Sentences with phrase «dorsi exercise»

Choose any other middle back exercise (latissimus dorsi exercise).
Choose any other middle back exercise (latissimus dorsi exercise) such as:
Choose any other of the following middle back exercise (latissimus dorsi exercise) for building a wide back (broaden your back):
The following middle back exercises (latissimus dorsi exercises) are among the most popular used by pro bodybuilders for adding back width:

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This exercise has a powerful ability to strengthen more than a dozen of muscles, including the latissimus dorsi muscles of the back, posterior deltoids, triceps, biceps and lower and middle traps.
Besides being the top ego - boosting lift of all time, the bench press is also a core fundamental exercise for developing upper body strength that's mandatory for all lifters, as it allows you to train your pecs, anterior delts, triceps brachii and latissmus dorsi all at the same time and thus acquire a fully rounded powerful chest and strong arms, shoulders and back.
Pull - ups are another amazing bodyweight exercise that works a plethora of major muscle groups at the same time, including the latissimus dorsi, biceps, traps, pecs and forearms, and can be easily adjusted to emphasize different muscles.
As a multi-joint exercise that involves movement at the elbows, scapula and shoulders, the pull - down effectively trains a variety of muscles in the upper body, with the latissimus dorsi being the prime mover.
The seated cable row exercises multiple muscle groups and major joints in the body, and what's most important for us, it effectively works the entire back by training the erector spinae in the lower and middle back, the trapezius in the upper back, the rhomboids and latissimus dorsi in the middle and the teres major in the outer back.
Shoulder stretching exercises including anterior shoulder stretch, chest stretch, Triceps stretch and Latissimus Dorsi stretch as well as partner assisted exercises which can increase range of motion still further in the shoulder joints.
Shoulder stretching exercises including anterior shoulder stretch, chest stretch, Triceps stretch and Latissimus Dorsi stretch as well as partner assisted exercises which can increase range of...
Which brings us to the lat pull - down, a highly effective exercise that primarily targets the latissiums dorsi, the large fan - shaped muscle that makes up a big portion of your back, the lower and middle trapezius, the rhomboids and the serratus, while also engaging the elbow flexors, biceps and brachialis as supporting muscles; and is therefore an invaluable tool when it comes to building your back to bigger and better proportions.
The wide grip pull up favored by bodybuilders since time began is a great power exercise which on its own can build very impressive latissimus dorsi that spread out from the body like wings.
The videos listed below demonstrate proper form and technique for exercises that primarily strengthen the lats (i.e. the latissimus dorsi muscle of the back).
The tibia dorsi, plate loaded machine is the best equipment for this exercise.
This push up made famous by American fitness expert Jack Lalanne in the 1950s is a great shoulder, latissimus dorsi and core exercise that looks very impressive but should not take anyone with good overall strength long to master.
It's an isolation exercise (defined as a single - joint exercise, in this case, the shoulder joint) for the latissimus dorsi, a.k.a. the «lats,» which is rare.
To add variety to your middle back workout routine, replace the supported T - bar rows with a different exercise that works the same muscles (latissimus dorsi).
This exercise specifically works the posterior muscles such as the Latissimus dorsi and gluteals to help align the body correctly.
This exercise is all about upper body strength, with the main area being worked out latissimus dorsi muscle of the back.
This exercise works the latissimus dorsi, and core stabilization muscles.
In addition to working the lats (latissimus dorsi), it is a good postural exercise because the lower back and hips are strengthened during the bent over row.
Your inner thigh (adductors), abs, and shoulders (lats / latissimus dorsi) all work in this exercise.
This is an excellent (although very demanding) exercise that targets the overall back muscles (latissimus dorsi in particular), as well as the biceps, a part of the triceps, and the forearms.
The exercise mostly targets the latissimus dorsi muscle of the back along with other assisting muscles like the biceps.
An upper body workout is not complete without some exercises that focus on the antagonists of the pectoralis major and deltoids, namely the rhomboids, trapezius, and latismuss dorsi.
Although Lat Pulldowns are technically a compound exercise, most of the emphasis is on the Latissumus Dorsi, or «lats» for short.
Intervention — any acute study assessing the muscle activity of the latissimus dorsi during the bench press exercise
These exercises primarily strengthen the latissimus dorsi, but help to tighten arms (biceps) as well.
The body saw exercise builds core strength, protects the spine, targets the serratus anterior, and even hits the trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles.
After reverse bent over rows, pull - ups are the most complete exercise for back development — especially for the latissimus dorsi — and you hit every part of your back, from the wide part of your trapezius and latissimus dorsi, tapering down to your waist and lower back, just by using a combination of pull - up variations.
The participants performed the foam rolling exercises over the lower extremities and back, which includes the quadriceps, hamstring, IT band, calves, latissimus dorsi, and rhomboid muscles.
Therefore, the latissimus dorsi muscle is highly active during many upper - body pulling exercises and may be maximised by using heavy loads and a mix of horizontal and vertical pulling.
The leg press machine — based exercises consisted of biceps curls, triceps extension, seated rowing, latissimus dorsi pull - down exercises, leg presses, hamstring curls, and calf raises.
They report the mean latissimus dorsi muscle activity ranged between 2 — 85 % of MVC, likely due to the greater momentum or lesser load present in some of the exercises.
Similarly, latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoid, biceps brachii, upper trapezius, and lower trapezius EMG amplitudes are greater in a pressing exercise performed with a cable machine compared to with a fixed bar path machine (Cacchio et al. 2008).
Park et al. (2015) investigated a number of exercises that would elicit a MVC of the lateral and medial latissimus dorsi muscle.
The report no difference in muscle activity of the latissimus dorsi between exercises.
They report that the pronated grip pull up produced comparable (120 % vs. 117 % of maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) levels) latissimus dorsi muscle activity compared with the supinated chin - up exercise.
Few studies have investigated the effect of forearm orientation on latissimus dorsi muscle activity during the lat pull - down exercise.
Several studies have compared latissimus dorsi muscle activity when performing either the front or rear lat pull - down exercises and most have found that it makes no difference.
During horizontal pulling exercises (rowing), latissimus dorsi muscle activity appears not to be affected by stability surface at the hand, or by whether full scapular retraction is performed.
Comparing different types of rowing movements, Fenwick et al. (2009) compared exercises with varying degrees of spine loading on the latissimus dorsi muscle activity.
However, one study has investigated the use of expert instruction on latissimus dorsi muscle activity during the lat pull - down exercise.
During vertical pulling exercises, the latissimus dorsi muscle activity does not appear to be affected by grip width, stability at the hand, or type of external resistance used.
This may imply that exercises with peak contractions at just below the horizontal are most helpful for targeting the latissimus dorsi during this joint action.
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