Sentences with phrase «done than the formality»

Not exact matches

Long years in public view have trained him in the art of maintaining stillness and dignity while speeches are made and greetings are exchanged, but he still doesn't look quite at home with military bands and official formality; he walked nicely along the guard of honour but was much smaller than all of them.
I do think there is a larger problem within Catholicism (even more so than Protestants) of the strict formality of the doctrine instead of answering straightforward questions.
We climatologists do not seem willing to acknowledge that our unanticipated responsibilities really do require more formality and more accountability than was the case when we were pursuing what amounted to a peculiar and idiosyncratic academic curiosity.
The same could be true of the next generation of lawyers and their current legal research professors.2 We have likely reached a point at which our frames of reference diverge sufficiently that we don't share a common reference point for approaching the structure of legal research.3 Arguably, the tech - saturated millennials need a solid research foundation more than any generation before them.4 Yet many of them regard our legal research instruction as cumbersome or outdated.5 Having grown up using intuitive electronic devices, and using them to good advantage, 6 many modern law students resist legal research methods that require rigidity, formality, or — worst of all — a trip to a print library.7 Indeed, many of them are downright «mistrustful both of physical libraries and of those who extol their virtues.»
The Law Commission criticised the «illogical dichotomy between the fraudster who chooses to operate by means of a # 10 shelf company which is no more than his alter ego and a mechanism for fraud, and on the other hand, the fraudster whose conduct is the same as the first but who does not either feel the need for such a device or who seeks to give the appearance that he is trading through a company but not go through any of the formalities of acquiring one» (Law Comm 277 Cm 5609 para 8.11).
Rather than having to jump through hoops, fill out paperwork, and see to it that all formalities are followed, and in some cases even ask permission, both those seeking funding and buyers alike have been able to get down to business and get deals done more quickly when working through a token sale.
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