Sentences with phrase «door for an elderly person»

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«I think the fact that the A&E is the front door for everybody is silly, if you had a heart attack these days the chances are you won't go to A&E, you'll go off to a cardiac unit, and I think there's a lot to be said for streaming elderly people off on a silver service into the senior section.»
Habitat rebuilders, Feed the Hungry, Food Pantry's or feeding the elderly or whatever your passion is opens the door for meeting eligible people.
Some of ground level rooms have been adapted for elderly and people with disabilities providing access ramp, wider doors, accessible shower with support bars.
Through random acts of kindness: holding a door for someone's whose hands are full, giving up a seat to an elderly person or a pregnant woman, visiting with a lonely neighbor, or serving a meal at a soup kitchen, we can embody the qualities of caring and responsibility that are the marks of character.
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