Sentences with phrase «doubts and questions»

You may have doubts and questions related to your value in His plan or may be unable to truly trust everything that has happened to you is part of God's will for you and your life.
Today we are living together and I am extremely happy about decisions I have made, though it wasn't easy — we both had a lot of doubts and questions throughout the way.
Ask for full support in contact us before you investing: clear all your doubts and questions with the team before investing, it's always good to reach out the support before you do something.
The online forums not only answer your question once as lawyers would but you can ponder over the first information and come back again and again with doubts and questions which results in you making the appropriate decision in not only choosing the right lawyer but also the fact whether you should approach the court or not.
The pictures depict dream - like scenes which evoke the mysterious images of Magritte and Buñuel, and instil subtle doubts and questions in the observer.
We played the closed beta of Trion's sequel to the MMO Shooter Defiance, and were left with doubts and questions.
lots of doubts and questions for which I do not have answers yet.
There are real doubts and questions regarding a return to elected, local control, and they have remained since before the great breaches in the levees: how can a traditional district turn around failing schools and what are the limits of state intervention?
Many of our conversations were helpful to me as I process the doubts and questions I have.
I printed it out for my own reference and for any others, doctors included, who may have doubts and questions.
Recently, the doubts and questions plaguing the theory of evolutionary psychology have boiled up to the mainstream press.
The victory of Louis - Napoleon Bonaparte in the first presidential election with universal male suffrage, the imperial impulse of the Bonapartist government, and, finally, the overthrow of the Second Republic following Louis - Napoleon's coup d'état in 1851, did not fail to raise doubts and questions.
Had the Gunners drawn the game, doubts and questions about their ability to last the distance in the title race this season would have been raised again.
Eventually my doubts and questions led to a difficult departure from the spiritual movement of my youth; I became a Baptist immediately after graduating from a Baptist seminary at age 26.
Typically, contacting 3,000 people in a newly developing area will produce 300 people to organize as a congregation, but what if the appeal from the beginning was to those who had doubts and questions?
And ignoring doubts and questions is rather like ignoring rats in your basement or mold in your walls.
Critics worried that the structure didn't leave a place for doubts and questions based on faith - development models.
Over the years, doubts and questions kept piling up.
And the church, as we all know, is extremely uncomfortable with doubts and questions.
Sometimes, we act like God never answers our prayers and we feel more comfortable in our doubts and questions than in that hunch we have stuffed down in our soul that maybe, just maybe, God could actually do something amazing here, that he wants to do something amazing here.
And sometimes doubts and questions are seen as a deficiency in your theology or walk with the Lord that must be fixed or corrected.
Not only did John have doubts and questions, so did every great man or woman in Scripture.
If someone was born in Saudi Arabia, they would be Muslim and if they were born in the US, they would be Christian... It's up to them to figure out that religion is a crock before they waste their whole life worshiping a non-existent friend in the sky and believing in a book full of fairy tales... My favorite fairy tale is about the guy who was told not to look behind and was turned into a block of salt when he disobeyed the command and took a peak... lol... I was raised christian but I had too many doubts and questions especially after our scandalous pastor took the money that was raised to build a new church building and disappeared into thin air with the loot... lol... After I ditched religion, I had a peace of mind and I am still at peace...
We're the ones having all the doubts and questions - certainly NOT Him.
keep asking those questions out loud, sometimes you give voice to others» fears and doubts and questions.
Christians with doubts and questions aren't lacking faith.
Most of the doubts and questions I have struggled with in the past were exasperated by these «simple» answers that don't really answer the question.
I have gone through a crisis, and have experience many of these doubts and questions.
While young people may be afraid to share their doubts and questions in evangelical churches for fear of judgment and condemnation, they may be just as afraid to share their doubts and questions in mainline churches because no one seems to be talking about those issues!
I did struggle with exposing my doubts and questions for a while.
Even after — or maybe because of — my years spent wandering the wilderness, in the midst of my doubts and questions and uncertainties, all of it, I still have stars in my eyes about Jesus.
I started my first blog on Xanga when I was just twenty - five years old: I was a burned out, over-churched, cynical Gen - X kid with a lot of doubts and questions.
This most recent theology no longer addresses the doubts and questions of faith raised by the community of faith but the doubts and questions of the contemporary cultured ignorers of faith.
He encourages not only a safe discussion about my doubts and questions, but also establishes an atmosphere where I can be myself, let loose and even make new friends with the other students.
In my case my doubts and questions didn't cause me do abandon my Christian faith, they allowed me to move into a better faith.
Serious doubts and questions must be given room!
While you want to help, you may have some serious doubts and questions regarding what being a cosigner all entails.
We live in an era of doubts and questions about the global order.
Peter's zeal was redirected and I pray the same for my propensity to stand in the middle, doubt and question and speak.
But often, stronger faith is forged through valleys of doubt and questioning.
When it comes to doubt and questioning, NP, I fear that we speak two very different languages.
That said, I don't see all forms of doubt and questioning as the way to understand.
When we celebrate only Holy Saturday, we believe, in our doubt and questioning, that we have permission to be cynics and deconstructionists — and that everyone should sit in our graves with us.
one would have to show without a doubt and question that it was saying those were strictly his last words... IM sorry... but nowhere do I find it even implied
Reread the Psalms and you'll find more doubting and questioning God than you'll find praising God.
If our lessons are totally positive, assertive and confident, then doubt and questions sound awkward and, as a result, they are not given a voice.
This kind of reasoning was always used to discourage me from doubting and questioning and therefore growing.
A draw at Atlético is fine, but a bad game against the weakest team in the group at home will really bring a lot of doubt and questions to a Barça side that's exceeded expectations in this young season.
I have been judged and doubted and questioned along the way and I'm certain that will continue.
«There is always that temptation to doubt and question yourself,» she says.
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