Sentences with phrase «done wrt»

Something must be done wrt MSM refusal to publish alternative research and opposing views.
Though this is not actually climate related news it will hamper most of the efforts to get something done wrt mitigation.
For the first a systematic disassemble of the paragraph of his speech in which the comment appears and the one following would have him looking a fool (e.g. just read the nonsense about «placing the burden of proof on showing there is no human influence» and try and link that in some way to what scientists do wrt null hypotheses).

Not exact matches

wrt other significant blogs picking this up and discussing it, I know of a few who have not posted specifically because they didn't want to draw the conversation away from this thread.
WRT the terrifying beliefs of Christianity, I believe that those are later additions that were intended to win converts by using fear when simply preaching the «good news» didn't work.
Wrt the front wing changes, I'm not going to expect too too much out of this for next year, simply because I don't think Brawn is wanting to bring in some big change that will then result in big expenditure and smaller teams left out.
He comments on how you shouldn't analogize wrt animals, and then does exactly that.
There may very well be looney tunes who buck the law wrt - required - tests, but if there is laws in place, there should be repercussions if they do and something goes wrong I think.
Even though I try to follow political developments to a degree, I can't honestly say I know what the Tories would do differently to Brown wrt the economy.
wrt # 24, # 6 is quite correct, this is exactly what the skeptical community appear to be doing.
I don't know that I'd agreed that JNY runs large, at least in tops / dresses WRT to the bust.
This is all very true, but don't current practices wrt automatic progression, large class sizes and age grading all militate against this idealistic model?
So, where does the question of Recession comes (wrt India).
I prefer investing in mutual funds, as they are more transparent wrt fund management, flexible, have high liquidity etc., Do think about these points before taking final decision.
WRT your «theory», sorry, it doesn't hold up.
Request for clarification from a retired engineer: when it's said that methane is N times the greenhouse gas that CO2 is, is that purely taking into account their absorption spectra relative to the blackbody emission from the surface, or does it take into account saturation as well, since methane constitutes a much smaller percentage wrt CO2?
So it seems you have a very conservative estimate from the CMIP ensembles, which are known to suffer from various weaknesses wrt sea ice, and which certainly don't capture the trends over the last decade or so.
WRT # 43 and 41: Good luck finding an aerosol that does not absorb in the IR:).
The authors speculate that the main reason hurricanes show this delta is that more of the precipitation is coming from high altitude (depleted in O - 18 based on gravitational potential) and in the form of large drops that do not have time to equilibrate wrt O - 18 in lower regions of the cloud as they fall.
I don't know you well enough to know if that is a normal mode for you, but it seems pervasive wrt methane emissions and climate urgency.
(I don't know how you could scientifically use data on village movements without comprehensive spatial and temporal data on other sites to determine a general pattern for permafrost wrt global warming, but I thought it might interest you.)
3 - Why do we see, wrt our current discussion on CO2, is what appears to be a leveling off in the raw temp since 2000?
I don't think they'd serve any purpose wrt the policy discussions, specially because I'm not from North America.
Also wrt # 18, the Enclosure Acts did not lead to a life of milk and honey for the displaced farmers and in the US, for example, the life of the Okies displaced from their farms by an ecological disaster was not celebrated for the ease and luxury they found in the cities.
The point is that if a station starts out as CRN1 and over the years moves up the scale to a CRN5 and the warmists don't even know what the changes have been WRT new cement or asphalt installations, buildings being built around them, air conditioner vents pointed toward them, etc.; how can you claim that a station that has undergone those types of changes will measure the same trend as a station with the same lifetime but with a CRN1 rating over its lifespan?
I don't conflate mandating a policy wrt an ECS estimate.
«It doesn't contradict it in the sense that IPCC stated that «the feedbacks we know of are most likely positive» and doesn't thus rule out the existence of negative feedbacks — it's just at that time the authors weren't able to identify any negative feedbacks that seemed credible in the recorded literature — my albedo paper is merely suggestive that negative feedbacks might exist — at least wrt albedo which is only part of the story.»
Hi Anonymouse, I'm afraid it is pretty clear that you don't know what you are talking about wrt CO2, photons and the greenhouse effect, so I will not argue with you about it.
If you ever come across a paper that does this very involved calculation WRT sea levels I would like to read it.
If you wish, you could do some calculations around it, using 2015 costs and appropriate assumptions WRT exponential decreases in same going forward.
I don't think that their actions wrt the W&A paper amount to any serious violation of IPCC guidelines, especially since they were done in the interest of getting the best scientific evidence in the IPCC report.
Does our ignorance WRT to explaining every wiggle of your weight ENTAIL that we can not say «Eating more calories than you expend will more likely than not lead to a fatter you rather than a skinnier you.»
That is, to know something to a near certainty, and be unable to do much wrt informing those who would rather believe otherwise.
The real evidence doesn't show anything has changed wrt SLR.
And WRT to the residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere, individual molecules of CO2 may have a relatively short residence time due to the carbon cycle but the overall level remains fairly constant and does have a residence time of centuries.
This is what must be done before ascribing relevance to any one small factor such as Man Made CO2 wrt Atmospheric heating.
WRT the application of CDR, I observe that it entails about 3.66 times the tonnage of material as does Carbon Recovery, and does so in the form of liquified CO2 rather than of inert charcoal optimized for use as a soil enhancer.
The reason it fails is that is claiming an ability it does not have wrt knowledge and uncertainty.
Do Mann's hockey stick papers taken as a whole make a good case study wrt that IAC report?
Generally speaking, don't you think it's a good idea to wait to hear what the original author has to say WRT to criticisms.
You can think of reduced emissions as a good unintended consequence of doing the right thing WRT the education of poor women in developing countries.
I do see wrt to US laws, you are proposing confiscation and nationalization of resources, since many of the fossil fuels are owned by individuals who have leased their mineral rights to corporations.
So WRT to, say, electricity development in Africa, do we:
But in that they have asked the questions wrt to scientists and climate scientists, I do not find the conclusions contradicted by the data.
WRT mid-century cooling, I don't know why you would say there is no data about aerosols, or why you think it is suspect to come up with an explanation after something happens.
Peter — he was talking about the poltical will to act wrt climate change, ie., burying your head in the sand doesn't stop radiative physics.
I've done a little Bash scripting but I've looked at some wrt compilation of programs.
I do this kind of stuff all the time wrt dispersion, but apply it only after I first understand the first - order effects as a foundation.
In fact, it's pretty clear that the end - summer sea ice extent at one Pole doesn't mean anything WRT global temperature, especially if there is an opposite trend at the other Pole.
If the tolerable range WRT temperature seems small to you perhaps this is because describing «suitable environment» with a mean value is a simplification that, while it does have some utility, is used as a stand - in for a suitable range of temperatures over the length of a growing season.
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