payment apps like Apple Pay, Adyen works on the back - end and is a business - to - business product.
There's a reason why so much business gets done on golf courses and at networking events and formal receptions — it's often the best place for business people to relax a bit and get to know each other outside of the office.
All the buses are equipped with Wi - Fi, so not only can employees live anywhere in San Francisco without needing a car to get to work, but they can relax, have fun, or get work done on the way there.
With the average commute time of nearly an hour each day on top of the eight or more hours spent on location, as well as other necessities outside of work hours of looking after kids, housework, maintenance of vehicles, etc., people simply don't have enough time and energy to exercise and sleep regularly, give their best to their personal relationships, or relax and have fun — that is, until Saturday mercifully arrives.
I am in Tuscany at the moment, watching the sun set over the Tuscan hills; so I will thank Ed for doing the heavy lifting in this letter while I get to relax, although there is so much going on and I am such a junkie that I am forced to get my current - events fix every day.
Warren Buffett is so rich he doesn't have to decide whether to keep working or relax on a tropical island.
Plenty of research and study has been done on the subject, and all you children living in fear of the big, bad hell can relax.
When Dan doesn't feel pressure to always be the leader, he can relax and lean on me when he needs to.
He goes on to expound briefly on Christ's teachings concerning taking no thought for tomorrow and relaxing in God's provision, as do the lilies of the field.
Perry told followers on social media that she was invited to the event to speak about meditation - an activity used to help people relax, though it does not sit well with some Christians.
After determining that I was not just another moralist who wanted to influence film content, but someone who was genuinely interested in film, Shurlock relaxed and asked me a question that was very much on his mind: «We are trying to determine what to do about a picture in which director Sidney Lumet wants to include a shot of a woman's bare breasts.
Sit back relax and be polite, next time someone wants to take a few minutes for prayer or to thank their God, close your ears and take a few minutes to reflect on your own life and what you have done to better man kind.
We try to do this on Wednesdays at our house, so that we can enjoy our more relaxed weekend opportunities for intimacy.
He seemed to me to be exactly like a man who should begin by saying that I, Socrates, do all I do by mind, but who, when he went on to assign a cause for each of my actions, should say, first that I am sitting here now because my body is composed of bones and muscles, and that the bones are hard and divided by joints, while the muscles can be tightened and relaxed and, together with the flesh and the skin which contains it, cover the bones; and that therefore when the bones are raised in their sockets by the contraction or relaxation of the muscles, I am now able to bend my limbs; — and that that is the cause of my sitting here un prison] all huddled up.
I saw a lady doing this on the subway recently (weird setting for that), and it looked really relaxing.
I think it's safe to say that I need to work on several things: being more spontaneous and relaxed if things do not go according to my exact ideal plan, and making sure I don't overbook myself, especially with late night activities, because it is so anxiety inducing for me.
We had — family come from as far as Edinburgh and Devon, 2 Christmas dinners to accommodate said family, 2 present opening sessions, some good long walks to work off excessive food, cousins all catching up with each other, a bit too much to eat and drink, relaxing afternoons when we could do nothing because it was raining and anyway it was getting dark soon so we might as well call it a day, and a mammoth monopoly game, which carried on so far that someone had bought jail, chance and community chest, and someone else had «banker» debt status, which meant he could borrow as much as he wanted.
Part of drinking on vacation is to provide your idle hands with something to do while you relax away your day.
This method might be a little harder to follow, and, if it's your weapon of choice, I advise you ideally attempt it on work - free days, during which you can read, nap and generally do relaxing activities.
I do enjoy the relaxing nature of coming back from lectures and being able to linger around in the kitchen, sipping on tea, listening to a podcast and cooking something delicious.
I would do it on a Sunday so we could have leftovers on the Monday and just relax... we will see
Now that the first huge set of assignments are done, I'm relaxing with my waffles, already on my second cup of coffee.
I don't want it to be complicated because if I'm cooking lunch and dinner on a weekday I'll feel like all I did all day was cook and work with no time to relax.
I felt that I needed to share recipes on Friday that you can save for the weekend, which required a bit more attention to detail, but at the same time were stress relievers because I don't know about you, but cooking and baking to me are is something I do to relax and just have some fun.
When you aren't out on the town, you can get some work done at the desk or relax in your own Jacuzzi.
My dream is to spend a whole summer there, doing nothing but relaxing on the beach and eating fabulous food, of course.
With the longer baking time I tend to do this on weekend mornings when you can relax and enjoy as your kitchen fills with delicious aromas of baked apples.
Here, you'll learn to make a delicious horseradish sauce (don't worry, I was cautious at first, too) that will delight at every occasion — from a house party to a night in relaxing on the couch.
Most roasts will have you checking in on it from time to time, but this one let's you relax for about 8 hours before you have to do anything else to it.
This dinner allows you to do what you should be doing on Friday night: relaxing.
It might seem time consuming, and it does take while to bake, but most of the time is hands off, so you're free to work on a main dish or even just relax!
I do like to sleep with a few minerals next to my bed, some make their way under my pillow at certain times: purple fluorite to relax my mind, danburite for sweet dreams, aquamarine for calming, a piece of dream quartz, and a piece of shungite that is next to my phone (on airplane mode).
(Except for reading the summary of Kafka's «The Trial» on Spark Notes because I forgot to read the book and I have a Swedish essay due tomorrow) It might sound like I've had a peaceful and relaxing weekend but I didn't just bake saffron buns once, I had to make them again this morning.
And, once you're there, remember that you rented this house for a reason: to really relax, in Do Not Disturb mode, on no one's schedule but your own.
Spa - Sational For those seeking an especially relaxing respite, a visit to the on - site Ohtli Spa will do wonders.
Woke up with nothing to do but drink coffee, enjoy the sunshine and... well, I still needed to mark papers, but at least I could do it on a relaxing manner.
It relaxes me in a way that very few other things do, but even food bloggers have nights we come home, put on comfy pants and just want to dinner to magically appear on the table.
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