Sentences with phrase «dozen of comments»

Within hours she got dozens of comments from both friends and strangers offering her words of support and affirmation.
This is crazy when you realize he gets dozens of comments on each post.
I've had one site for over four years, and while it was active I'd have dozens of comments on every post.
I've got dozens of comments, both public and private.
I received dozens of comments from other lawyer - technologists offering their help and support.
While I would still feel safe using Borax for certain purposes around the house, I've also been experimenting with alternatives, as the mention of borax as an ingredient in a natural cleaning recipe will typically get dozens of comments from those on both sides of the debate and there are safe alternatives.
I did a few searches and found a handful of groups with dozens of comments like this:
The abuse is that of CNN 1) declaring that it had to be moderated, 2) remains so marked 21 hours later, while dozens of comments have followed it.
I get dozens of comments daily trying to sell me authentic Air Jordans and search engine optimization services, so the filter sticks them in the spam box, which is usually very convenient.
The piece was picked up in short order by Teleread and GalleyCat and garnered dozens of comments.
I have seen dozens of comments made by many readers here and on other websites voicing their skepticism.
Over the holiday weekend, dozens of comments began to pile up on my original post, some of which showed that not all of the LRW community supported the letter sent to YLS.
«My heart is broken for Beverly's family,» reads one of dozens of comments left on a Facebook page in Carter's memory.
Just one example of many — go to Google search and type in the search bar: REM Carolyne L and dozens of my comments over the years will come up.
Now, there are dozens of comments from readers who have remineralized their own teeth, and dozens more from readers and dental professionals who claim this isn't possible.
I scrolled down dozens of comments on several sites and it turned out to be that people still have problems when adopting a puppy.
Katy / Mercedes — I don't doubt that this has been written about many other places (see also: the dozens of comments here from people who said they learned the technique from a friend or grandmother), but I didn't look to see where because as I mentioned in an earlier comment (# 255), I figured it out on my own (and through the suggestion of a friend from college).
Which is of course why you have NEVER, in all your dozens and dozens of comments, given ANY reason why eliminating the demand for fossil fuels must necessarily cause any economic downturn whatsoever.
Wow, no comment for window based Tab, I wonder if it was android tab then here would have dozens of comment.
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