Sentences with phrase «dozen of bills»

Senators approved dozens of bills authorizing localities to charge an extra penny (or more) of sales tax beyond the three percent authorized as of right; Democrats in the Assembly yoked them into an omnibus bill that also extended mayoral control for two years.
Each year, they vote on dozens of bills affecting charter schools, and hear from thousands of constituents - make sure you are one of them
Each year, CCSA tracks dozens of bills affecting charter schools.
The realization spurred state lawmakers to propose dozens of bills meant to promote housing construction.
Lawmakers scrambled to approve dozens of bills before the General Assembly's midnight deadline Wednesday in Hartford.
Instead they've prevented dozens of bills * from even getting a vote, include those passed by the Assembly.
It was sponsored by Assemblyman Michael Cusick, the committee's chair, and Assemblyman Brian Kavanagh, who has sponsored dozens of bills dealing with similar topics in recent years.
The Council then voted on dozens of bills including many that will regulate the real estate industry in New York:
The Assembly adjourned for the evening around 10:40, after considering dozens of bills and passing some that are set to become law, including measures to create a uniform standard of affirmative sexual consent on private colleges and universities around the state and to designate pregnancy as a qualifying event to get health insurance coverage.
Despite authoring dozens of bills each year, in her seven years in the Assembly, no legislation for which Malliotakis was the prime sponsor has made it to the floor — the best she can hope for is that some of her ideas are taken up by the majority.
If you are fortunate enough to be mailing dozens of bills per month, you can provide the cover letter for your top 5 - 10 clients.
We monitor dozens of bills during the annual legislative session as well as draft and pre-file bills applicable to our members.
Planned Parenthood Advocates in Missouri is tracking dozens of bills that impact Missourians» sexual and reproductive health and rights, and other bills impacting Planned Parenthood patients.
As negotiations dragged on, the Senate and Assembly each spent their second - to - last day at the Capitol approving dozens of bills.
Democrats note that half a dozen of these bills have already passed the House, and all 12 are public.
And in what is practically a rite of summer in labor - friendly Albany, there are dozens of bills to «sweeten» the pensions of public workers.
The Assembly passed dozens of bills this week before quitting early on Friday morning.
SAN FRANCISCO — Dozens of bills are filed in Congress relating to cybersecurity and data breaches but many if not most may never see a committee markup let alone a floor vote.
As the Assembly passed dozens of bills, Senate Republicans spent several hours in a closed - door conference discussing the overall framework.
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