Sentences with phrase «dour tone»

The phrase "dour tone" refers to a serious, gloomy, or unfriendly manner of speaking or communicating. Full definition
The slightly dour tone is the perfect backdrop for the director to skillfully weave together his varied narrative strands in a surprisingly entertaining medley.
Still, the challenge to find humanity's new home doesn't bear down the open - world exploration with a dreadfully dour tone.
While thrilling, suspenseful and exciting at times, Blackhat is also often punctuated by a dour tone, an incomprehensible plot and poor cinematography.
Though it boasts first - rate special effects, Marvel's latest suffers from a dour tone and flat performances.
This philosophy is reasonable taken on its own merits, and even more so with a game like Sunset Overdrive that aims to parody the dour tone of many modern games.
Don't think, from my dour tone, that I don't respect this decision since Sony appears to be moving in the right direction from a financial perspective, but it's difficult to view the company's output as anything more than a by - the - books consideration of what it believes a smartphone should be.
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