Sentences with phrase «doubtful at»

Answer: That defense seems doubtful at best — and remember, it can only work if you actually have a twin sister in the first place.
I was also doubtful at first since oceans basically rule the climate, but since the difference is only a few tenths of a degree it is not impossible for a small difference to be maintained by an sustained increase in radiative input.
I, for one, am positively ecstatic at the thought, yet doubtful at the same time.
But underlying this food inflation are changes that are transforming U.S. agriculture and making a return to the long era of cheap wheat products doubtful at best.
I was doubtful at first, but all my stress vanished the moment I received my order.
Are they willing to help the author publicize, promote, and market books for authors, doubtful at best?
If the e-tron quattro is offered around the same price before incentives, it would shake up the market, but it's doubtful at this point.
It's doubtful at this point, but here's hoping.
It's clear that New York will lose two House seats in the next round of redistricting — most likely one upstate and one downstate, as is the tradition, although if the push for a nonpartisan commission is successful (seems doubtful at this point), that could change.
I was doubtful at first of how efficient it was going to be, but it was incredible!
It seems doubtful at this stage in his career.
Either wenger is co-operating which is doubtful at best or gazidis is already casting him aside.
It seems that the main demands are around ambition at Arsenal, something which is very doubtful at the moment.
With this encomium to Rick's virtue that seem like a campaign elegy, I don't mean to write off his chances for ultimately winning the nomination as the primary season goes on (though I think the chances are doubtful at best).

Not exact matches

But it's doubtful these delivery workers have much control at all over how much they work or what hours they get.
But even if they were actually right about this — which is doubtful since no one is good at everything — it's an unsustainable business philosophy.
Nathan Wenzler, the Chief Security Strategist at AsTech Consulting, told me you might be able to bring a portable Bluetooth keyboard... but it's a bit doubtful.
Harry Colvin, director and senior economist at Longview Economics, told CNBC ahead of the petro's launch that he was «doubtful» the introduction of the world's first state - backed cryptocurrency would be a success.
He's doubtful BlackBerry 10 will be released on time early next year — or at all.
Even if net - neutrality backers can convince Congress to pass the CRA, it's doubtful President Trump would sign it, give that the anti-net neutrality rules were put in place at the direction of Ajit Pai, the FCC chairman Trump nominated.
So if we can expect 3 more quarter - point hikes this year it would seem to make sense to stick to short - term CDs yielding around 2 % now and then look for a longer - term one at around 3.5 % at EOY, especially if one — I am in this camp — thinks that by EOY the odds of recession will have risen enough that further rate hikes in 2019 will be looking doubtful.
This means that even for some reason if Ethereum itself loses its value (which is doubtful to happen in 2018), if the projects it hosts keep their value, ETH will still be demanded, at least as a means of paying for the projects it hosts.
Since it seems doubtful that the parents of Jesus were Romans, he would have had the skin, hair color and facial features of the average Jew born in Judea at that time.
There are multiple, complex reasons for the decline in humanities enrollments, and it is highly doubtful that a set of global reforms devised by any committee, no matter how prestigious, could have any impact at all on these numbers.
But let's agree that rejecting it is at least a doubtful rejection of Christ's own declaration to the contrary.
Assuming he offered clarification (doubtful), he would then have to defend both his judgement regarding who was at fault and the nature of that fault, and that leaves him entirely vulnerable to Julie's counterpoints.
As Lowe puts it, «It is in the highest degree doubtful if the Whiteheadian type of nationalistic method in the field of metaphysics would have developed at all, had not the traditional conception of the scope of mathematics first been transcended» (UW 130f.).
If Whitehead had left the situation at that point, it is doubtful that much controversy would have been raised.
In Matthew (whose account is much more formalized) the disciples in Galilee were aware of a presence which some of them recognized at once, «but some were doubtful»; then he spoke, and they knew perfectly well who it was.
In large parts of the Southwest, but not only in the Southwest, the majority of those with whom priests work are in the country under circumstances that are at least legally doubtful.
But insofar as «Jesus»» word was not written until 70 years after his death — rebirth, whatever, it's doubtful that any person who heard him utter anything at all from his mouth was still alive.
It is doubtful whether any society can remain healthy for long following the loss of all its rituals, however irrelevant they may appear at particular moments in history.
In my own ministry I have talked with a number of thoughtful people — mainly young people — who accept belief in God as giving meaning and joy and hope to this life but reject, or are at best highly doubtful about, any concept of personal resurrection or immortality.
Doubtful of whether they had made themselves worthy of heaven, people shook with fear at the thought of how God might judge them.
That is, if one's interlocutor is being threatened with violence, torture, or death at the same time as he is being confronted with a polemical argument, and if the outcome of the latter determines whether he is killed, tortured, forcibly converted, or whatever (this was, of course, the case for many Jews in medieval Europe), then it is exceedingly doubtful that the polemic is morally proper.
This is such a huge subject that I must beg indulgence, therefore, if I give my space to but a small fraction of the historic faith — namely its main emphases on God, Christ, the Church, and eternal life — and consider only these in our modem context, in the effort to discover what values they may have for men and women who are tossed about in an unsettled world, with an uncertain future, and doomed — almost certainly it seems — to a doubtful truce of arms, at worst to a war which threatens to annihilate man as we have known him and in any event to leave us a bare existence such as we can eke out on a totally devastated planet.
Although scheduled to address the ethics of these matters, Watson discussed at length the politics and economics of scientific entrepreneurship, including advice on how to induce a nervous Congress to allocate huge sums for an enterprise of doubtful benefit.
This is because they believe that what is given in immediate experience is absolutely certain, and any mode of «knowledge» which departs at all from such immediacy (for instance, an inference from experience) is to some degree doubtful.
John Inazu, associate professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis, was doubtful that protests against the Supreme Court's ruling would accomplish any good.
This may mean that they thought Peter had died in prison, and what they saw was his spirit; or it may mean that they believed a person had a spirit - double that might appear visibly, though it is doubtful that this was believed by Jews at that time.
At least I saw that «the positing or emergence of this effort or desire is not only devoid of all intuition but is evidenced only by works whose meaning remains doubtful and revocable.
The encounter of Jesus with the woman taken in adultery illustrates the egalitarian stance of Jesus - what is wrong for a woman is wrong also for a man.72 Prostitutes felt free in the presence of Jesus, not because he was easy with them but because he did not look at them as sexual objects to be exploited.73 He allowed a woman of doubtful reputation to wash his feet with her tears and wipe them with her hair (Lk.
At the same time, however, it is doubtful if Bultmann is right in adopting the existentialist concepts of the Ego, of time, of guilt and obedience, for his own definition of these things.
To make hard laws out of doubtful theories, and impose them and obey them at any cost?
It is doubtful whether we can speak of «now» in any legitimate sense at all.
But I still feel doubtful as to the general value of Whiteheadian theory as a guide for the research biologist, except insofar as it encourages him to doubt the reliability of Lloyd Morgan's «canon» as the sole guide to research at the present day.
@Tom: And likewise, no one is required to do what you deem is morally right either, if you ever advocate anything moral at all, which is of course, doubtful.
We are homeless in the world, standing over against it, and it is doubtful we ever will find ourselves at home again, at least if we are forced to rely on our own meager resources.
Developments in philosophy, psychology and other social sciences have conspired to make even the religious at times doubtful about the capacity of symbols to put them in touch with the mystery of ultimate reality.
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