Sentences with phrase «done without much stress»

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You should be able to eat right, sleep right, get exercise, and take good care of yourself without stressing over how much you got done before breakfast.
They do not have to apply themselves too much during training, enjoying their mega wages without stress, manager justifying their mediocre performances on the pitch, overall they r in a pressure free environment... of course they'll love him.
This is important, because without solid physical skills, stress and control don't matter much.
So the issue is that without much in the way of concrete models and instructions about how to do so, the lack of involved male, dads or father figures and the face of the stereotype of the bumbling dad, can result in him disengaging when the stress of adjusting to the role of new dad hits.
And because it has to be done so frequently, letting go of expectations as to how it happens can be freeing to enjoy each experience as much as possible without the stress.
I am not a medical professional, so please correct me if I am wrong, but we do understand how much of an important role that stress hormones play in labour — the way medical professionals do talk about birth in terms of risk without paying attention to emotions (I am getting this from a somewhat flippant comment earlier on this thread where the author says the would like to see 100 % c - section rate) does exacerbate the problem.
Many parents do not spend much time thinking about diapers; however, if you are a parent without enough of them, they can become a significant source of stress.
Following the experimental tests using this system, the team did many detailed simulations to interpret the results and was able to determine precisely how much stress and strain the diamond needles could accommodate without breaking.
To cope with the stress of motherhood, Adele said she scheduled much - needed time for self - care — one afternoon a week to «do whatever the f — I want without my baby.»
Critically, though, this had to be done for a longer time than modern people would like, and importantly, had to be done consistently, and probably within a stress - free environment, where one could eat as much as one wanted without fear of ostracization.
Doing something over and over again causes stress — which isn't necessarily a bad thing — but if we do it too much without enough rest, we could get hurt.
And doing the pose on the floor allows you to safely stretch your hamstrings without putting much stress on your vertebrae.
I stuck my head in the sand and thought I could just throw herbs and other therapies at it without changing what I was actually doing myself and addressing the root cause (insufficient energy for my body to function, and too much physiological stress).
And if you're the kind of chick that loves playing hostess and planning parties, this is a perfect opportunity to do just that without too much stress.
So, with over 50 dating, you don't have to stress too much about meeting one's demands or requirements, but you will be able to enjoy more of your life without experiencing some hassles, especially if you are dating someone who is also an adventure seeker.
We do not want too much time to go by without finding out what everyone else is doing, how they are feeling about what is going on in their lives, what stress, deadlines, projects, and positive goals are looming just ahead.
Without a little bit of stress, you wouldn't actually do very much (writing seems to happen magically faster when there is an editor or beta reading waiting for it, doesn't it?).
Not only did we close on time, but the seller of the property we purchased from needed to close 10 days earlier than we had originally agreed on due to his deployment for the army, and Matt and his co-workers at F&B got everything finished for the new deadline without adding any stress on my wife and I. Thank you so much Matt!
Well don't worry there are lots of simple things you can do and more importantly some things you should stop doing to build this trust and in this article we show you how with a few techniques used by experienced bunny owners and bit of time and perseverance and you can at least get this situation to be manageable without too much stress and at best make it a normal everyday activity.
A big part of the reason I spend my Friday nights writing these Games for the Masses posts is because I want to help other impoverished gamers get their hands on quality titles without having to stress out about how much they cost — without having to feel bad about doing something nice for themselves.
But if such a biofuel is grown and manufactured without much fossil - based energy, if it doesn't come from fields or forests (Mr. Charles stressed there is no palm oil involved), this might be the first hint that aviation — still a small fraction of the overall greenhouse - gas pie, but one of the fastest - growing wedges — could avoid adding greatly to the climate challenge while subtracting just a little bit from the world's energy challenge.
Stress can come from your job, your coworkers, fellow commuters, and generally from having too much to do without enough time to do it.
I honestly don't know how people manage without a meal plan... it would stress me out so much.
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