Sentences with phrase «down planetside»

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A lot of players will claim up and down that if there was any one first - person shooter out there with the most grand of scale, it would have to be one of the PlanetSide games.
Planetside can be instanced and sharded to keep costs down and frame - rates up.
Here's the list of titles that are either currently available or coming soon: 1) DC Universe Online 2) Blacklight: Retribution 3) Warframe 4) Everquest Next (launching in 2015) 5) PlanetSide 2 (launching in first half of 2014) 6) War Thunder (already released in Europe but will come to North America soon) 7) Deep Down (unknown launch window)
We've already noted this year that Daybreak's down to a bare handful of titles, and I have to wonder whether DC Universe Online's console crowd, the vets stretched thin over the EverQuest and PlanetSide franchises, and the Standing Stone publishing hustle are enough.
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