Sentences with phrase «down by population»

Because there are fifty states we will be working our way down by population.

Not exact matches

Developers will adjust by limiting new project launches and offering companies long down - payment tenors, the report predicts — and over time demand is expected to be revived by Indonesia's young and growing population combined with attractive yields.
And then you would have the world population down by 70 %!
Managers can benefit from using this principle by reviewing population data broken down by consumer segment in a given market.
Perhaps surprising is that these firms are targeting meat eaters, not vegans or vegetarians, and they are doing so by focusing on the need for the entire population to cut down on animal consumption to conserve valuable water and land resources.
Then add in the fact none of the candidates are free of murky accusations, protests have been violently shut down, protesters arrested, and dissenting voices have been killed (by allegedly invisible and unaccountable forces), and you can see why Putin would win, even without the no doubt significant level of REAL support among the population.
The figure below breaks down the absolute sums in terms of support per capita to make them more directly comparable than absolute figures (listing 5.5 m population Finland and 300 + m population US side - by - side may invite misunderstandings).
There is good information on the foreign born population of every county in the United States (and for that matter, every census tract), which is broken down by age as well.
Former city Correction Commissioner Martin Horn has, like Mark - Viverito, championed proposals to drive down Rikers» population by diverting the mentally ill and expediting court cases to speed pretrial detainees through the criminal justice process.
Lowering the recidivism rate would save the state money in the long term by cutting down the prison population, Cuomo argued.
Last month, de Blasio announced plans to close the notorious prison complex in a decade and reduce the city's jail population by about half — down to 5,000 — to make it happen.
«The geological similarities between the sediments at the place where the skull was found and sediments laid down during the 1998 tsunami that hit this same coastline have made us realise that human populations in this area have been affected by these massive inundations for thousands of years.»
It went down for young people late in the 1990s and then went back up a little bit as a general population figure; so that you have a tremendously important contrast between steady rates of illegal drug use as measured by drug overdose death rates, as measured by urines of arrested people, emergency room mentions, all kinds of things.
«If I as a university professor approached my institutional review board and said I want to experiment on entire populations by introducing wavelengths of light most associated with harmful biological and ecological effects, they would laugh me out the door, down the street and out of my office,» Longcore says.
It enables users to forecast populations of the various municipalities of Greater Montreal broken down by age, sex, language, and immigration status.
Saatchi, which is owned by France's Publicis Groupe, SA, chose LifeStraw over a field of competitors that included a reusable controller to improve the distribution of IV fluids, a collapsible wheel that can be folded down for easier storage when not in use on bicycles or wheelchairs, an energy - efficient laptop designed for children in developing countries, a 3 - D display that uses special optics and software to project a hologramlike image of patient anatomy for cancer treatment, an inkjet printing system for fabricating tissue scaffolds on which cells can be grown, a visual prosthesis for bypassing a diseased or damaged eye and sending signals directly to the brain, books with embedded sound tracks to help educate illiterate adults on health issues, a phone that provides telecommunications coverage to poor rural populations in developing countries, and a brain - computer interface designed to help paralyzed people communicate via neural signals.
Researchers in Hawaii found that guppies released in the 1920s drove down native fish populations, perhaps by competing with them for food and living space, and had likely changed the cycle of nutrients in water: Guppy - rich areas showed increased levels of dissolved nitrogen — from ammonium in fish urine and gill excretions — which, in turn, stimulated algae growth.
A new report by the Environmental Change Institute (ECI) at the School of Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford concludes that better governance could have lessened the impact on the poorest and most vulnerable, and affected populations have been let down by the authorities in the past.
Earlier surveys and applied research conducted by WCS and the South Sudan Wildlife Service estimated an elephant population of some 2,300 in the country prior to the civil war, which began in December 2013, down from an estimated 79,000 in the 1970's.
Naïve bees were then able to learn the task by observing a trained demonstrator bee while this skill was passed down through several generations of learners, ensuring its longevity in the population.
Now, researchers have found that these diseases have also left their mark on modern - day populations: A new study suggests that infectious diseases brought by Europeans, from smallpox to measles, have molded the immune systems of today's indigenous Americans, down to the genetic level.
These once - rare decomposers then undergo a population boom, fueled by the decaying guts, which are rich in nitrogen from broken - down proteins.
Geneticists say large population databases will be essential to pin down what portion of people carrying potentially harmful mutations will develop disease, and if the effects can be mitigated by other genes, for example.
«Social and economic equality empowers societies to engage in sustainable pathways, which includes, by the way, not only the sustainable use of natural resources but also slowing down population growth, to actively diminish the human footprint on the environment.»
The experiments investigated both top - down (driven by predators) and bottom - up (food or resource limited) effects of the lights on the population density of a species of pea aphid, and in the presence and absence of predators including ladybirds.
Human populations were broken down by geographic area, moving out of East Africa, believed to be the cradle of human civilization, and into western Europe, eastern Asia and southern Africa.
But neighboring Argentine ant colonies that invade new locations often live side by side with nary a scuffle, so there is no in - species mechanism to keep populations down.
Inspired by natural gene drives, researchers have spent decades trying to perfect a system that might endow a population of mosquitoes with a malaria resistance gene, for example, or spread a lethal gene that cuts down a local population of invasive insects or rodents.
Most importantly, we also quantify and characterize the distribution and rate of occurrence of planets down to Earth size with no prior assumptions on their frequency, by subtracting from the population of actual Kepler candidates our simulated population of astrophysical false positives.
Our results suggest that gene dosage is an adaptive trait that confers phenotypic plasticity among natural Leishmania populations by rapid down - or upregulation of transporter proteins to limit the effects of environmental stresses, such as drug selection.
Another big question is whether the ketogenic diet will have advantages for the broad population, or whether we can get most of the benefits just by cutting down on the processed carbs, building up on the healthy fats.
The Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) are at the heart of a complex moral, emotional and psychological battle that divides the Avengers — all but Hulk and Thor, of course, who are off galavanting elsewhere — straight down the middle when they are asked to sign the Sokovia Accords, a peacekeeping effort drawn up by the United Nations in response to the concerns of a growing population that thinks the Avengers are doing more harm than good.
Sent by a team of scientists, he enlists her help to hunt down and kill the man (Zeljko Ivanek) who supposedly introduces the virus into the population two years hence, in 2017.
In the case of Rwandan refugees who are estimated at 1 600 (0.5 % of the global Rwandan refugee population), 4 protection challenges do not only emanate from socio - economic exclusion but also from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)'s recommendation that said Rwandan refugee status be revoked through the invocation of cessation clause in accordance with Articles 1C (5) and 1C (6) of the 1951 Refugee Convention.5 Added to this challenge are also those of insecurity, fear and terror, caused by an unending hunting down of Rwandan refugees who live in South Africa and elsewhere.
When you break the test scores down by ethnicity and weight them by their percentage of the student population, it's interesting to see how both white and Hispanic test gains contributed more to the average score than black gains.
Yes, there were the twenty minutes we spent trapped in the back streets of medieval Pisa, sent down a procession of dead - ends and blocked alleyways and then into a complicated pedestrian - only area by an insistent dashboard robot whose deep confusion attracted the strong disapproval of the local population.
«Fifteen percent of the general public can not walk down the detergent aisle because they get a headache and get congested, and [some] are claiming by 2025, half our population will have some kind of reaction to current deodorizers on the market.»
«We brought the population down by 50 percent,» she said.
An earlier policy to trap, neuter / spay and release feral cats to avoid euthanization was struck down in court by a group that sued because they felt the policy would endanger the city's bird population.
While you can't kill off the fleas that your pet is going to encounter when it goes outside, you can keep the population down in the area around your house by using nematodes.
Although we do not rescue pets, we help keep the shelter population down and pets safe by keeping them at home.
In Delhi, Friendicoes has taken center - stage in the initiative to bring down the stray population; the shelter was assigned to carry out a continuing sterilization drive in Delhi by the municipal corporation.
Slowly but surely, however, there is a movement towards not only accepting the feral cat colonies that call our neighborhoods home, but towards caring for these outdoor cats, cats who provide a service by driving down the rodent population for the homes and businesses in communities all across the country.
By doing your part to keep the pet population down, you are ensuring that shelter animals have a better chance of being adopted.
His mother was killed by a dog near where I worked in a warehouse where cats were used to keep the rat population down.
By carefully observing cats in the community, identifying new ones that need to be altered or may be adoptable, we can keep the population down and eventually see a true decline in the feral cat population.
Esther and her team are hopeful that the Fix By Five campaign will help drive down the kitten population and give some relief to overwhelmed shelters in areas with long kitten seasons.
By 1998, the San Miguel population was down to a few dozen.
And by Underdogs, we mean a band of art activists turning Lisbon upside down with one large scale mural project after another, rivaling cities five times its population.
So, if the sheep population is going down, but you need something going up to do your curve fit, fine — just multiply by a negative number!
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