Sentences with phrase «dozen of emails»

I started to receive dozens of emails from people with cancer asking me what to do and people with infertility issues about how to treat their disorder.
I have received dozens of emails from women interested in losing weight with PCOS, but they can't afford a gym membership, yoga classes or a personal trainer.
Every week we get dozens of emails from people asking about supplements: which ones are bogus, which ones are legit, and if they even need to bother at all.
Likewise, having the right mentality will also help that man who's written dozens of emails and only gets one or two responses.
He admitted on the witness stand to altering dozens of emails and breaking dozens of contracts.
You can talk on the phone for hours and send dozens of emails back and forth, but you'll still learn something new from their body language when you meet them in person.
Doing so will help her stand out to a busy recruiter who is reading dozens of emails every day.
It's true I'm uncomfortable «selling» to my list, because I get dozens of emails of crap every day and I hate that stuff.
We receive dozens of emails a week asking various questions.
I get dozens of emails from financial advisors across the country who want to start their own practice.
For business users, it means they'll be able to fire off dozens of emails in less time and with fewer spelling errors and smudges on their phone display.
I met in person with him on at least three occasions and exchanged dozens of emails where he only checked a few specific quotes.
Advocates rallied with dozens of emails sent to the Residential and Manufactured Structures Board, and they filled the room at the public hearing.
And Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R - Juneau, named as a co-recipient of dozens of emails sent to other lawmakers, released just 10 contacts.
Instead of trying to monitor dozens of emails or use a scrap of paper to write down your account numbers and passwords, you can let AwardWallet hold the account information and log in on your behalf to update itself on a regular basis.
Unless a writer wants to be greeted in the morning with dozens of emails containing Richard J. Hofstadter's 1964 essay, «The Paranoid Style in American Politics,» he or she should either be ready to produce evidence that a co-ordinated conspiracy of cleansing is afoot, or find another word.
And dozens of emails introduced at trial show Percoco weighing in on state decisions both big and small, from hiring to policy matters.
The USGS released dozens of emails, but they were also heavily redacted.
Dozens of emails presented at trial over the last five weeks show conversations between former top governor's aide Joseph Percoco and Syracuse developers Steven Aiello and Joseph Gerardi.
Brookes, who was outed amid legal threats in 2013 after only 6 months, says he would «routinely write dozens of emails [to journal editors], and it was common to have no response at all.»
Rather than visit each blog individually or wade through dozens of emails, I wanted content pushed to me on one screen so that I could focus on reading rather than searching.
The problem with this is less readers will join, because they don't want to get signed up on dozens of email lists; and most authors will just email them info about their books right away, which will be seen as scammy.
Clinton's campaign and supportive super PACs, meanwhile, sent out dozens of emails challenging Trump's facts as the speech was delivered.
Every week we get dozens of email solicitations from so - called SEO experts using pre-emptive defenses.
There are dozens of email marketing services, but we have had the most success with Constant Contact.
Many people she works with have dozens of email folders, which can make for frantic and fruitless searching.
Exchanging dozens of emails and phone calls before meeting in person may feel safer, but a date is a more efficient way of gathering information.
Methodology: Each week, the Home Buying Institute receives dozens of emails from home buyers.
The Town of Oyster Bay is opposing attempts by federal prosecutors to get complete copies of dozens of emails and other documents in the corruption case against former Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano, his wife Linda, and former Oyster Bay Town Supervisor John Venditto.
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Shortly after that article was published, I began receiving dozens of emails from whiny Android fanboys.
Woodrow told Lonely Planet that she gets dozens of emails from readers who are scared to travel solo.
Do you rush into your day responding to dozens of emails and letting other people define your priorities for you?
What happened is all of a sudden, I'm getting dozens of emails, DMs on Instagram, with people saying the app's not working.»
I've received dozens of emails, Twitter messages and tips from readers around the world.
When I step back, when I think of my life afresh, it's pretty darn impressive how much I can get accomplished in a given day: writing an 800 - word blog post, responding to dozens of emails, running three miles on the treadmill, making dinner, praying, checking in on friends, keeping the faith when it's hard, working on my marriage, resting, finally unpacking our suitcases four days after we returned from our road trip, and FINISHING A FREAKING BOOK.
It had more than 111,000 hits in a week, and we have had dozens and dozens of emails from people in response, many who agree.
Every week I am receiving dozens of emails from parents for whom the informaiton I am sharing was THE resource they needed to move away from purees towards self feeding a variety of textures and flavors.
Labour Shadow Minister: dozens of emails from party members calling Corbyn to go.
The town has asserted attorney - client privilege among its arguments and opposed handing over unredacted copies of dozens of emails and other documents.
«This is a case with dozens of witnesses, dozens of emails
I have received dozens of emails from people who have used this toothpaste or my regular remineralizing toothpaste and had good results.
Since then, I have received dozens of emails from people who unfortunately discovered firsthand how green smoothies can negatively affect health, sometimes devastatingly so.
F is for First Date Fashion You've exchanged dozens of emails, perhaps texts and even phone calls, but suddenly reality bites: it's all very well preparing your best conversational openers and show - stopping anecdotes, but what on earthwill you wear?
Exchanging dozens of emails and phone calls before meeting in person.
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