Sentences with phrase «dormant seeds»

«We discovered in 2010 that dormant seed coats continuously release abscisic acid (ABA), which blocks the growth and greening of the embryo within the seed.
«Plants with dormant seeds give rise to more species.»
But when it rains heavily, the basin fills, and the lake teems with new life, as long - dormant seeds spring to life and birds flock to the lake.
Sprouting seeds «wakes up» dormant seeds and kick starts the germination process that unlocks all their nutritional benefits.
Sprouted seeds pack even more health benefits than dried, dormant seeds.
There is something of the miraculous about turning a dormant seed into a living plant.
Munro recalls: «I wanted to create an illuminated field of stems that, like the dormant seed in a dry desert, would burst into bloom at dusk with gentle rhythms of light under a blazing blanket of stars.»
Munro was transfixed by the way the red desert was barren until it rained and then, as if from nowhere, dormant seeds would burst into bloom.
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