Sentences with phrase «downstate suburbanites»

While downstate suburbanites are evenly divided, a majority of upstaters and New York City voters are pessimistic,» Greenberg said.
And while it has the intuitive partisan divide with Democrats opposing and Republicans supporting, from a regional perspective the results might be a little counterintuitive as New York City and upstate voters narrowly oppose fracking and a plurality of downstate suburbanites support it,» Greenberg said.
Upstaters agree with the decision by a 21 - point margin, New York City voters support it by a 35 - point margin and downstate suburbanites agree with the decision by an overwhelming 75 - 19 percent margin,» said Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg.
Democrats, New York City voters, independents and downstate suburbanites strongly support free SUNY / CUNY tuition, a Cuomo proposal that is narrowly opposed by upstaters; strongly opposed by Republicans.
Republicans in particular and downstate suburbanites as well as upstaters strongly feel that the common core standards should be stopped.»
«While a majority of New York City voters and a plurality of Democrats think Common Core standards should continue to be implemented, a majority of Republicans, independents and upstaters, and a plurality of downstate suburbanites think implementation should be stopped.
«However, upstate voters moved the most on this question since last month and are now closely divided, while downstate suburbanites are evenly divided.
«Nearly three - quarters of New York City voters support the increase, as do 56 % of downstate suburbanites, however, upstaters are nearly evenly divided,» Greenberg added.
«While a bare majority of Democrats think the country is on the right track, as do a plurality of New York City voters, more than three quarters of Republicans and roughly six in ten independents, downstate suburbanites and upstaters say the country is headed in the wrong direction.»
The circuit - breaker unavoidably delivers bigger average savings to downstate suburbanites than to upstate homeowners, as reflected in the governor's estimate that the average savings will reach $ 1,200 on Long Island, compared to $ 781 upstate.
However, upstate voters moved the most on this question since last month and are now closely divided on this question, while downstate suburbanites are evenly divided.
Delving deeper into the latest numbers, Siena pollster Steve Greenberg said Cuomo is viewed favorably by more than three - quarters of Democrats and New York City voters and favorably by independents and downstate suburbanites.
In New York's Republican contest, «Trump's overall 18 - point lead is even larger among New York City Republicans, who give him a 26 - point lead over Rubio, and downstate suburbanites, who give him a 27 - point lead over Rubio,» Greenburg said.
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