Sentences with phrase «dozen of enemies»

It wasn't difficult to keep fighting with dozens of enemies attacking at once.
For a game that can have dozens of enemies on the screen at a single time, it can be distracting if the units have too many details or colors.
There's just one problem: you'll be going up against dozens of enemy tanks.
This game is pretty fun at times, fighting dozens of enemy's while you die from a bullet isn't fun.
The days of piling up dozens of enemy bodies in the streets are over, but walking away from an encounter alive is surprisingly more satisfying now.
Among the enemies to fight there are humans and various types of victims of the virus among which there are hordes that consist of a few dozen of enemies.
If you haven't played one before they're vaguely similar to an old scrolling beat «em - up, in that it's your character, and optionally a co-op partner, against the world as you carve your way through dozens of enemies at a time.
Blasting through dozens of enemies while evading obstacles in this rapid - paced arcade shooter is an insanely nerve - wrecking task to accomplish.
Some players think that the game is a complicated mess, offering up so much customization and depth that people can easily get lost in the game's menus, only to fall in battle at the hands of dozens of enemy mechs.
At first glance a genre focused on frenetic combat in which heroes can kill dozens of enemies with just a few blows and eliminate literally thousands of foes in each battle might seem a strange fit for a series better known for its slow - paced, turn - based, one - on - one combat.
Each of the game's three pyramids feature a particular theme of Egypt, with dozens of enemy types out for blood.
The environments are stunning to look at, and even when dozens of enemy ships are flying around the screen, the performance never stutters.
Not only will the game feature Link battling dozens upon dozens of enemies at once, something he isn't really known for, but it will also have a 2 - player local co-op mode (not really known for that either)!
Defeat dozens of enemies, as Shaq learns new moves, travels to unique locations and battles the legions of the damned.
Blasting through dozens of enemies while evading obstacles in this rapid - paced arcade shooter is an insanely nerve - wrecking task to accomplish.
Lococycle blends the feeling of an old arcade shooter and beat «em up, allowing players to combine these skills to wreck combo - heavy chaos as dozens of enemies come charging at you.
Battles take place one skirmish at time, with dozens of enemies coming at or surrounding you.
The Warriors games have long been about hacking and slashing dozens of enemies at a time, but they're often also kind of janky and bug - addled.
The textures and areas aren't very detailed, but that's expected as the focus of the game is to plough through dozens of enemies without issue.
Every battle starts off with a chaotic look to it, as dozens of enemies shoot at each other in a cloud of red laser blasts flying back and forth.
Remember, this game is modeled after Dynasty Warrior's signature style, meaning you'll often be facing dozens of enemies at once.
Not to mention there are dozens upon dozens of enemies for players to kill, to the point that they literally flood the entire screen.
This is slightly alleviated since you have the option of using the circle button to cycle to the enemy you want to attack, but more times than not the dogfights involve dozens of enemy ships, so cycling through them is a lengthy and laborious task.
A third person shooter / slasher set in a sci - fi universe, you play as a Tenno, a recently awoken warrior created to kill dozens of enemies per mission.
Each mission has wide array of modes.Tracking, slaughtering, looting, defense and so on.You can eliminate dozen of enemy fighters and ground units using only one shot, Le Prieur rocket.
The original Dragon Force made it to the U.S., and it was one of the best games on the Saturn, featuring deep tactical gameplay and gorgeous sprite - based battles between dozens of enemies.
Take on dozens of enemies utilising everything in your arsenal — ranged and melee weapons, special powers, acrobatic skills and even time manipulating abilities.
Only when the game throws dozens of enemies at you at once does it really get challenging — and even then it doesn't come close to the challenges posed by F.E.A.R. And Raven's attempts to expand the basic gameplay with a few scenes of vehicular combat, while admirable, enjoy only mild success, coming off more like chapters in an arcade rail - shooter from eight years ago than anything a modern shooter should have.
Initially very easy, Gain Ground quickly improves as the screens fill up with dozens of enemy sprites and other pitfalls.
Part of the appeal of this type of game is looking at a field of dozens of enemies and knowing \» yeah, I can take \»em all.
You pilot a ship through different sectors and fight against dozens of enemy types and combat turrets.
This tablet easily handled the demanding Sky Gamblers - Infinite Jets game; I zoomed around Rio with dozens of enemies on screen, and the animations stayed silky smooth as I tried to evade missile attacks and land some of my own.
Combat in Okami is smooth and enjoyable and there are dozens of enemy types with different attack abilities, patterns, and weaknesses.
Defeat dozens of enemies, as Shaq learns new moves, travels to unique locations and battles the legions of the damned.
At first glance a genre focused on frenetic combat in which heroes can kill dozens of enemies with just a few blows and eliminate literally thousands of foes in each battle might seem a strange fit for a series better known for its slow - paced, turn - based, one - on - one combat.
Dozens of enemy ships will swarm around you while your AI buddies attempt to pick them off, resulting in a beautiful haze of lasers and explosions.
This tablet easily handled the demanding Sky Gamblers - Infinite Jets game; I zoomed around Rio with dozens of enemies on screen, and the animations stayed silky smooth as I tried to evade missile attacks and land some of my own.
While the increased combat speed helps here, it doesn't remove the tedium of auto - battling your way through dozens of enemies to get just that little bit stronger.
Most of all, God of War 3 improves the level of technical polish from the previous title with high - definition graphics, huge character models via the Titans, and battles that have Kratos facing off against dozens of enemies at once.
Knowing where any of the dozens of enemies are yields a small amount of confidence, but it's a minor consolation when every corner you turn may present unpredictable challenges.
That cathartic sensation when mowing down dozens of enemies with each swing of a sword has become somewhat of a trademark for the series.
Pros: The game is extremely well put together, with excellent visuals and dozens of enemies with unique and relatively complex powers.
Devastating is about the only way to describe it; characters will face off against dozens of enemies at a time, unleashing massive attacks which throw them back or colossal finishing moves which call upon Zelda's light arrows or even the power of the Triforce.
Each character also has a «Warrior Special Attack,» which can be used once a meter is filled up to annihilate the dozens of enemies around the player or deal massive damage to more critical enemies.
Using a similar engine to Dynasty Warriors, Tecmo Koei are developing a Zelda title where Link fends off dozens of enemies at a time, with previous bosses from the series fighting alongside smaller foes.
The basic framework of a Dynasty Warriors game is still there, in that you start with one of a handful of characters, level them up as you complete missions by defeating dozens and dozens of enemies, and eventually unlock more and more powerful playable allies so that you can tackle more difficult missions going forward.
Not only that, you can now team up with an ally to perform a fusion attack that has the potential to mow down dozens of enemies.
The new rage mode makes it even more fun because it amps up your attacks even more and can take down dozens of enemies at once.
That extends to gameplay, too — you can easily spot heroes by highlighting them with one button, but seeing which of the dozens of enemies on screen has been targeted is an exercise in futility.
The action never falters in the slightest, even with dozens of enemies on the screen at once.
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