Sentences with phrase «down by my hip»

Keep your arms straight out in front of you, palms on the ground or place them down by your hips, resting the back of your hands on the ground.
Pick up the bar with both hands and start with your arms straight down by your hips, palms facing up (a).
But as he disembarked, he made a jerking signal with his hand down by his hip indicating that Nestor should follow him.

Not exact matches

Shielded by cars and with Rosa on her hip, she forced the papers down a metal sidewalk grate.
There is no communication when on the field, as you said, when there is a break in play, they should be talking to each other, not standing around with their hands on their hips, or crouching down, by themselves in the middle of the pitch, they don't even speak to the manager for gods sake!
By pushing our feet down into the ground, the ground will push back into us causing the energy to flow through the hips, core, hands, and ultimately into the club and golf ball.
As baby becomes stronger and more comfortable while playing tummy - down on the ball, you can increase the challenge by loosening your death grip on baby's hips (which gives her the chance to use her muscles more in order to maintain a stable position when pushing up), rolling with a quicker pace (just don't act like you're launching baby to the moon!)
Improper swaddling by tightly wrapping your baby's legs straight down may loosen the joints and damage the soft cartilage of the hip sockets, leading to hip dysplasia.
(PASADENA, CA) July 16, 2014 — On a balmy July 11th evening 70 guests gathered at the Craftsman - meets - Japanese home of Johanna Metzger and Alejandro Lopez tucked away in the foothills of Altadena where a young, hip crowd grooved well into the night to the tunes of down tempo music to mix, mingle and to be inspired by Five Acres.
At nap and bedtime, it got taped on, so she couldn't pull it off either by the tabs or down over her hips.
One of the best jokes to come down the pike is how «hip» is now worshipfully invoked by farty (sorry — it's the David Paterson thing) quasi-public revitalizers and money hungry pols.
Hip and waist circumference also went down by an average of 1.7 and 1.5 centimetres respectively (European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, DOI: 10.1038 / ejcn.2010.19).
By dating a stalagmite that had grown on the hip bone, they were able to narrow down the age of the human bones from the Chan Hol Cave.
Doing so pushes her hips down and creates drag that must be compensated for by a powerful upper body.
An 80 - year - old in a seventh - floor walkup who recently had hip surgery can't get down the stairs by themselves.
Make a tall «V» shape by lifting hips straight up, sinking upper chest and shoulders, and relaxing down the backs of legs into your heels.
Excess fat on your shoulder blades and top of the hips is caused by your body's inability to effectively break down complex carbs and sugars
Still maintaining tightness, lower the weight back down by bending forward at the hips.
Start by standing with your feet hip - width apart holding two hand weights down at your sides.
Push your hips back and lean forward with a flat back, then explosively jump up as high as possible by pushing the ground down.
Stand with your feet hip - width apart and your arms down by your side.
To further reduce the involvement of your hips, and put more focus on your thighs, you can do the exercise by going on your tip - toes as you go down.
With hands on sandbag jump or step back into push up position and do a pushup, then jump or step feet back in and do a clean and press with sandbag: pick up sandbag by its 2 horizontal side handles, bring it up to hip level straightening your body and flipping it so it's up on top of your hands over knuckles and press it up towards ceiling, and then reverse movements bringing it back down to ground.
Keeping your arms fully extended, lower into a squat by bending your knees and lowering the weight down, then explosively swing the kettlebell upwards by lifting your arms and extending your knees and hips.
Sciatic pain, or sciatica, is most commonly caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve that runs from each side of the lower lumbar and lumbosacral spine through the buttock and all the way down to the foot and in most cases, it's the piriformis muscle (a small hip rotator muscle located in the buttock region) that irritates the nearby sciatic nerve, thereby causing pain and numbness.
Move like you're sitting down on a chair by sending your hips back, bending your knees and pushing your weight into your heels.
Exhale as you push your hips back to squat down as if sitting in a chair; at the same time, lift your arms by your ears.
Therefore, avoid hitting your knees by first moving your hips back on the way down.
Slowly lower your right hip toward the ground by twisting left and sinking your hip down.
And as with the regular dive bomber, you may choose to start the next repetition of the exercise by simply lifting your hips up (going from «three» to «one») or by diving back down again (going from «three» to «two» to «one»).
Lower your body down onto the squat as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees.
How to do it: Stand straight with your feet approximately shoulder width apart, if you are using dumbbells place your hands down by your sides with palms facing in to your body, if you aren't using weights you can place your hands on your hips.
Moving down the list, studies also show that hip flexor tightness probably isn't caused by weakness, either.
Slowly squat down by lowering your hips and allowing your knees to bend slightly forward.
Roll the cylinder up to your shoulders and then back down to your midback by engaging your abs and lifting your hips slightly.
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then do 5 plank jacks by jumping feet both out at the same time to wide legs and then back in to center.
So with that being said, just like the IT band stretch, start by lying down on your right side with your body extended and place the foam roller under your hip.
Stand with your feet hip - width apart and slowly begin to roll from the neck down, vertebrae by vertebrae, until your body is folded and your arms and neck are hanging loosely.
He's doing that by keeping his right hip down and instead of hiking his hip up, he is bringing his thigh up by allowing a deep crease where his leg and pelvis meet (for a better view of the hip flexion, see pilates knee folds), and bending his knee.
bear crawls - get down on hands and feet and crawl forward on hands and feet (not knees) across room or field and back crab walks - sit down on the ground with your hands behind your back and feet on the ground in front of you; then elevate your waist off the ground so that your weight is on your feet and the palms of your hands and your torso is nearly parallel to the ground; then walk forward using your hands and feet reverse crunches - lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor, your knees at a 90ï «° angle, your palms on the floor by your hips, and your head and shoulders slightly lifted off the ground.
lying leg thrusts - 2 part movement; lie on your back with your head and shoulders raised off of the floor, your hands (palms down) on the mat by your hips, and your legs at a 90ï «° angle from the floor.
How to: Stand with feet hip - distance apart holding a dumbbell in each hand down by your sides (a).
Inhale and lift the head and torso up by pushing the hip points down, toward the floor.
From there, your virtual running coach is on the job, monitoring your form and grading you across five metrics: cadence (steps per minute), braking (the amount of forward resistance caused by each foot strike), bounce (the distance, up - and - down, that your hips move), along with your pelvic drop and rotation.
Return to the top by contracting the quadriceps, groin and hip extensors of the lead leg and bring the dumbbell back down under control.
Correspondingly, the five phases that can be described between these positions are as follows: (1) the first pull happens between the ground and when the bar reaches knee level and is initiated by knee and hip extension; (2) the transition happens when the barbell is between knee level and the power position and involves a shift in the position of the body relative to the barbell, which involves a brief period of knee flexion and is therefore referred to as the double knee bend (Enoka, 1979; 1988); (3) the second pull is the most powerful phase of the lift and occurs while the barbell is between the power position and the lifter is in triple extension; (4) turnover occurs as the lifter quickly drops down under the bar from the triple extension position to the catch position, in a deep front squat; (5) recovery into the standing position occurs as the lifter stands from the catch position to upright.
Then, initiate the squat from your hips by sitting back and down keeping the weight on your heels as opposed to the balls of your feet.
By intentionally resisting the pull by pulling the knees out, you are able to squat down with your knees out and straight and effectively target the outer thigh muscles and strengthen your knees and hipBy intentionally resisting the pull by pulling the knees out, you are able to squat down with your knees out and straight and effectively target the outer thigh muscles and strengthen your knees and hipby pulling the knees out, you are able to squat down with your knees out and straight and effectively target the outer thigh muscles and strengthen your knees and hips.
Truck Driver Start by squatting down, weight in your heels, hips down and back, core engaged and chest open.
Now, lower your body back as far as you can by pushing your hips back (as if sitting down onto a chair), bending your knees and putting your weight on your heels.
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