Sentences with phrase «downstate areas»

Furthermore, there were signs of possible irregularities in downstate areas controlled by Republicans, which Democrats never seriously pressed, since the Republican challenges went nowhere.
While most New Yorkers will get a tax break under the new law, Mujica said 1.7 million residents — mostly higher earning ones from downstate areas where property taxes are especially high — will lose the ability to fully deduct their state and local taxes beginning with the 2018 tax year.
Democrats in the Assembly — most of whom come from downstate areas where the cost of living is higher — were particularly vociferous.
A group of Long Island Assembly Democrats say NYC should not be the only downstate area that benefits from a higher minimum wage proposed by the governor.
The gap in the settlement programs affects upstate because the federal government decides where to send the refugees and has determined that New York City and other downstate areas are too expensive.
Democrats in the state Assembly, who are focused in expensive downstate areas, desperately want the pay increase.
The PSC last month also endorsed proposals to upgrade 156 miles of transmission lines intended to improve the flow of power from Central and Western New York into Downstate areas, where supplies are limited.
Everyone from DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano to Gov. Andrew Cuomo has insisted there was no way of knowing Irene would have such a significant impact on upstate while leaving far less of an imprint on downstate areas like Long Island.
And whether through a sense of mission or political calculation, they've chosen an issue over which there's little partisan disagreement: the need to help hard - hit downstate areas recover from Superstorm Sandy.
Inmates are, generally, from urban downstate areas that elect Democrats but are incarcerated in rural upstate areas that elect Republicans.
ALBANY — State officials are redeploying resources that they had positioned in downstate areas after a major winter blizzard shifted course in the middle of the night.
Public employees in Central New York typically earn less than the statewide average, largely because wage scales in Downstate areas are much higher.
She noted that the majority of legislators hail from downstate areas where the cost of living has risen sharply over the past 17 years, and pointed to the periodic pay bumps that had been provided to members of the New York City Council.
ALBANY — A group of Long Island Assembly Democrats say New York City should not be the only downstate area that benefits from a higher minimum wage proposed by Gov. Cuomo.
The Army Corps of Engineers at the beginning of the last century devised a gravity - driven water system to bring water to the downstate area.
The governor called the storm that pounded the downstate area, but spared most of the upstate region «really very frightening.»
In New York, Reps. Tom Reed and Chris Collins both say that their constituents won't feel the bite of high taxes like New Yorkers in richer, downstate areas.
However — as is also the case with statistics reflecting wealth and economic growth — there is a pronounced disparity in the age profile between upstate and downstate areas.
Cuomo said Upstate needs the help because its economy has lagged that of the downstate area for many years.
While the specific mosquito species known to spread Zika is not native to New York, a related species is present in downstate areas.
But Tom McAlvanah with the Interagency Council, which represents many of the nonprofits in the downstate area, says that even with the subsidies, caregivers are leaving for other jobs where the pay is higher.
We think that an event in upstate New York has the potential to draw people from the downstate area, from New England, bringing people for hotels, they're going to have an economic impact, you know, that would be persuasive.»
There's been an unusual focus on upstate New York among top state politicians from the downstate area in recent weeks.
Property taxes alone often exceed that threshold, particularly in some downstate areas.
«This storm could have a significant impact in communities throughout the downstate area, so I am directing all relevant state agencies to be on alert and ready to respond as the weather develops,» Cuomo said in statement.
He emphasized the volatility of relying on top earners, who are focused in downstate areas and whose income often fluctuates with boom - and - bust cycles of Wall Street.
It was celebrating New York's states passing of a phased in minimum wage to $ 15 in the downstate area, $ 12.50 upstate, and a paid family leave program that is coming online in a few years.
Governor Cuomo has declared a State of Emergency for the downstate area including New York City.
But Tom McAlvanah with the Interagency Council, which represents many of the nonprofits in the downstate area, said that even with the subsidies, caregivers are leaving for other jobs where the pay is higher.
Carson did surprisingly well in some downstate areas.
There has been an unusual focus on upstate New York among top state politicians from the downstate area in recent weeks.
«Based on the current criminal investigation into the SolarCity, Buffalo Billion project, it behooves the administration to be mindful of processes and procedures for the utilization of the transformative investment fund dollars for projects in the downstate area,» said Assemblyman Robin Schimminger, a Democrat from Buffalo who leads the chamber's economic development committee.
A male and female committee person is elected from each county within each State Assembly district, a quirk that balances the voting power of upstate areas where Assembly districts cross county lines and downstate areas where single counties have multiple representatives.
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) is composed of eight members and a chairperson appointed by the governor, of whom three serve as at - large members, and two each representing Cook County, the collar counties and downstate areas.
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