Sentences with phrase «down at an easy pace»

Cool down at an easy pace.

Not exact matches

Cool down with 200 — 500m at an easy pace.
The Workout: Start with a 10 - minute warm - up, «jogging» in the deep end at an easy pace, then do intervals: «sprint» for 1 minute, jog at an easy pace for 1 minute, sprint 2 minutes, jog 1 minute; repeat 3 to 4 times, then jog at an easy pace for 10 minutes to cool down.
Over the 10 minutes of sprint training they actually only did three 20 second sprints, the rest was done at an easy pace between sprints or was part of the warm up or cool down.
You will need to slow the treadmill down as you want it at an easy pace so that you can go sideways, best to start slow and experiment with the speed until you find the right speed for you.
Breath of Fire Sit in easy pose in neck - lock, chest up, shoulders relaxed «Breathing powerfully through the nostrils, pumping the navel down and out on the inhale in and up on the exhale «Each inhale and exhale should sound the same and be the same length «Go at your own pace, more slowly for beginners «The body and face should be very relaxed «Beginners: try panting like a dog with the mouth open and tongue out at first.
Our online 4 - hour TCAC traffic school course program is broken down into 10 easy chapters and taken in the privacy of your own home, or any computer connected to the Internet, and at your own pace.
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