Sentences with phrase «downstate communities»

«I think all of us are on the same page whether we represent downstate communities or upstate or anything in between that we have to help our upstate neighbors with flood damage,» said Sen. Jeff Klein, the leader of the Senate Independent Democratic Conference.
Many Schoharie residents are still rebuilding in the wake of Irene and Lee, while downstate communities ravaged by Sandy are facing final signoffs on requests to FEMA.
Downstate communities also saw a sharp increase, which is largely due to the rebuilding efforts following Superstorm Sandy.
[ii] Downstate communities have below - average effective property tax rates (but above - average per - capita taxes), while effective property tax rates tend to be highest upstate.
Democrats, along with several civil rights groups, attacked the now - adopted district lines as unfairly stacking the deck against Democrats in downstate communities and said they split apart a predominately black and Latino area on Long Island to dilute its mostly Democratic voters into several Republican districts.
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