Sentences with phrase «dorsi flexion»

The natural motion of plantar and dorsi flexion when walking can give some pain if you are on your feet for a prolonged period of time in footwear that does not provide adequate support.
The calves are used by your body to pull the heel upwards and point the toes down (plantar flexion) and to bring the toes up and heel back (dorsi flexion).

Not exact matches

The muscles are responsible for dorsi - flexion (pulling the foot upward), plantar flexion (pushing the foot downward), eversion (turning the foot outward), inversion (turning the foot inward), and combined angle movements.
Resisted Dorsi - Flexion: Place a plate on the front part of your foot at the base of the toes.
Dorsi - Flexion: Tibialis Anterior, Extensor Diditorum Longus, Peroneus Tertius, and Extensor Hallucis Longus.
As explained above, the inferior fibers of the latissimus dorsi muscle display a peak moment arm length of -10.8 mm at 53 degrees of shoulder flexion and a minimum moment arm length of -2.9 mm at 120 degrees.
The superior fibers of the latissimus dorsi displayed a peak moment arm length of 22.1 mm at 45 degrees of shoulder flexion (midway below horizontal) and a minimum moment arm length of -0.1 mm at 120 degrees (arms above the head).
Ackland et al. (2008) reported that the peak moment arm length of the latissimus dorsi was displayed in a wide range between 10 — 71 degrees of shoulder flexion depending on the muscle region measured.
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